Year A Learning Objectives A U T U M N Brilliant Bridges Traditional tales Forces / electricity Dt making bridges History of & location of bridges Programming Creativity Creativity in maths To collect and record data in a table (spreadsheet). To present information in pictograms and/or block graphs. Applying ICT in society Reports / recounts linked to trip or topic Use 2graph (Purplemash) to collect and record data about children’s favourite healthy drinks after tasting and evaluating a range as part of a DT unit of work. Use 2graph to present this information. Bridges- how is ICT used to design and control bridges Switched on ICT unit 1.1 and 2.3 as a support and starting point Safety To understand that not everyone that we meet online will be trustworthy. To understand that stranger danger exists online as well as offline. To know who to speak to if someone you don’t know upsets you online. To recognise what information is safe to share online. To understand the importance of checking with an adult before participating in the online environment. To know what to do if you see content that makes you feel uncomfortable. To know the rules of how to use technology safely and respectfully. To know who to speak to if someone you know upsets you online. Y1 Hector’s World – reminder of AUP for children, safety when using passwords. Use the Smartie the Penguin /teachers/ks1/readsmartie.a spx /Digi duck book /teachers/ks1/digiduck.aspx resources and follow up Other Basic skills- turn on/ off, log in, open file, save, retrieve using PC, laptop and IPads Research linked to topics Maths games Phonics games with pupils creating their own safety story or a helping digi duck create a list of rules. Learning Objectives S P R I N G Amazing Journeys Reports, adventure stories Earth in space/ plants & life cycles/ humans & healthy Significant historical events Around the world journeys to different countries & continents DT transport Learning Objectives To explore controlling a turtle using simple single Instructions (forward, backward left, right) and units of distance. Beebots- basic introduction using maths (position & direction) Use Bee-bot to navigate around an environment using a story as a context. Use 2go (Purplemash) to navigate the rocket to a planet Music- use RM music or Purplemash, listening to and creating music from other cultures Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school e.g. computers, mobiles, barcodes, satellites, scanners, walkie talkies etc. Remind through weekly sessions when logging on and off, using passwords for Ebug , Numbergym & Mymaths E-Safety Day - February Data handling using Purplemash 2 simple to link with maths and science S U M M E R Amazing Castles Fairy tales Light & sound Castles throughout time, location of castles, Ludlow castle Light and sound simulations using BBC science clips simulations *Story Maker- use book creator software to create own stories and books linked to literacy and topic Report linked to castles retrieving, manipulating and presenting information Revision of Autumn- Internet safety when researching topics- discussion about how to search, key words, safe sites Research skillscastles