Thoreau and King Rhetorical Analysis

Injustice Anywhere…Compare/contrast
rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s
“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and Henry
David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.”
In a 2-3 page cogent essay, please note the similarities and differences between
King’s Letter and Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience. Be sure to categorize similar
techniques not only according to whether they make up a logos, ethos, or pathos
rhetorical strategy, but more importantly what is the specific purpose behind the
strategy. I’d expect there to be no more than 3 major sets of similarities and 3 of
difference. You should know that I will probably find extremely obvious points of
analysis (“King uses references to religious figures because he is talking to
clergymen.”) irksome. Look for less obvious, more penetrating connections that
add to the understanding of the rhetorical strategies of both men. Look for places
that illustrate a rhetorical strategy that one would not notice unless you were
looking for it.
The Silva Rhetoricae: An exhaustive compendium of rhetorical figure and
The Figaro figures: A much more accessible list and set of examples for common
rhetorical figures
American Rhetoric: A audio database of rhetorical strategies as well as great
speeches made by Americans
Rhetorical Figures of Style: A good and incisive list of rhetorical terms.
Compare and Contrast Essays: The Guide to Grammar and Writing Way…or the
Book Rags way.
Or…there is always Wikipedia!
40 points
40 points
20 points
Strong use of evidence (quoting, specific examples)
Incisive and meaningful analysis of strategies.
Clear organization
100 points