
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in
Western Europe
Name: _________________________________
Period: ________________________________
Date: ___________________________
Date Due: _______________________
2.1~ Introduction (page 19)
1.) Rome fell in the year of 476 c.e. What started after the fall of Rome? ____________________________________________________
2.) What is feudalism and why was it needed? _________________________________________________________________________
3.) Looking at the image on page 19, what does it illustrate about the system of feudalism? ___________________________________
4.) What groups of people are part of the feudal pyramid? ________________________________________________________________
5.) Label the Feudal Pyramid with the groups of people:
6.) What do you notice about the shape of the
pyramid and how it relates to the power
within the feudal society?
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe ~ Czulada
2.2 ~ Western Europe During the Middle Ages (pages 20-21)
1.) Why did Europe have a central government after Rome fell? ________________________________________________________
2.) What group usually had the most power during this time period when Europe didn’t have a central government? Why?
3.) Why were the Franks a successful barbaric group?
4.) Why was Charlemagne thought to be the most important leader of the Franks? List three of his ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
5.) Charlemagne was crowned “Holy Roman Emperor” by the Catholic Church in 800 c.e. Why would this be significant as a leader?
6.) Why did Charlemagne’s empire fall apart after his death? _____________________________________________________________
7.) What did Charlemagne do for his knights that became the framework for feudalism in Europe? _______________________________
8.) What was the MAIN reason for feudalism? (Think about the attacks from the Muslims, Magyars, and the Vikings.)
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe ~ Czulada
2.3 ~ Feudalism: Establishing Order (page 22)
1.) During the High Middle Ages, what two groups owned most of the land in Europe?
2.) Why do you think people who were born into a certain social class (peasants, knights, nobles, and monarchs) had the same social
position as well as job throughout their entire life and the life of future children? ______________________________________________
2.4 ~
Monarchs During Feudal Times (page 23)
1.) What was the job of a monarch (king or queen) ? ___________________________________________________________________
2.) Why was William known as William the Conqueror? _______________________________________________________________
3.) What concept did William the Conqueror bring to England? __________________________________________________________
Note: We will discuss The Battle of Hastings during a class discussion/presentation.
2.5 ~ Lords and Ladies During Feudal Times (pages 24-25)
1.) Why were castles important within the lord’s community? _____________________________________________________________
2.) List five features of a castle:
3.) What were the duties of a lord who “owned” the manor? ______________________________________________________________
4.) If someone stated that living in a manor home/castle was glamorous, what evidence could you state that it wasn’t always a great
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe ~ Czulada
2.6 ~ Knights During Feudal Times(pages 26-27)
1.) Why was it costly to be a knight during the Middle Ages? _____________________________________________________________
2.) List the jobs as well as the age of each stage in order to become a knight:
Page: Age _____________ ~ Job description: ___________________________________________________________________________
Squire: Age ____________ ~ Job description: ___________________________________________________________________________
Knight: Age _________ ~ Job description: ___________________________________________________________________________
3.) What new technology ended the profession of “knights” during the Middle Ages? ___________________________________________
2.7 ~ Peasants During Feudal Times(pages 28-29)
1.) What was the main purpose of having peasants on your manor? _________________________________________________________
2.) What was the difference between “Free” and “Unfree” peasansts? ______________________________________________________
3.) Define these terms which were connected to peasants:
Head money: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tallage: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Merchet: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
What do these terms tell you about a peasant’s life on the feudal manor? ____________________________________________________
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe ~ Czulada
Chapter 2 ~ The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe ~ Czulada