Feudal Japan (Similarities)

Feudal Japan (Similarities)
Loyalty to who? Shogun
Rode horses samurai
Code of Honor = Bushido
Armor, swords (steel, metal)
Feudal Japan (Differences)
Based on morals aka Confucianism,
Buddhism, etc.
Choose their heirs, not having to be blood
(early on via Shotoku)
Did not consider women to be as fragile,
samurai wives had to be tough
Warriors were skilled in the arts,
Samurai suicide was honorable
Enforcement of feudalism in Japan, morals,
not one unified faith or institution
Feudal Europe (Similarities)
Loyalty to who? Lords
Rode horses knights
Code of Honor = Chivalry
Armor, swords (steel, metal)
Feudal Europe (Differences)
Based on Roman Laws
European wife of knight was our western
interpretation of “fragile” lady, delicate
European knights did not feel the arts were
masculine enough, too womanly
Suicide not permissible for Europeans
Church in Europe, religion enforce
feudalism in Europe