Black and Ethnic Minority Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Consultation Background Your comments are important in contributing to establishing a strong and vibrant BME voluntary and community sector in Derby. Voluntary and community sector infrastructure organisations are organisations whose principal function is concerned with providing support to other voluntary organisations. Such support may be in the form of help and advice, by provision of services, or by representation in the policy making process. They play a supporting, co-ordinating, representative, policy making and development role for other voluntary and community organisations BME voluntary and community organisations whether large, medium or small need help, advice and assistance to fulfil their objectives. Infrastructure organisations meet this need by building capacity through the provision of advice and direct assistance on a wide range of issues and provide a channel for cross sector communication. We would like to know your views about the availability and quality of this support in Derby. Derby’s overarching goal is to increase the effectiveness of organisations working with and for Black and Ethnic Minority communities across the city and to develop a stronger strategic and influencing voice, so as to improve the opportunities and quality of life of ethnic minorities in Derby. 1 1. How would you rate the support available for BME voluntary and community groups from other voluntary sector organisations? By support we mean advice, guidance, signposting, training etc. Please put a cross in one box per row Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Fairly Satisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Not applicable Recruit and retain management and leadership staff for your organisation Recruit and retain trained staff for your organisation Find volunteers for your organisation Find trustees/managemen t committee members for your organisation Access advice and support for your organisation Ensure you have enough space to operate (eg office space) Maintain sufficient financial reserve Apply for funding or bid for contracts Access training Work together with other vcs organisations to influence local decisions Work together with other vcs organisations to deliver local services 2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support available to BME voluntary and community groups Please put a cross in one box per row Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Fairly Satisfied 2 Very dissatisfied Don’t know Not applicable 3. Have you received any support from other voluntary and community sector organisations over the past three years? Yes No If so please state which organisation(s): Yes No Community Action Derby (formerly Derby CVS) Derby Millennium Network Derby Racial Equality Council Other (please state) 4. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support available from these voluntary and community sector organisation? Please put a cross in one box per row Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Fairly Satisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know Not applicable Community Action Derby (formerly Derby CVS Derby Millennium Network Derby Racial Equality Council Other (please state) So that we can tell which BME community groups are receiving support, please identify which ethnic minority community or communities you mostly support. All BME communities Specific BME communities - please say which If you would like any feedback on your comments, please state your organisation’s name and your contact details: Name of organisation: Telephone: Your name: Email: 3 Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. This survey will run from August 2009 to the end of October 2009. Please ensure that your response reaches us within this time. Please return this completed questionnaire by email to: Or by post to: Vivene McCalla, Voluntary Sector Co-ordinator, Derby City Council, Corporate and Adult Social Services, Room 145 ,1st Floor, Council House, PO Box 6292, Corporation Street, Derby, DE1 2ZL 4