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Workshop invitation
Making equality, social justice and human rights real – strategic
communications workshop.
We are all working to secure dignity, respect, justice and equality for the
people we work with, but who isn’t frustrated with the negative tone of
public debate about these issues? Research into audience attitudes tells
us that we are far from winning the argument, and too many people don’t
see the relevance to their lives.
HEAR would like to invite you to a workshop, in collaboration with
Equally Ours, to explore how using values-based, strategic
communications could challenge this negative debate. Drawing on new
research, we will explore how we talk about equality and human rights
and which messages connect with an audience that doesn’t know how
human rights, intolerance and discrimination are relevant to their
everyday lives.
This session is for activists, communicators and campaigners, and
anyone working for an organisation or group supporting or representing
those who may be marginalised or discriminated against. We will think
about how we achieve lasting change, get our messages across to those
who need to hear them, and have a more positive conversation.
The session will also provide a ‘train the trainer’ session to help you to
take your learning from the event back to your organisations and
colleagues and put them into practical use.
When: March 17th 2014. 09:30 for a 10am start to 4pm
Where: The Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London
Nearest station: Shoreditch High Street (London Overground), Old
Street (Northern Line), Liverpool Street (Circle, Hammersmith and City,
Central lines)
New Inn Yard is just off Great Eastern Street and bus 205 runs past the
end of New Inn Yard.
Go to: for map and directions
This is a free event for people working in London for voluntary and
community sector organisations on the equality, social justice and
human rights agenda. Places are limited so are restricted to one person
per organisation.
To book a place at this workshop please complete the attached booking
form and email to Christine:
HEAR is the London network of equalities organisations and acts as a
strong pan-equalities voice and source of knowledge and expertise on
issues impacting on London's voluntary and community sector.
HEAR is a London for All partner. ‘London for All’ is a London Councils’
funded project designed to capacity build London’s voluntary and
community sector. ‘London for All’ can help your organisation
strengthen its knowledge and skills, work more effectively and efficiently,
deliver more accessible services and better support service users.
The partnership project led by London Voluntary Service Council offers
insight and learning from a collective 200 years of experience, plus
understanding of the practical application of such expertise. ‘London for
All’ partners include Race on the Agenda, Women’s Resource Centre,
Lasa, HEAR and LVSC.
Equally Ours is a partnership between eight national charities who have
come together to raise awareness of how human rights benefit us all in
everyday life. We work as a communications hub, helping others to talk
confidently and positively about the human rights safety net that protects
us all. Find out more at