GRAMIN KRISHI MAUSAM SEWA Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Sub Tropical Conditions of Jammu Region Issued Jointly by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology Jammu and India Meteorological Department Agromet Research Centre, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha-180009 No. Au/Am/15-16/1969-71 Bulletin No: 56/2015-16 Dated: 13-10-2015 Website: Weather Summary Phone:0191-2263891 Reasi Weather summary of previous 5 days 8th to12th October, 2015) Fax: 0191-2263891 29.4-30.4 Range of Max. Temperature (0C) 18.6-19.7 0 Range of Min. Temperature ( C) 0.0 Range of Relative Humidity (%) 63-84 Rainfall (mm) Ensembled forecast for next 5 days (0830 hrs, 14th to 18th October, 2015) Date Rainfall (mm) Max. temperature (oC) Min. temperature (oC) Total cloud cover (Okta) Relative humidity (17:30) (%) Relative humidity (08:30) (%) Wind speed (km/hr.) Wind direction (degrees) 14/10/15 15/10/15 16/10/15 17/10/15 18/10/15 0 30 19 1 80 65 2 60 0 30 19 1 80 65 1 70 0 30 19 1 80 65 1 50 0 30 18 1 80 65 1 50 0 30 18 1 80 65 1 65 WEATHER FORECAST BASED ON AGROMET ADVISORIES W.E.F. 14th to 18th October, 2015 Crop Stage Fallow Land Rice Coarse Weather based Agro- advisories The fields that have been vacated after harvesting of maize and pulse crops are required to be ploughed and planked for conservation of moisture to keep them ready for succeeding rabi crops. Harvest the crop when 80% of the grains turn golden and keep rice heaps in the field for drying to allow remaining grains to mature before threshing. Semi-fine Physiological maturity Harvesting Basmati Milking Maize Harvest/post harvest Fodder (Berseem) Irrigated Sowing Apply irrigation as per requirement of crop. Monitor for the brown spot of rice and if noticed apply propiconazole @ 0.1% (1ml/lt of water). Monitor for sheath blight of rice and if noticed give foliar application of carbendazim @ 0.1% (1gm/lt of water). Harvest the crop. De husk the harvested cobs. Shelled grains should be properly cleaned & dried up to <10% moisture for safe storage. Clean and disinfect stores. Plug all holes, cracks, crevices with cement. Sowing of berseem (Vardan, mascavi, pusa giant, BL-1) crop may be taken up. Apply 25 tonnes/ha of FYM one week before sowing during preparatory tillage. Apply fertilizer @50 kg P2O5 /ha and 30 kg N/ha at the time of sowing. If the crop is sown for the first time in the field, inoculate seed with Rhizobium (Rhizobium trifolii) culture, For the control of stem rot disease, avoid sowing berseem crop in stem rot infested field by following 3-4 years of crop rotation. Spray cypermethrin @ 1ml/lt water for management of saw fly. Oilseed Toria Gobi sarson/ Mustard (Irrigated) (Unirrigated) Early vegetative Use yellow sticky traps (5/kanal) for mustard aphid. Farmers may go for thinning and hoeing in 15-20 days old crop to provide proper spacing. Give first irrigation to 30 days old crop. Farmers may go for sowing of Gobi Sarson and mustard. Treat the seed with captan or thiram @ 3g/kg seed before sowing for management of alternaria blight, white rust and downy mildew. Apply whole quantity of phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and half of nitrogen at the time of sowing. Apply 2/3rd of nitrogen, whole quantity of phosphorus, potassium and sulphur as basal dose. GRAMIN KRISHI MAUSAM SEWA Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Sub Tropical Conditions of Jammu Region Issued Jointly by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology Jammu and India Meteorological Department Agromet Research Centre, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha-180009 Floriculture Chrysanthemum Vegetative Spray chrysanthemum with bavistin or DM-45 @ 1gm/lt or 2gm/lt respectively to keep away fungal diseases. Marigold/Winter annuals Vegetables Transplanting Transplant winter season annuals and seedlings of Marigold. Cole crops Transplant Peas Midseason sowing Use sticky traps (5/kanal) and pheromone trap (1/kanal) for monitoring/ mass trapping of insect pest. Transplant all cole crops (knol khol, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli) by 15th of October. . Sow mid season peas varieties (AP-3, P-89). Garlic Complete sowing of garlic sowing Leafy vegetables Horticulture Give initial weeding and hoeing to crops like spinach, coriander and fenugreek. Weeding/hoeing Young/Bearing Mango/Citrus/ Guava Button mushroom (A bispora) Compost preparation Spawned bags Apiculture Live stock: Dairy animals, Dr Meenakshi Gupta Head (Agrometeorology) Irrigate plant as and when required. Apply light dose of nitrogen to weak and pale plants. Remove tying material from bud/graft. Spray 2,4-D @ 10kg/lt against citrus fruit drop. Spray streptocycline @ 100 ppm to control citrus canker in citrus plants. Spray carbaryl 50WP @ 2 gm/lt to check fruit sucking moth in citrus. Remove dry shoots and destroy them to control mango scale and shoot borer. Spray copper oxychloride @3gm/lt to control anthracnose in mango. Flood mango orchards to kill the eggs of mealy bug. Check the prepared compost for moisture, Ph and ammonia smell. If ammonia smell persists give one extra turning, spawm the compost accordingly. Relative humidity level of 85% should be maintained in the cropping room and close the cropping room for build up of carbon dioxide. Give sugar feeding (1:1). Migrate colonies to areas having floral resources. Reduce wasp attack by reducing the entrance of hives and destruction of wasp nest giving baits. Calcium should be supplemented in the diet of dairy animal as rice straw feeding leads to depletion of Ca levels in the blood thereby reduces milk yield and general health condition. Deworming of all livestock needs to be done against helminths using fenbendazole or closantel. Dr Veena Sharma Technical Officer