INTEGRATED AGROMET ADVISORY SERVICES RRTTS,OUAT, G.UDAYAGIRI, KANDHAMAL-762100 (ORISSA MULTIMODEL ENSEMBLE BASED DISTRICT LEVEL WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE STATE : ODISHA ISSUED ON: 09.05.2014 VALID TILL 08:30 IST OF THE NEXT 5 DAYS DISTRICT : GAJAPATI 10/05 11/05 12/05 13/05 14/05 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------Rainfall (mm) 11 15 0 0 0 Max Temperature ( deg C) 34 34 38 40 40 Min Temperature ( deg C) 23 22 24 25 25 Total cloud cover (octa) 7 8 7 7 3 Max Relative Humidity (%) 87 91 89 87 66 Min Relative Humidity (%) 45 54 48 31 27 Wind speed (kmph) 009 006 006 008 009 Wind direction (deg) 202 289 292 283 284 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Collect the soil samples from crop field and submit for testing at nearest soil testing laboratory. Consult your Agriculture Officer with soil test report before applying fertilizer to crops. 2. Go for non paddy crops in the unbounded upland and take up early sowing by mid June to avoid terminal drought. 3. Go for early nursery sowing and complete transplanting of paddy crop as far as possible by the end of July to1 st week of August. 4. Select short duration varieties like Sahabhagi, Khandagiri, Kalinga-3, Jogesh, Sidhant etc. for bonded up land and medium duration rice varieties like MTU-1010, Lalat, Konarka, Surendra, Nabin, MTU-1001 etc. in medium land. 5. Go for line sowing of rice followed by early beushaning and weeding. This will avoid the rainfall required for transplanting, and over-aged seedlings, if transplanted late. 6. Basal application of Phosphorus (P) and Potash (K) fertilizers is advisable. K is important for tolerance to moisture deficit. 7. Collect improved and HYV non paddy seeds from license holder seed dealer. Groundnut: The crop is at pegging stage Irrigate the crop at this critical stage. The soil should not be disturbed at this stage. To control white grub and termite apply Chloripyriphos @2 ml/l of water Sunflower- Seed formation stage Harvest the crop as the heads turn yellow. Summer Green gram: The crop is at flowering to pod formation stage. The higher differential between day and night temperature will aggravate whitefly problem. Use yellow sticky traps and spray Dimethoate/Triazophos @2ml/litre of water to control whitefly population As leaf eating caterpillar has been noticed, spray Indoxacarb@1ml/litre to control it. Vegetables: Brinjal – If the crop is affected by fruit and shoot borer within one month of planting then destroy the affected plant parts and spray Thiacloprid@500ml/ha or Emamectin benzoate 175g/ha. -In case of wilt, spray Fluzilazole@175ml/ha. Due to hot and dry weather, flowering and fruit setting is a problem now-a-days in Porwal. Apply hormone Fantac Plus@250ml/h to enhance flowering and fruiting. Ladies Finger- Fruit and Pod borer is a problem now-a-days. Spray Spinosad@175ml/ha. Pisiculture Maintain average water depth at 5ft level in the pond. Feed fishes with oil cake: bran mixture at 2% of their body weight daily. Start partial harvesting of fishes above ABW 750g. Animal science: Outside grazing of animals should not be allowed between 11AM to 3 pm. Salt lick should be given to the animals to lick at their will. Sufficient clean drinking water should be provided to animals. In case of high yielding cattle, use anti-stress medicine. Tick menace is common now-a-days. Ectoparasiticides should be used to control it. In case of poultry, Appropriate floor space should be provided to poultry birds. Proper ventilation in the interior of the shed should be assured to birds. Water should be sprayed on the roof and interior areas of house to avoid heat stress to birds. NODAL OFFICER-CUM-ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH, RRTTS, OUAT,G.UDAYAGIRI, KANDHAMAL,ODISHA