Transition Services From CCTS

Resource for Transition Services
The Center for Change in Transition Services, based out of Seattle University, has prepared online
Transition Training Modules, and encourages states to make them available to their teachers,
administrators and transition teams.
This site has a wealth of information on resources,
includes videos of students telling stories about
their experiences, and links to information on each
of the six components on the Transition Services
Flow Chart.
The following page shows the menu of modules.
These materials are intended as a training resource for practitioners as they develop Individual
Education Programs (IEP’s) and can be used in conjunction with the Online Transition Training
Modules. The materials are presented to illustrate the transition process as it is applied to the
components required by IDEA 2004. These materials can be used for individual topic review, or for
group staff development activities. After using these materials teachers, administrators and staff
will be able to identify the transition components required to be evident in each IEP and will be able
to document the information in its appropriate place.