2007/05/21 - Salumet and friends

PLANET AERAH – 21st May 2007.
Richard: Not as such. It’s not much, if you imagine,
the ground is like glue, like when lava gets cooled
very quickly, and it swirls, and you get a large open
ground of swirly ground…like that but with some
sort of plant almost shaped like a teepee, (giggles)
with like arms coming out of the top of it (mm). But
it’s very purple. I think that’s because of the
Jan: Yes sometimes it can look purple or sometimes
I’ve seen it with a greenish hue, within it.
Richard: I haven’t seen anybody yet though.
Jan: Just ask them to show themselves to you.
Richard: It’s really like jelly. The whole thing’s just
like a big bowl of not quite set jelly (mm).
Bonniol: It is good, you are seeing our planet.
Jan, laughing: Hello!
Sarah: Hello Bonniol.
You have a better way to describe it than I can at
the moment.
Jan: Yes, because it’s using our words mainly.
Sarah: And our perception of it.
You are able to see it from your point of view,
relative to your own Earth, yes. We often have
problems describing … using your own symbols.
Lilian: Yes, because your language sounds probably
absolutely nothing like ours.
Richard: For even drawing on the same comparisons.
George: When you first came through I couldn’t
understand how anything could connect at all. But
the whole thing has become so much more familiar
now, and you have described to us how brain takes
care of conversion to appropriate language and it
seems to fit together. But there still must be some
things that are so much more difficult to put into
appropriate language.
And yet it is becoming possible to give you more
each time, especially when you are seeing the
pictures. They speak a thousand words.
Sarah: It’s a shame we can’t all see these pictures
that Jan and Richard are seeing.
Jan: Perhaps in time we all will … I think in time.
Sarah: Richard was mentioning it was like unset
jelly. That to me sounds quite plausible because you
said about how you have to kick through the
atmosphere, so that was sounding quite right really.
[Prior to the session, Eileen had been receiving
information to pass on to others. This included the
Eileen: I think some of us should be receiving
Lilian: How about you Jan?
Jan: I’m not shown it yet.
Richard: A key?
Jan: Try and find the space you were in on Saturday.
Try and find that again … okay?
Paul: I’m getting a lantern I think.
Lilian: A lantern (mm).
Richard (who is Jan’s son) then received
clairvoyance of my family’s apple orchard up in
Hampshire with a bumper crop of green apples…
illuminated … and with the sea in the background
(Ann, Paul and I live down on the coast and Paul and
I often stop off at the orchard before traveling on to
Kingsclere for the meetings). Interesting links!
Eileen then received a message relating to ‘Jeremy’
(I know of three). The particular Jeremy is apparently
thinking of taking up a somewhat dangerous sport
and Jim in spirit would much prefer he did not. There
were some more general items, then Jan asked if
Bonniol was with us. Paul answered in his normal
speech: ‘Not at the moment’. I added that he may
well be around but not speaking yet. Jan explained
that she wondered because she was getting a picture.
Well that seemed to bode well.]
George: He may take that as a cue.
It then became clear that both Jan and Richard were
receiving clairvoyant pictures relating to Bonniol’s
world and they now began to compare notes
Jan: If they’re around it’s quite feasible that I’m
going to pick up.
Richard: What color is Aerah predominantly, in what
you can see?
Jan: I think it’s predominantly…
Richard: Purple.
Jan: Yes, with a purple tinge to it. Can you see any
Richard: Yeah, but they are organic.
Jan: Yes, well done, they are. When you say organic,
are you seeing plant life or are you seeing any
buildings as such?
Yes, and it is a better term for you maybe. We
have wanted this for a long time. It is like
probably when you got your first television sets
Lilian: Well, when you first came and spoke to us,
we were really very, very surprised, not quite sure
whether you had come from spirit or whether you
had come from another planet. So you can imagine
our surprise when you first arrived. And now we take
it for granted.
Sarah: He’s become an old friend!
I wonder what will become normal in the future?
Sarah: Yes, well there’ll be lots of people who’ll be
able to communicate like this.
Lilian: Yes, we have heard of other groups like ours
who get visitors from other planets. So that’s nice to
know, but we just haven’t met anyone … another
group like ours that gets this. We are lucky enough to
have it.
You will be given much more as you continue to
grow, of course (yes) and we wish you all to
embrace it all … with excitement.
Sarah: We’ve already got that!
George: We are excited. In view of the pictures seen
by Jan and Richard, would you wish to steer the
conversation on that?
You have … um … had a good description I think
of one of our … or some pictures. It is important I
think for you all to open your minds to these
Lilian: Yes, that would be very handy.
Richard: Bonniol, is your planet volcanic?
It … ah … yes, we have um … yes.
Richard: Are they dormant or are they active?
At this time they are mainly … alive, yes. They
are … acting, they are…
George: Do your volcanoes produce lava?
They are erupting at this time (ah).
Richard: I am assuming it’s going to be the same
process, they are going to be erupting molten rock,
the same way that ours do. Does that shape your
planet in the same way as ours?
We have an understanding about these eruptions,
so … yes, it shapes the areas where they occur.
George: And yes, you have earthquakes, I think our
term would be…
We have those also.
Sarah: I think that the gravity on your planet isn’t
quite the same as on ours, from the fact that you float
in your mist. Does the lava fall in the same way as it
does on this planet, or does it also float and then
perhaps cover a much wider area than ours does?
Richard: I get the impression it falls very flat.
Jan: It disappears back into their earth…
Richard: It’s like a layer … a crust.
It is like this. We do not float exactly. It is a
thicker atmosphere in places but we still have to
walk through it.
Sarah: Ah right.
The volcanic debris falls as I believe would be
expected (thank you) but it is absorbed back …
Jan: I can help you with that Bonniol. What I’m
actually seeing, excuse my joke, but its like layers of
cookies. And it’s … if you cut away the earth … it’s
a bit like our sedimentary rock … this is layer upon
layer of different colors. But the earth, it seems to
absorb it into the earth. The top layer never seems to
get too high, if you see what I mean, it sinks.
Jan: Lots of greens, lots of mauves…
When it is in liquid form it will flow back into the
Richard: Would I be right in saying there are plants
or plant types that can grow in these areas…
Yes, there are…
Jan: They’ve become like our deserts, that’s what I
They are…
Richard: Yes they’re very like deserts.
Adapted to this, yes.
Richard: Quite big.
We have plants that will … and prefer these
conditions, yes.
Richard: Is your ground very hot … gives out heat?
In these areas, yes.
Richard: Right … your ground in general or where
it’s volcanic?
Where we live the ground has some warmth. It is
perhaps as your beaches when the sun shines on
the sand.
Richard: It can get very hot.
George: Yes, it depends on the color of the sand.
There are some black sand beaches that absorb the
heat and become very hot, too hot to walk on
Richard: I was given a very, very clear image, a bit
more than a picture, and I was there, placed on this
ground and it was quite warm, by our standards
quite warm, and despite the thick atmosphere, which
to us would appear water, but it’s not and that is also
Jan: Warm.
Richard: Warm … but the ground, even though you
wouldn’t think it, is actually quite dusty … I
wouldn’t say it was sand, but it’s dusty … and the
rocks and dust move … move about, as you’ve got
when you have wind, but it’s not, it looks like the
atmosphere moving it about. Am I right?
Yes, it is perhaps like your oceans moving.
Richard: It moves the pebbles…
Our atmosphere has more … it is thicker than
yours, and when it moves, objects can move with
Richard: I see, it’s very, very clear. It’s a very weird
sensation … strange to us anyway.
Jan: You can feel like treacle can you, like I
described it? It’s like wading through treacle.
Richard: It is, but it’s a bit strange because it’s
almost like … I’m getting the feeling that we’re able
to breathe it. It’s not so thick that it’s obtrusive, or
intrusive whatever the word is. It’s…
Jan: Well actually I’d describe it as being, sorry
Bonniol for talking over you, that they’re part of their
atmosphere. It’s as though there, um...
George: We talked in the early days … Bonniol
explained how the atmosphere can be thinned by
fanning it, by moving it. When it has been moved it
seems to get thinner. Are you picking up any of that?
Richard: Yes, because the area in front of wherever
you’re moving then becomes thinner because of the
movement. It’s perhaps not breathing, I’m not quite
sure how their bodies work. I haven’t been shown
one of you, but um…
We will show you more when we come again.
Richard: Thank you.
This has helped a lot, filling the puzzles perhaps,
due to our words, but you may all begin to see
these pictures now.
Lilian: That would be very nice.
George: Wonderful!
You can all begin to turn your minds in this
direction and find this space which is no distance.
Richard: Bonniol, do any on your planet grow from
eggs … what we might see as … yes as a jellybean
(chuckle) … a large jellybean, possibly about a foot.
It’s iridescent, you can almost see through it. But
they float! They come off of something and float!
(Jan whispers: I haven’t told him any of this…(she
had similar clairvoyance at a meeting weeks before)
Richard: But wherever they actually land, they float.
What is that?
You have already begun to see our … eggs, then.
This is how we begin.
Richard: Do they come off of these large tree-like
We lay our eggs on these plants.
George: Ah yes, and are a number of individual eggs
laid at a time, and one being coming from one egg?
Is that how it works?
We have to lay many eggs. We have mentioned
this I believe.
George: Yes.
Lilian: Because you have many children…
We do have many children but not all of us have
George: Yes, I remember you explaining that.
Richard: What happens to the eggs that float too far
away? I’m getting this real feeling that these eggs
aren’t staying in one place.
When you see this happening it is like your … you
Richard: Transport?
Yes, they are moved by the currents.
Richard: Will they not survive if they are separated
from the larger group?
It is well known where they are going because we
are in communication with them.
Lilian: Are they quite self-sufficient when they first
hatch out … your children?
No, they will need careful mothering, but they will
not float too far away (good).
Sarah: So you go and get them back.
Richard: Good! (chuckles)
And we will know when they are ready (yes).
Lilian: It just shows how different all the planets are.
Sarah: Am I right … do I remember correctly … that
it is not necessarily the female that lays the eggs. Is
that right or am I dreaming that?
We have several … we have three … types, if you
like, and only one type will reproduce. Yes, they
are something in between, but they are the ones
Jan: Care for the juveniles.
Jan: That’s the nursery that I saw before.
Richard: Now I can see many of them around these
areas now. It’s a constant attention kind of thing.
We will have to leave it there. We will … um …
we are very happy, and leave you with our
General thanks
George: Thank you for showing us so much, and ,
yes it’s been a lovely visit. Thank you Bonniol, thank
you everyone.
1. Clairvoyance: The developing clairvoyance is a
wonderful factor and it seems to be of a type
whereby the recipient is placed within the scene,
experiencing movement and temperature. Richard
will be preparing sketches of what has been seen.
2. Birth Process: There was some discussion
afterwards, and it seems that eggs are laid on a
‘sticky tree’ which substantially retains them. As
Aerans communicate with their young before
birth, eggs that drift away present no problem.
3. Volcanic Scene: This would appear to differ from
Earth in that rock sinks back into the region so
that it stays fairly flat.
4. Thixotropic: The atmosphere of Aerah thins
under stress. This condition is not unknown on
Earth and we have the word to describe it. Some
paints are deliberately formulated as thixotropic
so that they will stay thick in the pot until worked
with the brush. The drifting thick atmosphere
appears to be capable of moving objects around in
a similar way to our sea movement moving