ALKENES Preparation: 1. Dehydrohalogenation of 2º or 3º alkyl halides: H X C C KOH R C C C C H 2O + R KX + - HX 2. Dehydration of alcohols: H OH C C H2SO4, D or H3PO4, D Reactions: H2 / Pt, Pd, Ni, etc. C 1. Catalytic Hydrogenation: (Reduction) C H 2O + H H C C 1 atm., 25 ºC alkane X X2 (Br 2 or Cl 2) in CCl 4 2. Halogenation: (qualitative test) C C C C X trans, vic (1.2) alkyl dihalide 3. Halohydrin formation: OH X2 (Br 2 or Cl 2) in H2O C C C or HOX C X trans halohydrin 4. Hydration (possible C+ rearrangement) or Hydration by Oxymercuration/Demercuration: (without C+ rearrangement) C dilute aq. H2SO4 or C 1. Hg(OAc)2 in aq. THF 2. NaBH4 (anti addition) 5. Hydration by Hydroboration/Oxidation: (AntiMarkovnikov product): C OH C C Markovnikov alcohol 1. BH3 in THF 2. H2O2, OH , pH 8 C H OH H C C syn, antiMarkovnikov alcohol 6. Addition of H2SO4 (qualitative test): H C C conc. H2SO4 O C C O S H OH alkyl bisulfate C 8. Addition of HBr: (anitMarkovnikov product) C ORGANIC REACTIONS C C C C OH D O 7. Addition of Alkyl Halides: (Markovnikov product) H 2O Markovnikov alcohol H X C C Br H C C HX HBr, H2O2 Markovnikov alkyl halide antiMarkovnikov alkyl bromide 1 - + O K O 9. Oxidation without Cleavage (Hydroxylation) (Baeyer’s Test): C C Mn cold, dil. KMnO4 neutral or basic O O C C OH OH C C MnO2 + brown precipitate syn, vic diol 10. Oxidation with Cleavage R hot, dil. KMnO4 acidic or basic C C C C R H H H R C H R HO + O ketone C R O + O C C + OH CO2 carboxylic acid carbon dioxide O O O C C 1. O3 in CH2Cl2 at -78ºC 2. Zn in aq. CH3COOH R Ozonylsis yields only aldehydes and ketones O H H aldehyde ketone C H + H formaldehyde ALKYNES Preparation: 1. Alkene halogenation/dehydrohalogenation: X2 (Br 2 or Cl 2) in CCl 4 C H C H H X C C X KOH NaNH2 C -HX H C C C -HX X H trans, vic (1.2) alkyl dihalide 2. Alkylation of alkynides: NaNH2 C C H C -NH3 terminal alkyne methyl or 1º R X - C : Na+ alkynide C C R + Na+X- H H C C larger alkyne Reactions: 1. Catalytic Hydrogenation: C C or C C 1 atm., 25 ºC C (complete reduction) X X2 in CCl 4 C H2 / Pt, Pd, Ni, etc. trans-alkene Li in liq. NH3 2. Halogenation: (qualitative test) cis-alkene H2 / Lindlar cat. deactivated Pd 1 atm., 25 ºC C X2 in CCl 4 C X antiaddition product 3. Hydrohalogenation: C C C C X C C X X X H C C X H HX X antiaddition product 4. Hydration: HgSO4, dil., aq. H2SO4 C HO H C C enol ORGANIC REACTIONS X H HX C alkane gem dihalide tautomerization O H C C H ketone 2 AROMATIC REACTIONS H H H Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS): An electrophile (E+) substitutes for (replaces) hydrogen on an aromatic ring: H + + E H H E H H + H H H H - H+ H E H H H H H 1. Bromination: H H H + Br 2 Br H H + FeBr 3 H H H HBr H H H H 2. Chlorination: H H + Cl H H Cl2 H H 3. Iodination: H H H HNO3 or H I CuCl2 H H H2SO4 H NO2 H H H I2 + H H Nitration: H H H H H H Sulfonation: H H SO3H H H SO3 + H Friedel-Crafts Alkylation: an arom atic sulfonic acid H H 6. H2O H H2SO4 H H + H H 5. HI H HNO3 + + H H 4. AlCl3 H H H + H H CH3 H H + CH3Cl H H HCl H H HCl + FeCl3 H H H The aromatic ring must be as reactive as a halobenzene. Less reactive rings do not react. Even amino-substituted aromatics don't react because the amino groups are converted to electron withdrawing groups (cationic quaternary amines) by reaction with the catalyst. Vinyl and aryl halides do not react. The alkyl halide can be methyl, ethyl, 2, or 3. Other primary alkyl halide C+'s rearrange. Polysubstitution produces mixed products. (The product is more reactive than the reagent.) O 7. Friedel-Crafts Acylation: H H O AlCl3 H + R C H H Cl H H H C H H R + HCl H As with F.C. Alkylation, the aromatic ring must be as reactive as a halobenzene (amino groups also fail) Aryl halides will react. (Vinyl acyl compounds do not exist). Rearrangements do not occur. Polysubstitution will not occur. (The reagent is more reactive than the product.) ORGANIC REACTIONS 3 8. Reduction of Nitro Groups forming Aromatic Amines: 1. SnCl2, H3O+ 2. OH- H H NO2 or H2/Pt 1 atm ., 25ºC H H H 9. :O : Alkali Fusion of Aromatic Sulfonates forming Phenols: .. O .. H H NH2 H H H H 1. NaOH, 300ºC 2. H3O+ .. OH .. S OH H :O : H H H H H H H H Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (NAS): Aromatic compounds with a halogen ortho- or para- to one or more nitro-groups are weak electrophiles. Nucleophiles such as OH-, OR- and NH3 will substitute for (replace) the halogen. H H H NO2 H .. Cl .. : H H : - Nu: H - .. : Cl : H H H H H .. Cl .. : H OH H NO2 .. : Na+ : Cl .. + H H 11. Nitroamines by NAS: NO2 H .. Cl .. : H Nu H 1. NaOH, 100ºC 2. H3O+ NO2 H NO2 H .. Cl .. : Nu H H 10. Nitrophenols by NAS: - H NO2 H 1. NH 3, 100ºC 2. NaOH NO2 H .. : Na+ : Cl .. + H NH2 H O H 12. Oxidation of Alkylbenzene Side Chains: CH2CH2CH3 H H KMnO4 H2O, D O OH + H H H H C H HO C CH3 H H Benzylic C's with one or more H's are oxidized to carboxylic acids Br 13. Bromination of Alkylbenzene Side Chains: H H O C C H2C CH2 CH2CH2CH3 H H N O R .. O .. .. O .. R CCl4 H CHBrCH2CH3 H H H H H NBS (N-bromosuccinimide), in the presence of a peroxide, releases bromine free radicals (Br) which brominate the benzylic carbon rather than the ring. 14. Catalytic Reduction of Aromatics and Aryl Alkyl Ketones (from F.C. Acylations): H2 on Pt, Pd, Ni, etc. 1 atm ., 25ºC or O H H H H H H2 on Rh 1 atm ., 25ºC H ORGANIC REACTIONS H H H H H H H H H C H H R Clem m ensen: [Zn(Hg)], HCl or Wolf Kishner: NH2NH2 , KOH H CH2 H H H H 4 R ALCOHOLS Preparation: X OH KOH C 1. Hydrolysis of Methyl or of 1º alkyl halides: H C C H C SN2 H + KX H (2 or 3 alkenes by E2) 2. Hydration (possible C+ rearrangement) or Hydration by Oxymercuration/Demercuration: C dilute aq. H2SO4 or C 1. Hg(OAc)2 in aq. THF 2. NaBH4 (anti addition) (without C+ rearrangement) Hydration by Hydroboration/Oxidation: C (AntiMarkovnikov product): 3. Hydride Reduction of Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters & Carboxylic Acids: OH C C Markovnikov alcohol 1. BH3 in THF 2. H2O2, OH , pH 8 C H OH H C C syn, antiMarkovnikov alcohol aldehyde R C H O ketone R C H NaBH 4 in EtOH or LiAlH4 in ether 1. O 2. H3O+ 1. NaBH 4 in EtOH or LiAlH4 in ether R O R C 1º alcohol H O R 2º alcohol R C H3O+ 2. H H H H O ester R C 1. 2 LiAlH 4 2. H3O+ R' O O R C H H + HO R' 1º alcohol H O carboxylic acid 4. Grignard Reduction of Aldehydes, Ketones & Esters: R C O 1. 3 LiAlH 4 2. H3O+ H O R C H 1º alcohol H H O aldehyde R C 1. R'MgX in ether 2. H3O+ O H R C R Br H O ketone R C ORGANIC REACTIONS 1. R'MgX in ether 2. H3O+ R O R Mg in ether (Grignard may be alkyl, aryl or vinylic but cannot be prepared when acidic groups are present with the halide) 2º alcohol R' Grignard Preparation - + R: MgBr H R C 3º alcohol R' H O ester R C O 1. 2 R'MgX in ether 2. H3O+ R O R C R' + R' 3º alcohol HO R 5 ALCOHOL REACTIONS 1. Dehydration to Alkenes: H OH C C H2SO4, D for 3º or 2º E1 C N: POCl 3 in for 1º or 2º 2. Conversion to Alkyl Halide: C H 2O + E2 3º or 2º HCl, ZnCl 2 SN1 1º or 2º SOCl 2 SN2 HBr SN1 1º or 2º PBr 3 SN2 Cl C OH C C C 3º or 2º Br C 3. Neutralizing a Strong Base: C - (Alcohols have pKb ca. 16 like H2O) R O + H R Na strong base weak acid O Na+ + 1 / 2 H2 alkoxide mild oxidation (oxidants in non aq. solvents) 4. Oxidation of Alcohols: OH R O PCC (in CH2Cl2) R Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) aldehyde C CH2 1º alcohol O moderate oxidation (oxidants in aq. solvents) R C OH carboxylic acid Jones reagent (CrO3 in aq. H 2SO4 & acetone) KMnO4, HNO3, etc. O mild or moderate oxidation (in non aq. solvents or any cold aq. solvent) R R PCC (in CH2Cl2) Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) OH CH C R enol ketone hot conc. KMnO4 HNO3 or H2CrO4 Jones reagent (CrO 3 in aq. H2SO4 & acetone) cold acidic or basic KMnO4, HNO3, etc. R 2º alcohol O severe oxidation (hot aq. KMnO 4 or HNO 3) C R CH 2 R R alkene dehydration C OH carboxylic acid mild or moderate oxidation (any anhydrous or cold aq. oxidant) OH R H no rxn. O R severe oxidation R (hot aq. KMnO 4 or HNO 3) 3º alcohol R CH 2 R R alkene dehydration C OH carboxylic acid 5. Reduction to Alkanes: a) Dehydrate to alkenes (1. above), then hydrogenate (H2 / Ni) to alkane or b) Prepare alkyl tosyate (good leaving group), then replace with H: - (following) O R OH + Cl S O tosyl chloride, TsCl ORGANIC REACTIONS O -HCl CH 3 R O S O 1. LiAlH4 CH3 R H 2. H3O+ alkane alkyl tosylate 6 THIOLS pKa = 7.0 Preparation: H 2S pKb = -1.74 pKb = 7.0 NaOH Na+ HS+ sodium hydrosulfide + (from hydrogen sulfide, H2S and then hydrosulfide, HS- ) Na+ HSweak base + R X Me, 1º, 2º alkyl halide v. good Nu:- R SN2 SH pKeq = -8.7 (100%) H 2O Na+ X- + thiol Reactions: 1. Reaction as acid with a base: pKa ca. 8.0 R Williamson Ether Synthesis: [alkoxide substitution (SN2) with Me or 1 alkyl halide] pKb ca. 6.0 NaOH R S- Na+ sodium alkyl sulfide + SH 2. Sulfide formation by substitution (SN2) with Me, 1, or 2 alkyl halides: ETHERS s pKb = -1.74 S- Na+ R + R' weak base + R' R alkoxide strong base good Nu:- S Na+ X- + R' sulfide R X SN2 Me or 1º alkyl halide pKeq = -7.7 (100%) H2O SN2 Me, 1º, 2º alkyl halide v. good Nu:- pKb ca. -2 .. _ R O : Na+ .. X + O R' Na+ X- + ether HO Epoxide Ring Opening: (Most ethers are unreactive but epoxides are reactive because of their high ring strain.) + O H3O - or H2O, OH trans, vic diol OH ALDEHYDES & KETONES 1. Mild Oxidation of 1 Alcohols: 2. Reduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: R CH2 acid chloride R C O ORGANIC REACTIONS 2. H3O+ R' O C R H3O+ 1. 1 equivalent DIBAH @ -78ºC 2. H3O+ N: C H O 1 equivalent DIBAH @ -78ºC 2. H O R 1. C R 1 equivalent DIBAH @ -78ºC Cl (use 1 equivalent of a mild hydride, i.e., DIBAH in cold inert solvent @ -78C) R 1. C aldehyde Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) O nitrile R PCC (in CH2Cl2) 1º alcohol ester O mild oxidation (oxidants in non aq. solvents) OH Preparation of Aldehydes: C H + HO R' O R C H 7 Preparation of Ketones: mild or moderate oxidation (in non aq. solvents or any cold aq. solvent) OH 1. Oxidation of 2 Alcohols: (mild or moderate oxidants) R CH R R 2º alcohol 2. Oxidative Cleavage of substituted alkenes: R C C C R H H H 3. Friedel Crafts Acylation of Aromatics: C Jones reagent (CrO 3 in aq. H 2SO4 & acetone) cold acidic or basic KMnO4, HNO3, etc. hot, dil. KMnO4 acidic or basic C O PCC (in CH2Cl2) Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) R C H R HO + O O O C C + OH CO2 carbon dioxide carboxylic acid ketone R ketone O H H O H + R C C H Cl H H H AlCl3 HCl + H H R H H As with F.C. Alkylation, the aromatic ring must be as reactive as a halobenzene (and fails with animo groups) Aryl halides will react. (Vinyl acyl compounds do not exist). Rearrangements do not occur. Polysubstitution will not occur. (The reagent is more reactive than the product.) 4. Hydration of Alkynes: (non symmetrical internal alkynes give mixed products) C C dil., aq. H2SO4 O (a mild Grignard-like reagent, R’2CuLi in cold inert solvent @ -78C) R C (ketones are not easily oxidized except under severe conditions. The enol isomer is cleaved.) 1. R'2CuLi, ether @ -78ºC 2. H3O+ C C H ketone O R R' C ketone C O H PCC (in CH2Cl2) Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) R Jones reagent (CrO 3 in aq. H 2SO4 & acetone) cold acidic or basic KMnO4, HNO3, etc. O H C R OH C enol R C OH carboxylic acid ketone no reaction except for severe oxidation R' ORGANIC REACTIONS enol H mild or moderate oxidation aldehyde R' C O (in non aq. solvents or any cold aq. solvent) O R tautomerization Cl acid chloride Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones: (aldehydes are easily oxidized) H C 5. Acid chloride + Gilman Reagent: 1. Oxidation of Aldehydes & Ketones: HO HgSO4, (hot aq. KMnO 4 or HNO 3) O R' C OH carboxylic acid 8 2. Hydration of Aldehydes & Ketones: O OH H3O+ or H2O, OH2 [acid(H3O+) or base (OH-) catalysis is required as H2O is a weak Nu:-] (equilibrium favors the carbonyl) 3 C sp C sp C, a gem diol C aldehyde or ketone OH OH C H3O+, D or OH-, H2O, D 3. Addition of HCN forming a cyanohydrin: (the cyanohydrin can be reduced to an amine or hydrolyzed to an acid) + OH O 1. N: C aldehyde or ketone 2. a cyanohydrin LiAlH4 OH H3O+ C amine CH2 4. Addition of Alcohols forming Acetals (diethers): : O: (useful as protecting groups which are inert to strong bases) [Reaction is reversible. Use anhydrous acid to form acetal and aqueous acid back to the original aldehyde or ketone] H+ + C NH3 C HCN & NaCN C COOH R .. O .. .. O .. 2 ROH NH2 R + C H 2O H3O+, D aldehyde or ketone acetal H O 5. Grignard Reduction of Aldehydes to 2 Alcohols & Ketones to 3 Alcohols: aldehyde R C 1. R'MgX in ether 2. H3O+ O H R C H 2º alcohol R' H O ketone R C 1. R'MgX in ether 2. H3O+ O R R R C 3º alcohol R' 6. Hydride Reduction of Aldehydes to 1 Alcohols & Ketones to 2 Alcohols: 1. O aldehyde R C H O ketone R C 2. H3O+ 1. NaBH4 in EtOH or LiAlH4 in ether R 2. 7. Reduction of Carbonyl (C=O) group to Methylene (CH2) group by Wolf Kishner (N2H4 + KOH) or Clemmensen (Zn[Hg] + H3O+) ORGANIC REACTIONS O NaBH4 in EtOH or LiAlH4 in ether H3O+ Wolf Kishner N2H4 , KOH C aldehyde or ketone or Clemmensen Zn[Hg], H3O+ H O R C H 1º alcohol H H O R R C 2º alcohol H H H C 9 8. Addition of 1 Amines forming Imines or 2 Amines forming Enamines: H R N 1º amine H R .. N .. + H C : O: H 2O C NH2R H C imine C R H aldehyde or ketone NHR 2 : N R .. N 2º R + enamine C amine H 2O C R Examples of Imines: (Derivatives) NO2 O NO2 H N N H C NO2 C H NO2 H 2O + a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone O O H N H aldehyde or ketone 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine N O N N H C C NH 2 N C N C NH2 H 2O + H aldehyde or ketone semicarbazide H a semicarbazone O H C N H C hydroxylamine 9. Conjugate 1,4-Addition of 1 equiv. of Amine or 1 equiv. of Gilman Reagent: (In , -unsaturated carbonyls, addition occurs at the -carbon and the -carbon is saturated while the carbonyl is unreacted) [It only works with these 2 reagents. Other nucleophiles add directly to the carbonyl C] (Excess amine or Gilman reagent will add to the carbonyl carbon after the and -carbons are saturated) ORGANIC REACTIONS aldoxime or ketoxime OH aldehyde or ketone : O: N OH an oxime 4 : O: H C 2 3 C :N C 1 R R H C C C R .. N R , -unsaturated aldehyde or ketone 1,4-conjugate addtion product : O: : O: C C C 1. R 2CuLi, ether 2. H 3O+ C H C C R 10 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS O H Preparation: 1. CH2CH2CH3 H Oxidation of Alkylbenzene Side Chains: (Benzylic C's with one or more H's H KMnO4 H2O, D + H H H H O OH C H C CH3 HO H H are oxidized to carboxylic acids) 2. Oxidation with Cleavage: hot, dil. KMnO4 acidic or basic C C C C R H H H R C H R R + O HO O O C C CH2 CO2 carbon dioxide carboxylic acid ketone O R C OH carboxylic acid Jones reagent (CrO3 in aq. H2SO4 & acetone) KMnO4, HNO3, etc. 1º alcohol + OH moderate oxidation (oxidants in aq. solvents) OH 3. Oxidation of 1 Alcohols: (with moderate oxidants) R mild or moderate oxidation 4. Oxidation of Aldehydes: (mild or moderate oxidants) R O (in non aq. solvents or any cold aq. solvent) C PCC (in CH2Cl2) Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) H aldehyde O R Jones reagent (CrO 3 in aq. H 2SO4 & acetone) cold acidic or basic KMnO4, HNO3, etc. C OH carboxylic acid O 5. Hydrolysis of Nitriles: R (acidic or basic hydrolysis) 6. Grignards are Carboxylated: C H3O+, D N: R C OH carboxylic acid or OH-, H2O, D .. 1. O .. _ :R +MgBr .. O .. C : O: R C _ .. : O .. 2. :O: H3O+ R + MgBr C .. OH carboxylate Reactions: 1. Reduction with LiAlH4 or BH3 in THF solvent: 1. O R C 2. O 2. O ORGANIC REACTIONS R C .. O .. carboxylic acid H O R or 1. H H3O+ H carboxylic acid 2. Neutralization with a base: 3 LiAlH4 in THF, D BH3 in THF C H H 1º alcohol + H 3O O Na+OHR C .. - : O .. Na+ + H2O carboxylate salt 11 3. Conversion to Acid Chloride: O O R C + OH O S R Cl Cl C Cl + + SO2 HCl acid chloride thionyl chloride 4. Dehydration to Acid Anhydride: (Reaction is reversible. Anhydride can be hydrated back to 2 carboxylic acids) R D O O C O + H H O C _ H O 2 R R D carboxylic acids O O C O C R acid anhydride + H 2O ORANOMETALLICS Preparation: 1. Organosodium or Organolithium: pentane R X + R X + 2 Na R R + + Na - Na X (Finely dispersed metal is added to dilute RX in HC solvent) 2. pentane Wurtz Coupling: (When Na is not dispersed, Me or 1 RX react with R-Na via SN2) 3. Grignard Reagents: + - Na X - + Br R MgBr Gilman Reagent: (Any alkyllithium complexes with CuI in ether) + R R Mg in ether R (Finely divided Mg in ether is inserted between any R-X bond) 4. Na ether 2 R Li + R Cu R + Li CuI or simply (R) 2CuLi a Gilm an reagent Reactions: 1. Organosodium/lithium converted to alkanes: H2O R Na (And other reactions where R is nucleophilic) 2. Grignards converted to alkanes: (And other reactions where R is nucleophilic) 3. Substitution with any RX forming larger alkanes: H2O - + R MgBr R H alkane + R H NaOH + MgBrOH alkane R' X + (R) 2CuLi R' R + RCu + LiX (And other reactions where R is nucleophilic) ORGANIC REACTIONS 12