2500 Sport Vessel File Documentation 2002-02-12 This is an undelimited ASCII file consisting of 398 byte records each terminated by a carriage return and line feed (CRLF). The 398 byte length does NOT include the CRLF. Picture SAS Type 9(4) A S_YEAR SPO-ADFG X(5) ADFG number of vessel. A S_ADFG COBOL Name SPO-YEAR License year. SAS Name SPO-PROVIDER-ID X(9) A S_ID CFEC assigned ID of sport charter provider. SPO-PORT X(18) Primary port for this vessel. A S_PORT SPO-FREEZER-CAPABILITY X(1) A S_FREEZE Does this vessel have freezer capability. Y = Yes N = No The area fields which follow indicate where this vessel will be operating. SPO-AREA-01 X(1) A Area 01 (Southeast Region, Ketchikan) Blank Area 01 NOT selected X Area 01 selected S_AREA01 SPO-AREA-02 X(1) A S_AREA02 Area 02 (Southeast Region, Prince of Wales Island) Blank Area 02 NOT selected X Area 02 selected SPO-AREA-03 X(1) A S_AREA03 Area 03 (Southeast Region, Kake / Petersburg / Wrangell Blank Area 03 NOT selected X Area 03 selected SPO-AREA-04 X(1) A Area 04 (Southeast Region, Sitka) Blank Area 04 NOT selected X Area 04 selected S_AREA04 SPO-AREA-05 X(1) A Area 05 (Southeast Region, Juneau) Blank Area 05 NOT selected X Area 05 selected S_AREA05 SPO-AREA-06 X(1) A S_AREA06 Area 06 (Southeast Region, Haines / Skagway) Blank Area 06 NOT selected X Area 06 selected SPO-AREA-07 X(1) A Area 07 (Southeast Region, Glacier Bay) Blank Area 07 NOT selected X Area 07 selected S_AREA07 SPO-AREA-08 X(1) A Area 08 (Southeast Region, Yakutat) Blank Area 08 NOT selected X Area 08 selected S_AREA08 SPO-AREA-09 X(1) A S_AREA09 Area 09 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, Prince William Sound / Copper River Flats) Blank Area 09 NOT selected X Area 09 selected SPO-AREA-10 X(1) A S_AREA10 Area 10 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, North Gulf Coast) Blank Area 10 NOT selected X Area 10 selected SPO-AREA-11 X(1) A S_AREA11 Area 11 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, Lower Cook Inlet) Blank Area 11 NOT selected X Area 11 selected SPO-AREA-12 X(1) A S_AREA12 Area 12 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, Upper Cook Inlet) Blank Area 12 NOT selected X Area 12 selected SPO-AREA-13 X(1) A S_AREA13 Area 13 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, Kodiak Archipelago) Blank Area 13 NOT selected X Area 13 selected SPO-AREA-14 X(1) A S_AREA14 Area 14 (Southcentral Region Saltwater, Alaska Peninsula / Aleutian Islands / Bristol Bay) Blank Area 14 NOT selected X Area 14 selected SPO-AREA-15 X(1) A S_AREA15 Area 15 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Prince William Sound / Copper River Flats) Blank Area 15 NOT selected X Area 15 selected SPO-AREA-16 X(1) A S_AREA16 Area 16 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Upper Copper / Upper Susitna) Blank Area 16 NOT selected X Area 16 selected SPO-AREA-17 X(1) A S_AREA17 Area 17 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, North Kenai Peninsula Drainages) Blank Area 17 NOT selected X Area 17 selected SPO-AREA-18 X(1) A S_AREA18 Area 18 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, South Kenai Peninsula Drainages) Blank Area 18 NOT selected X Area 18 selected SPO-AREA-19 X(1) A S_AREA19 Area 19 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Anchorage Area Drainages) Blank Area 19 NOT selected X Area 19 selected SPO-AREA-20 X(1) A S_AREA20 Area 20 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Knik Arm Drainages) Blank Area 20 NOT selected X Area 20 selected SPO-AREA-21 X(1) A S_AREA21 Area 21 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Susitna River Drainages) Blank Area 21 NOT selected X Area 21 selected SPO-AREA-22 X(1) A S_AREA22 Area 22 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, West Cook Inlet Drainages) Blank Area 22 NOT selected X Area 22 selected SPO-AREA-23 X(1) A S_AREA23 Area 23 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Alaska Peninsula / Aleutian Islands) Blank Area 23 NOT selected X Area 23 selected SPO-AREA-24 X(1) A S_AREA24 Area 24 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Eastern Southwest Alaska) Blank Area 24 NOT selected X Area 24 selected SPO-AREA-25 X(1) A S_AREA25 Area 25 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Central Southwest Alaska) Blank X Area 25 NOT selected Area 25 selected SPO-AREA-26 X(1) A S_AREA26 Area 26 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Western Southwest Alaska) Blank Area 26 NOT selected X Area 26 selected SPO-AREA-27 X(1) A S_AREA27 Area 27 (Southcentral Region Freshwater, Kodiak Archipelago) Blank Area 27 NOT selected X Area 27 selected SPO-AREA-28 X(1) A Area 28 (Interior Region, Tanana) Blank Area 28 NOT selected X Area 28 selected S_AREA28 SPO-AREA-29 X(1) A S_AREA29 Area 29 (Interior Region, Kuskokwim River) Blank Area 29 NOT selected X Area 29 selected SPO-AREA-30 X(1) A S_AREA30 Area 30 (Interior Region, Seward Peninsula / Norton Sound) Blank Area 30 NOT selected X Area 30 selected SPO-AREA-31 X(1) A S_AREA31 Area 31 (Interior Region, Northwest Alaska) Blank Area 31 NOT selected X Area 31 selected SPO-AREA-32 X(1) A Area 32 (Interior Region, Yukon River) Blank Area 32 NOT selected X Area 32 selected S_AREA32 SPO-AREA-33 X(1) A S_AREA33 Area 33 (Interior Region, North Slope / Brooks Range) Blank Area 33 NOT selected X Area 33 selected VES-YEAR-BUILT Vessel year built. 9(4) N V_YRBLT VES-LENGTH 9(4) Vessel length (feet). N V_LENGTH VES-GROSS-TONS Vessel gross tons. N V_GRSTON 9(4) VES-NET-TONS Vessel net tons. 9(4) N V_NETTON VES-HORSEPOWER Vessel horsepower. 9(4) N V_HPOWER Total engine horsepower. VES-HOLD-CAPACITY 9(6) N Vessel hold capacity (cubic feet). V_HOLD VES-LIVE-CAPACITY 9(6) N Vessel live hold capacity (cubic feet). V_LIVE VES-FUEL-CAPACITY 9(6) Vessel fuel capacity (gallons). V_FUEL N VES-ACTIVITY-87 X(1) A Activity code 87 (Processor) Blank Activity 87 NOT selected Y Activity 87 selected V_ACT87 VES-ACTIVITY-88 X(1) A Activity code 88 (Tender/Packer) Blank Activity 88 NOT selected Y Activity 88 selected V_ACT88 VES-ACTIVITY-91 X(1) A Activity code 91 (Charter) Blank Activity 91 NOT selected Y Activity 91 selected V_ACT91 VES-ACTIVITY-92 X(1) A Activity code 92 (Fishing) Blank Activity 92 NOT selected Y Activity 92 selected V_ACT92 VES-GEAR-01 X(1) A V_GEAR01 Gear Code 01 (Purse Seine) Blank Gear code 01 NOT selected Y Gear code 01 selected VES-GEAR-02 X(1) A V_GEAR02 Gear Code 02 (Beach Seine) Blank Gear code 02 NOT selected Y Gear code 02 selected VES-GEAR-03 X(1) A V_GEAR03 Gear Code 03 (Drift Gillnet) Blank Gear code 03 NOT selected Y Gear code 03 selected VES-GEAR-04 X(1) A V_GEAR04 Gear Code 04 (Set Gillnet) Blank Gear code 04 NOT selected Y Gear code 04 selected VES-GEAR-05 X(1) A V_GEAR05 Gear Code 05 (Hand Troll) Blank Gear code 05 NOT selected Y Gear code 05 selected VES-GEAR-06 X(1) A V_GEAR06 Gear Code 06 (Longline) Blank Gear code 06 NOT selected Y Gear code 06 selected VES-GEAR-07 X(1) A V_GEAR07 Gear Code 07 (Single Otter Trawl) Blank Gear code 07 NOT selected Y Gear code 07 selected VES-GEAR-08 X(1) A V_GEAR08 Gear Code 08 (Fishwheel) Blank Gear code 08 NOT selected Y Gear code 08 selected VES-GEAR-09 X(1) A V_GEAR09 Gear Code 09 (Pots) Blank Gear code 09 NOT selected Y Gear code 09 selected VES-GEAR-10 X(1) A V_GEAR10 Gear Code 10 (Ring Net) Blank Gear code 10 NOT selected Y Gear code 10 selected VES-GEAR-15 X(1) A V_GEAR15 Gear Code 15 (Power Troll) Blank Gear code 15 NOT selected Y Gear code 15 selected VES-GEAR-17 X(1) A V_GEAR17 Gear Code 17 (Beam Trawl) Blank Gear code 17 NOT selected Y Gear code 17 selected VES-GEAR-22 X(1) A V_GEAR22 Gear Code 22 (Dredge) Blank Gear code 22 NOT selected Y Gear code 22 selected VES-GEAR-26 X(1) A V_GEAR26 Gear Code 26 (Jig) Blank Gear code 26 NOT selected Y Gear code 26 selected VES-GEAR-27 X(1) A Gear Code 27 (Double Otter Trawl) V_GEAR27 Blank Y Gear code 27 NOT selected Gear code 27 selected VES-GEAR-34 X(1) A V_GEAR34 Gear Code 34 (Herring Gillnet) Blank Gear code 34 NOT selected Y Gear code 34 selected VES-GEAR-37 X(1) A V_GEAR37 Gear Code 37 (Pair Trawl) Blank Gear code 37 NOT selected Y Gear code 37 selected VES-GEAR-99 X(1) A V_GEAR99 Gear Code 99 (Other Gear) Blank Gear code 99 NOT selected Y Gear code 99 selected VES-GEAR-11 X(1) A V_GEAR11 Gear Code 11 (Diving Gear) Blank Gear code 11 NOT selected Y Gear code 11 selected VES-GEAR-25 X(1) A V_GEAR25 Gear Code 25 (Dinglebar) Blank Gear code 25 NOT selected Y Gear code 25 selected VES-HOMEPORT-CITY X(18) Vessel homeport city. A V_HPCITY VES-HOMEPORT-STATE X(2) Vessel homeport city. A V_HPST VES-REGISTRATION X(10) Vessel Coast Guard Number. A V_CGNO VES-VESSEL-NAME Vessel name. X(15) A V_VNAME VES-VESSEL-MAKE Vessel make. X(10) A V_MAKE VES-REFRIGERATION X(1) A V_REFRIG Vessel refrigeration. Blank Unanswered N Vessel has NO refrigeration Y Vessel has refrigeration VES-ENGINE X(1) Vessel engine type. Blank Unanswered D Diesel G Gas A V_ENGINE VES-HULL X(1) A Vessel hull type. Blank Unanswered A Aluminum F Fiberglass/Plastic K Concrete R Rubber S Iron/Steel/Alloy W Wood V_HULL VES-SALMON-AREA X(1) A V_SALMON Vessel salmon net registration area. Blank Not registered for salmon net fishing A Southeastern D Yakutat E Prince William Sound H Cook Inlet K Kodiak L Chignik M Peninsula/Aleutians T Bristol Bay W Kuskokwim X Kotzebue Y Yukon River Z Norton Sound VES-SALMON-TROLL X(1) A V_TROLL Vessel salmon troll registration. Blank Not registered for salmon troll H Hand Troll P Power Troll VES-SALMON-TROLL-DATE 9(8) A V_TROLLD Vessel salmon troll registration date. If the vessel is registered for salmon trolling, this date must be prior to July 1, otherwise this field should be zero. VES-FOREIGN-FLAG X(1) Foreign vessel indicator. Blank Not foreign Other Foreign vessel A V_FORN VES-HULL-ID Vessel hull ID. A V_HULLID VES-FEE-STATUS X(1) Vessel fee status. Blank Fees NOT paid Y Fees paid A V_FEE VES-FEE-DATE A V_FEEDT X(12) 9(8) Vessel fee paid date. Zero Fees not paid 99999999 Fees paid by previous owner/agent Other Date fees were paid The following fields which have prefixes of FIL, PPL, ADR, and EST are information related to the sport charter business. FIL-NUMBER File number. X(6) A I_FILNUM 6 digit number of paper file. PPL-NAME X(30) Name of sport charter business. A I_NAME PPL-NAME-TYPE Name type. C A I_NAMTYP X(1) Company name PPL-TELEPHONE X(10) A I_PHONE Telephone number. If a phone number is available, it will be here, otherwise this field is blank. Bytes 1 - 3 Area code Bytes 4 - 6 Exchange Bytes 7 - 10 Number ADR-ADDRESS-TYPE X(1) A A_ADRTYP Address type. Indicates the type of address to follow. A Alaskan mailing address O Other US mailing address C Foreign mailing address ADR-STREET Street address. X(33) A A_STREET ADR-CITY City address. X(18) A A_CITY ADR-STATE State address. X(2) A A_STATE ADR-ZIP State address. X(9) A A_ZIP ADR-COUNTRY X(33) A A_CNTRY Country address. This can only be used when ADR-ADDRESS-TYPE = C and it must be used when ADR-ADDRESS-TYPE = C. EST-REPRESENTATIVE X(30) A Name of owner of sport charter company. person, not formatted in any way. E_REP Usually the name of a EST-AKBUS-LICENSE X(6) A E_BUSLIC Alaska business license of sport charter company.