1 STRATEGIC PLAN 2008 - 2013 SOMERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Somers, Connecticut Approved by BOE 10/27/08 2/13/2016 2 Mission The mission of the Somers Public Schools, a public educational community dedicated to excellence, is to prepare and inspire all students to realize their fullest potential in a challenging learning environment. Vision Statement The vision of the Somers Public Schools is that we be challenged to excellence, creative expression and the development of concern for the quality of life for all. The vision embraces a culture and an environment that: promotes lifelong learning; develops self worth; supports uniqueness and diversity; values independence and interdependence; inspires community and parental involvement; and empowers individuals to make choices that lead to lives filled with dignity, respect, happiness, and opportunity. Goals Goal #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Goal #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21 st century learning environment. Goal #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. 2/13/2016 3 TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION VISION STATEMENT “To expand the learning experience for students, increase instructional strategies for staff and provide 21st century models of technology for communication and collaboration within the school department and the community.” 2/13/2016 4 STRATEGIC PLANNING GOAL TIMELINES Goal #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 Goal #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 Goal #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 May 2009 July 2009 2/13/2016 5 STRATEGIC PLANNING MATRIX – 2008-2009 MONTH August GOAL BENCHMARK ACTIVITY PERSON(S) #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level All teachers will have copies of CMT/CAPT/SAT/AP & other relevant data for initial review and analysis Curriculum Director Life Skills – daily living, finances, interviewing, resume writing, taxes, etc. Staff training on new advisory program dissemination of curriculum to staff SHS Admin. & Staff Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common Meet with appropriate CSTs regarding Power/Priority Standards and implementation into curriculum Curriculum Director 2/13/2016 6 MONTH September GOAL BENCHMARK ACTIVITY #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Conduct assessment of current Rtl practices Curriculum Director Pupil Services Director Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Disseminate state technology standards to all staff Technology Director Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common Building Administration Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. Cyclical facilities and grounds equipment system assessment Discussion of local assessments: types, frequency, etc. – districtwide Fall baseline assessments administered at SES Reading, writing, math preassessments administered at MBA Convene Title I parent committee for planning of fall and spring workshops, support strategies for parents Meet w/Superintendent and Director of Business Services to assess facilities and grounds report PERSON(S) SES Administration & Staff MBA Administration & Staff Bldg. Administration & Curriculum Director Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds 2/13/2016 7 MONTH October GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Draft standards which are aligned with SDE recommendation Technology Director Curriculum Director Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common Power/Priority Standards workshop presented to Language Arts, Science, TIDE curriculum vertical teams Curriculum Director & CST’s Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development PD day focus on Rtl & DI w/staff Expand communications with parents on support strategies Dropout rate, post graduation survey, etc. Internal/external Begin development of alumni survey Review of state dropout data Assess status of system Administrative responsibilities Assess needs of administration Administration Vision Draft district vision Technology Director Instructional strategies Assess needs of instructional areas Technology Director to incorporate technology across Curriculum Director curricula Principals & Staff #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. ACTIVITY Initial analysis complete/set priorities Rtl Ad-hoc committee established PERSON(S) Administration Curriculum Director & SES/SHS Staff Staff SHS Administration & Staff Administration Technology Director 2/13/2016 8 MONTH October (Cont’d.) GOAL #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. BENCHMARK Enrollment data ACTIVITY Assess enrollment to determine impact on schools and programs PERSON(S) Superintendent Administration 2/13/2016 9 MONTH November GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Establish instructional strategies to address priorities ACTIVITY Administration & Teachers Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Conduct assessment with collabs and teams in each building Technology Director Curriculum Director Administration & CST’s Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common Fall DAR meetings completed at SES: feedback on assessments Feedback on assessment strategies Common Formative Assessments 3 day Certification Training & work with Language Arts staff on development of CFAs SES Staff Staff Curriculum Director Fall Title I parent workshop completed-open to all parents PD focus on DI & Curriculum Writing Process Curriculum Director Curriculum Director Administration & Staff Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development PERSON(S) Life Skills – daily living, finances, interviewing, resume writing, taxes, etc. Conduct assessment of life skills offerings across the district Administration Appreciation for fine and performing arts Formal assessment of fine and performing arts in district balance Administration & Staff Cultural awareness Formal assessment of cultural awareness experiences of district Administration & Staff 2/13/2016 10 MONTH November (Cont’d.) GOAL #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. BENCHMARK ACTIVITY PERSON(S) Web site Review website format for clarity & information Technology Director Curriculum Director Instructional strategies Assess needs of instructional areas Principals & Staff to incorporate technology across curricula Long-Range Plan – active involvement of staff Program needs Review district/building programs relating to facilities needs Superintendent, Principals, Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds 2/13/2016 11 MONTH December GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Implementation of instructional strategies ACTIVITY Administration & Staff PERSON(S) Administrative responsibilities Assess needs of administration Administration Instructional strategies Assess the development, planning and use of technology within the classroom Director of Technology Director of Curriculum Staff Program needs Assess budget implications for needs of Superintendent Superintendent, Director of Business Services Administration 2/13/2016 12 MONTH January GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Implementation of instructional strategies ACTIVITY Administration & Staff PERSON(S) Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Begin work with CST’s and vertical curriculum teams to infuse technology standards into curriculum: Language Arts, Science, Physical Education, Social Studies, World Language Director of Curriculum Director of Technology Assessments – frequency, ongoing common Review of assessment strategies Administration & Staff Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development January Building PD focus on instructional strategies January Curriculum PD focus on curriculum development strategies Director of Curriculum/Bldg. Administration/Staff/ CST’s Director of Curriculum CST’s 2/13/2016 13 MONTH January (Cont’d.) GOAL #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. BENCHMARK ACTIVITY PERSON(S) 1:1 computer/student ratio Assess status of computer/student ratio Director of Technology Internal/external communications Assess status of system Director of Technology Instructional strategies Assess needs of instructional areas Director of Technology to incorporate technology across Director of Curriculum curricula Principals & Staff Timeline for expansion of modules (Naviance, SDS…) Expand the use of modules Director of Technology available through the New Student Administration & Staff Software System Support mechanism for stafftraining, staff Cyclical facilities and grounds equipment assessment system 2/13/2016 14 MONTH February GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. ACTIVITY Implementation of instructional strategies Rtl protocols out to staff PERSON(S) Administration & Staff Curriculum/Pupil Services Directors Rtl Ad-hoc committee Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development 1:1 computer/student ratio Reconvene Title I parent committee – finalize plans for spring parent workshop Status report/needs assessment Curriculum Director Program needs assessment Assess facility needs Superintendent & Administration Technology Director 2/13/2016 15 MONTH March GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Implementation of instructional strategies ACTIVITY Administration & Staff Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common Administration of CMT & CAPT Winter/Spring DAR meetings completed at SES Review of assessment strategies Administration & Staff SES Staff Administration & Staff Building-level PD continued focus on instructional strategies Curriculum PD continued focus on curriculum development strategies Curriculum Director Bldg. Administration & Staff Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. Website review Assess format & effectiveness of site PERSON(S) Superintendent & Administration 2/13/2016 16 MONTH April GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Update on progress of implementation of instructional strategies ACTIVITY Administration PERSON(S) Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Update on progress of implementation of instructional strategies Administration Life Skills – daily living, finances, interviewing, resume writing, taxes, etc. Review of life skills program and needs of district Administration 2/13/2016 17 MONTH May GOAL #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. BENCHMARK ACTIVITY PERSON(S) Instructional strategies – parental involvement/professional development Spring title I parent workshop completed – open to all parents Curriculum Director Administrative responsibilities Assess needs of administration Superintendent & Administration Program needs Draft program plan Superintendent & Administration Cyclical facilities and grounds equipment assessment system Formal assessment of facilities & grounds Superintendent & Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds 2/13/2016 18 MONTH June GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Assessments – frequency, ongoing, common #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. ACTIVITY Final DAR meetings completed at SES Review of assessment strategies PERSON(S) SES Staff Staff Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Update on infusion of standards into Language Arts, Science, World Language, Social Studies & PE Technology Director Curriculum Director CST’s & Administration Dropout rate, post graduation survey, etc. Administer & collect graduation survey SHS Administration & Guidance 1:1 computer/student ratio Status report and plan Superintendent Director of Technology 2/13/2016 19 MONTH July GOAL BENCHMARK #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Reading, Math, Writing, Science – 90% students at goal or proficient at every grade level Review of preliminary state data Curriculum Director Technology – define and implement age appropriate proficiency standards Security Review goal for modification Technology Director Status report on systems Technology Director Program needs Review of building conditions Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds #2: Integrate technology throughout the district and expand the use of technology in the classroom to sustain a 21st century learning environment. #3: Maintain school facilities and grounds to provide a safe, healthy environment conducive to learning. ACTIVITY PERSON(S) 2/13/2016 20 MONTH September GOAL #1: Link state and local curriculum standards, student assessments, and instruction so that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. BENCHMARK Dropout rate, post graduation survey, etc. ACTIVITY Presentation of graduation survey data PERSON(S) SHS Administration 2/13/2016