Director of Curriculum and Instruction instructional coach

Director of Curriculum and Instruction/Instructional Coach
(Position funded by 1/2 General Fund & 1/2 Title IIA)
Associate Superintendent/Superintendent
To successfully design, develop, and implement the district curriculum,
assessments, best instructional practices and staff development. Ensure
academic success for all students.
1. Master of Arts in Curriculum and Teaching, Educational Leadership,
or related field
2. Minimum 5 years of successful teaching experience
3. Current Administrative Certificate or equivalent
4. Minimum of 2 years instructional coaching experience preferred
1. Provide leadership to assure that the district curriculum is implemented as outlined in the
Michigan K-12 Standards according to district vision.
2. Implement and evaluate instructional programs to assure learning for all students.
3. Establish and implement the use of common formative and summative assessments to
guide daily instruction and determine student learning based on the principles of
Assessment For Learning.
4. Develop a plan and analyze district assessment data. Share that data with appropriate
audiences. Effectively get the data warehouse utilized by the instructional staff.
5. Assist with the development, planning, and implementation of meaningful professional
6. Assure district and building compliance with state and federal school improvement
7. Provide support for technology use in the classroom to improve student learning.
8. Have current knowledge of, and be able to apply, state and national regulations in
assessment, curriculum, instruction, and school improvement.
9. Know and communicate to the district the latest trends in education and best practice in
teaching and learning.
10. Maintain liaison and active participation with educational leaders in curriculum and
instruction at local, state, regional and national levels.
11. Coach teachers to use effective instructional practices. (50% of position)
12. Other duties as assigned.
March 2015