Secondary Lesson Plan Template Name: Date: Grade Level: Subject / Content area: Lesson Title: Unit of Study: Lesson Duration: Central Focus for the Learning Segment: Content Standard(s) (List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part[s].): Learning Objectives associated with the content standards: Student Assessments (Assessments should vary in kind and purpose): Assessments: Modifications to the Assessments: Evaluation Criteria: Instructional Resources and Materials to engage all learners: Student Cultural Background and Experience (including those outside of school) Considerations (Identify how knowledge of students informed instructional planning): Christian Faith Integration (for Christian school settings—application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation): Differentiation and Planned Universal Supports (Supports are described with specific attention to groups within the class and individuals[IEPs, 504s, ELL, achievement gaps, gifted/talented] i.e. Whole class, groups within the class, specific needs of individuals): Academic Language (Specifically address how these language demands and supports are used in respect to the language function): Language Function: Language Demands of the Lesson (vocabulary, syntax, discourse) : Language Supports (Identify how you will support students in meeting the academic language demands of the lesson and accomplish the language function): Instructional Procedure: (These must connect to the central focus of the learning segment and learning objectives while meeting the needs of students): Hook/Anticipatory Sets/Essential Questions: Prior Knowledge Activation: Learning Task(s)/Learning Activity(ies) (explanation, modeling, guided practice, and independent practice): Closure to Lesson (Make sure students summarize and reflect on their own learning—what they have learned and/or are able to do): Relevant Theories and/or Research Best Practices: (Identify how these theories and research served as a foundation for instructional choices within your lesson) Notes for Revision: What changes or adaptations would you make to your instruction to better support student learning of the central focus?