Latin Level 2 conditions of assessment

NCEA Level 2 Latin
Conditions of Assessment
General Information
Subject Reference
NB: It is expected that teachers are familiar with additional generic guidance on
assessment practice in schools published at This should be read in conjunction with these Conditions of Assessment.
Specific Information for Individual Internal Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard Number
91196 Latin 2.3
Interpret studied Latin literary text(s)
Number of Credits
Evidence is to be developed with the use of the text(s) and resources. Any assessment
activity should provide candidates with the opportunity to provide evidence towards
achievement, achievement with merit and achievement with excellence.
The teacher may assist during the teaching process by:
 conferring with students to establish the process and direction of the interpretation
 aiding in the refinement of focusing questions
 assisting in locating sources/resources
Assessors, however, must closely supervise the interpretation process in order to ensure
authenticity. Students need to have access to resources in order to complete their
interpretation. At all times the quality of writing is more important than length.
Suitable assessment formats may be, but are not limited to:
 formal questions on items such as, but not limited to, textual features, theme, context,
figurative language, symbolism, atmosphere, characterisation or scansion
 an extended written text/assignment
 a collection of evidence gathered throughout the study that shows understanding in
interpretation of Latin literary text(s). In this case the assessment activity could be given
to students at the beginning of the study of the text(s)
 visual representations of ideas that include annotations/written notes e.g. diagrams,
sketches, images, PowerPoint
Although the studied text(s) interpreted for this standard may provide the basis for 2.4 and
2.5, this is not a requirement.
Achievement Standard Number
91197 Latin 2.4
Interpret a Roman viewpoint
Number of Credits
The evidence could be oral or written in English and can be supported by other media and
be developed with the use of resources. Any assessment task should provide candidates
with the opportunity to provide evidence towards achievement, achievement with merit and
achievement with excellence. This standard assesses the understanding in interpretation
of the Roman viewpoint being demonstrated, not the quality of the oral/written
The teacher may assist in the lead-up to the assessment activity by:
 conferring with students to establish the process and direction of the interpretation
 aiding in the refinement of focusing questions
 assisting in locating sources/resources
Teachers, however, must closely supervise the interpretation process in order to ensure
authenticity. Students need to have access to resources in order to complete their
interpretation. At all times the quality of writing is more important than length.
Suitable assessment formats may be, but are not limited to:
 a seminar, a speech, the reading aloud of a passage of Latin, a role-play, a
recorded/written interview, diary entries, PowerPoint, webpage
 a collection of evidence gathered over a period of time to show understanding of a
Roman viewpoint
 an extended written text/assignment on a Roman viewpoint
Achievement Standard Number
91198 Latin 2.5
Interpret Latin in current use
Number of Credits
Evidence is to be developed with the use of resources. Any assessment activity should
provide candidates with the opportunity to provide evidence towards achievement,
achievement with merit and achievement with excellence.
The teacher may assist in the lead-up to the activity by:
 conferring with students to establish the process and direction of the interpretation
 aiding in the refinement of focusing questions
 assisting in locating resources
Teachers, however, must closely supervise the process of interpretation in order to ensure
Students need to have access to resources in order to complete their interpretation. At all
times the quality of writing is more important than length.
Suitable assessment formats may be, but are not limited to:
 a collection of evidence gathered over a period of time to interpret Latin in current use
 an assignment
 visual representations that include images accompanied by annotations/written notes to
support the interpretation e.g. a poster, a webpage, PowerPoint
Achievement Standard Number
91199 Latin 2.6
Write Latin sentences of medium complexity that
demonstrate understanding of Latin
Number of Credits
Evidence is to be developed with the use of resources. Any assessment activity should
provide candidates with the opportunity to provide evidence towards achievement,
achievement with merit and achievement with excellence.
The teacher may assist in the lead-up to the task by:
 conferring with students to establish the process and direction of the writing
 aiding in the refinement of focusing questions
 assisting in locating resources
Teachers, however, must closely supervise the writing process in order to ensure
authenticity. Students need to have access to resources in order to complete their writing
in Latin. At all times the quality of response is more important than length.
Suitable assessment formats may be, but are not limited to:
 speech bubbles for cartoons or pictures
 a list of classroom rules
 descriptions such as brochures, advertisements, book cover, commentary, guidebook
 everyday writing such as letters, messages, blog/diary entries
 stories / poems / songs created or adapted for the use of junior Latin students.