How to follow up during phase one of the 24 Day Challenge

How to follow up during Phase One of the 24 Day Challenge
Ok Sue, so you are going to begin the 24-day challenge on Tuesday, what time in the evening on days 1, 3 and 7 will
be good for a quick 3-5 minute phone call from me to make sure everything is going like it’s supposed to. The
questions I’ll be asking you will be like how you are feeling, how you took the product, what you ate etc. (And be
sure you keep it to a 3-5 minute call, 7 min. at tops)
Rule: keep it short.
DAY ONE FOLLOW-UP: The purpose for this is to ensure client success making sure the plan is being followed correctly and
the fiber is going down ok. Make sure to troubleshoot where necessary and if you are not sure how let your Sponsor help you.
Hi Sue,
Ok, I’m just going to ask you a few questions about how everything went for you today, first:
1. Tell me how that fiber drink went for you? Some will say “no problem”, but make sure of the following:
- Make sure they drank the fiber right before or after their breakfast shake, they need to eat food w/ it.
- Also be sure they drank that full glass of water immediately after both, it the helps fiber disperse.
Hopefully you already told them the best way to drink the fiber, however below is an example:
A) First let them know it tastes fine, and that it’s the texture that gets people at first.
B) Pour it to in to no more water than the package calls for
C) If pouring into a cup they will want to separate the powder on top just a few times with a spoon and
stir just enough to submerge. There will probably still be powder floating at the top still but just tell
them when they drink it to pour the powder toward the back of their mouth on the first drink to swallow
the biggest part of it and then the rest will be thinned out. If there is still fiber in the bottom of the cup,
tell them to add a little water from the faucet to drink the rest down.
D) If they are someone who has problems with texture tell them to mix it instead with the “Simply brand
orange juice with pulp” and they won’t know it’s even there. (Or another healthy drink of choice)
-Do not keep shaking or stirring the fiber because it will keep thickening!
-Do not walk away after stirring. Drink it immediately because the longer it sits the thicker it will get. It
is designed to thicken so it will pull out the crud from the walls of the intestines to improve absorption.
2. What did you eat today? Make sure they are eating enough, well rounded and not skipping their snacks. Also
remind them to pre-prepare food for the grab! Ex. pre-peeled hard-boiled eggs or seasoned gr. turkey patty’s.
3. Did you get all your 86oz of water in or somewhere close to it? Tell them it’s normal to be tinkling
much more often and their body has to get used to it. (people who do not drink water at all may need a
few days to get the hang of it so just encourage them to keep trying)
4. How did you feel today? Their energy or the way they feel may not be much different yet but ask anyway to make
sure they are doing ok. Some may say they feel full and that’s expected or may even go into something else.
5. Remind them they have the fiber packet to take tonight that you’ll be getting back in touch at the
end of their day 3, and to call you if they have any questions/concerns.
DAY THREE FOLLOW-UP: It is important to follow up this day because:
Day 4 they have a change on their cleanse calendar and you want to remind them about that.
2. You also want to make sure they are still eating enough and eating well rounded foods and
continuing to get their water in.
3. Troubleshoot for them again anywhere needed. Remember to use your Advocare sponsor to help
troubleshoot anything you may not know how to handle. Tell them the person who helped “you” may be
able to troubleshoot their roadblock. You can then arrange a three way call with your sponsor or ask
your sponsor about what they think and relay to your client the outcome. It’s what you and sponsor
think will be best!
4. Ask them how the “elimination” process is going. Ask about how many times/day they are going and
let them know that it’s ok if they may be seeing some color changes and/or consistency changes
(softening). Ask them if they are going more than they usually do or at least 1-3 times a day and if they
have any concerns. If they are going more than 1-3/day that is ok but if bowels are too loose ask them
again if they are eating ENOUGH and to increase food intake. If things are not moving out then that is
USUALLY always a water-intake issue. If they are already drinking 86 0z tell them to increase their
water intake anyway and their vegetable intake as well!
5. And last, be their coach and encourage them to keep the bad foods away and that by day’s 8, 9 and
10 their cravings should significantly reduce or go away if they keep on track. Also remind them they
can eat ANYTHING they want on day 11.
DAY SEVEN FOLLOW-UP: Continue the same general questions:
How are they feeling? They should be feeling pretty darn good by now! If in person you may see the
color in their face look pink, plush or more pure. Compliment them if that if it happens.
Ask if they are still on task with their product, for instance still following their calendar.
Go over any previous complications they may have had to see if the troubleshooting worked for
them and if not continue the troubleshooting process and inform/update your sponsor.
Ask what they may be noticing different in themselves.
Ask them if other people are saying/noticing anything different.
MAKE SURE they understand it is imperative to eat high calorie bad foods on day 11 because it is
designed to break their eating “plateau” and allow them to create a fire in the metabolism and drop
weight (often they will see a loss abt 4 days after their cheat day). BUT, they will also begin the
“second phase” on that SAME DAY (day 11).
If they don’t have their 2 nd phase product already you want to order it today at the very latest so
they can start their second phase on day 11.
Go over how to take their MNS but to also refer to the phase 2 instruction page. if not today
then some time before day 11.