Individual Membership Application Form

Thank you for your interest in Regional Arts Victoria membership. Since its establishment,
Regional Arts Victoria has been dedicated to inspiring and supporting contemporary and
innovative regional cultural practice. We work with artists and communities to develop
networks, tours and projects, utilising and building partnerships with local, state and federal
government, sponsors and education organisations.
Membership to Regional Arts Victoria is open to individuals across Australia. Benefits include:
An easy-to-manage online profile on the Regional Arts Victoria website;
The ability to upload your events to the Regional Arts Victoria website “What’s On” section;
Access to Members’ Library of tools and resources on our website to assist you with your
artistic development, project planning and marketing;
Regular e-news updates;
Quality artistic support and advice from expert Regional Arts Victoria staff;
Attendance at our Regional Cultural Forums;
The option to purchase affordable Public & Products Liability insurance.
If you wish to apply for Regional Arts Victoria MEMBERSHIP ONLY, please go directly to the application
form on page 5. Complete this form and the Payment form.
If you wish to also apply for PUBLIC & PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE, please read the information on the
following pages, complete the Membership application form on page 5 and the payment form (nominating
either $10 million or $20 million cover). You must then also complete the City Rural Insurance Brokers
application form, separately attached.
When you have completed all documents, please submit via email, mail or fax :
Mail: Regional Arts Victoria. GPO Box 1799, Melbourne VIC 3001
(03) 9646 3832
Applications take five working days, from receipt of application, to process
For questions about Membership: Phone Pamela Reid at Regional Arts Victoria on (03) 9644 1800
For questions about the Insurance form or policy: Maria Coumi at City Rural Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd
on 1300 887 429.
We look forward to welcoming you to Regional Arts Victoria.
Kind regards,
Pamela Reid
Membership & Office Administrator
Eligibility for individual membership
Only practising artists are eligible to become individual members of Regional Arts Victoria.
Any practising artist wishing to become an individual member of Regional Arts Victoria must
complete an application form and provide a Curriculum Vitae and/or short biography outlining
artwork and/or relevant experience.
The cost of becoming an individual member of Regional Arts Victoria is $55 (incl gst).
The group Public & Products Liability insurance is only available to individual members of Regional
Arts Victoria.
What is Public & Products Liability insurance?
Public & Products Liability Insurance provides indemnity to the policyholder in respect of bodily injury or
property damages to a third party caused by an accident or occurrence in connection with the individual’s
activities. This is a legal liability policy where negligence must be established in the event of a claim.
There are standard exclusions in the policy, some of which may be removed subject to agreement by the
insurers, upon receipt of satisfactory information and payment of an additional premium where applicable.
The circumstances of each individual will determine whether additional coverage will be required.
How is Regional Arts Victoria involved?
Regional Arts Victoria acts as a group purchasing body buying Public & Products Liability insurance on
behalf of its individual members. This Policy is designed for the cover of individual members and Regional
Arts Victoria retains the right to decide the membership criteria of this scheme.
How does the scheme work?
The Regional Arts Victoria membership policy commences from the date of approval and runs for 12
months. Renewals are completed per annum and sent to individual members one month prior to
expiration of cover. Members who choose to renew will receive an updated Certificate of Currency and
membership is extended for a further 12 months.
Members who do not wish to renew their membership receive a letter after expiry advising the
cessation of both membership and coverage under the Public & Products Liability insurance scheme.
How much does the insurance cost?
$210 (inc gst) $10 million dollar limit,
$305 (inc gst) for $20 million dollar limit.
Regional Arts Victoria charges $40 (incl gst) for administration costs. This administration fee is included in
the figures above.
Insurance Terms and Conditions
A copy of the Insurance Terms and Conditions will be sent upon request.
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Regional Arts Victoria will:
Promptly notify you in writing should we expect that your cover under this insurance will be
discontinued or will not be renewed. Should this not occur, we are obliged to compensate you for
any loss or damage suffered. To make a claim for compensation please contact Regional Arts
Enable you to contact our brokers, City Rural Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd directly and without charge
to confirm that you are covered by this insurance.
Maria Coumi, Account Manager
City Rural Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd
200 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063
T: (08) 8272 7785 Interstate: 1300 887 429
F: (08) 8357 8994
Australian Financial Services Licence
As Regional Arts Victoria does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence, you should consider
obtaining your own financial product advice from a person and/or organisation qualified to give such
advice under an Australian Financial Services licence. As a Group Purchasing Body we have engaged City
Rural Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (AFSL 237491) to arrange Group or Master Liability Policies for our
members. You can contact them directly (details as listed above).
Regional Arts Victoria does not receive any form of remuneration (including commission) or other benefits
that are reasonably attributable to the group purchasing activity from an insurer, broker or any other
person, for coverage of this policy. Regional Arts Victoria does charge its members an administration fee of
$40 for arranging this insurance.
Who needs Public & Products Liability Insurance, and what is it?
Public & Products Liability insurance is a common business insurance covering business and individuals
from legal liability arising out of third party personal injury or property damage caused by an occurrence in
connection with the business activities of the Insured, including liability arising from the manufacture
and/or distribution and/or sale of products. Public & Products Liability Insurance covers the cost of a
claim made against you, provided the claim falls within the terms and conditions of the policy.
Who decides who has been negligent?
The decision as to whether you have been negligent rests with the courts and/or the insurance company.
The policy only covers your acts of negligence. You should ensure that other parties with whom you are
engaged also have Public & Products Liability insurance.
You should never admit liability in anyway, as it may prejudice your claim.
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Public & Products Liability Insurance Policy Summary
(Note: This is a summary only. For full details of cover, request a copy of the policy.)
The following categories of arts may be acceptable under this insurance:
Teaching, provided the member does not have more than Twenty (20) students.
(Members are advised to have Professional Indemnity Insurance if they undertake professional
Visual Artists, including 2D, 3D and installation artists working as Creative Personnel on community
arts projects,
public art contractors,
private exhibitors,
Performing Artists including dancers, actors, physical theatre, musicians, in controlled stage
performance settings as well as street theatre.
Limit of Liability
$20,000,000 or $10,000,000 any one occurrence, but limited to $20,000,000 or $10,000,000,
in the aggregate, in any one period of insurance in respect of products.
Additional Benefit $50,000 goods in care, custody and control
Geographical Limits Anywhere in Australia.
Deductible $1,000 each and every claim any one occurrence
Principals Indemnity, Tenants Liability, Work away from own premises,
Special Conditions – exclusion:
A list of exclusions are listed within the Individual membership Liability Insurance Policy available as a PDF
at You will also receive a copy of the policy when your Membership and Public & Products
Liability Insurance is processed and approved.
It is NOT intended for:
Distributors selling a non-craft product produced by third parties. Sale or supply of products imported or
exported by you. Sale or supply of products (not made by you) and wholesaled to others. Sale or supply of
any other product which is not craft related
Duty of Disclosure:
The law requires you to tell us everything you know (or could reasonably be expected to know in the
circumstances) which is relevant to our decision to insure you, and the terms on which we insure you. This
duty applies before you enter into a contract with us, that is, before we accept your proposal and also each
time before you alter or renew the Policy.
Penalty for Nondisclosure
If you do not tell us everything necessary, we may: reduce or refuse to pay a claim; or cancel your Policy.
If you act dishonestly, we may invalidate the Policy from its beginning and not be bound by it.
You don’t need to tell us anything which:
Reduces the risk, is common knowledge, we already know, or ought to know in the ordinary course of our
business, or we indicate we do not want to know. If you are not sure that something is relevant, it is best
to disclose it anyway.
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Contact Ph:
Postal Address:
Registered for GST?
Do you currently have Public & Products Liability Insurance? Yes
If so, when does your policy expire?
Are you a professional artist?
What is your main art form?
Other art forms:
Please describe your current or intended upcoming activities and/or events.
Please give a brief description of your background:
Please also include your CV and/or short biography outlining your artwork and/or relevant experience.
Why do you want to join Regional Arts Victoria?
Where/how did you hear about Regional Arts Victoria?
Regional Arts Victoria Members have access to a range of tools and resources on the Regional Arts
Victoria website (, including the opportunity to be included on our Regional Arts Victoria
map, and an editable Member Profile on our website.
In order to set up your Member Account please complete the details below:
a) Username (one word all lower case):
b) Password (up to eight letters and/or numbers):
(note: you can change your password at any time after your profile has been created)
You will receive a confirmation email once your account has been created.
Regional Arts Victoria values your privacy. For details on how we collect, store and use information, you can review our
Privacy Policy at, contact us at or call (03) 9644 1800 for a copy.
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Membership to Regional Arts Victoria
$ 55.00
I wish to take out Public & Products Liability Insurance through Regional
Arts Victoria’s umbrella scheme. (Please choose level of cover.)
$10 million cover @ $210.00 (includes $40 administration charge)
$20 million cover @ $305.00 (includes $40 administration charge)
Total (add Membership and Premium)
Note: (all prices are inclusive of GST)
Regional Arts Victoria states that it does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence, but as a
Group Purchasing Body has engaged City Rural Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd (AFSL 237491) to arrange
Group or Master Liability Policies for its members. You may wish to contact them or any other
organisation that holds an Australian Financial Service Licence for advice. Regional Arts Victoria does
not receive any form or remuneration (including commission) or other benefits that are reasonably
attributable to the group purchasing activity from the broker or any other person. Regional Arts Victoria
does charge an administration fee of $40 (incl gst) for arranging this insurance. ….
Payment options:
By cheque payable to Regional Arts Victoria
Card Type:
Card no:
Expiry date:
Name on card:
Office use only:
Signature: ___