The Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme Stage 2 Registration Form to become a Tutor Please note that it will take approximately 10 working days to process an application. You may wish to discuss your application with your locality tutor prior to submitting it for processing. Each Stage 2 trainee is supported by an onsite tutor who needs to be registered with NES Pharmacy to be part of the training scheme. Stage 2 Pharmacists complete a competency based framework that comprises of 9 sections. Within each of the sections there are tasks to be completed, sometimes on more than one occasion. Tutors need to ensure that trainees are able to achieve all of the tasks within the framework and that they receive a broad range of training in order the meet the requirement of Stage 2. Stage 2 Pharmacists are expected to meet with their tutor once per month when they discuss progress and agree learning objectives for the next part of their rotation. Feedback forms should be completed by healthcare professionals including tutors. There should be comments written that reflect the task undertaken and the trainees achievement of the task. All sections of the form should contain narrative and not just a score. Tutors are responsible for ensuring that the evidence provided meets the requirement of Stage 2. Specialist pharmacists can ‘sign off’ aspects of evidence but it is the tutor’s responsibility to ensure that the format and structure meets that required of a Stage 2 portfolio. Tutors should complete and sign a Completion form for each section of the competency framework. Tutors should meet with their Stage 2 pharmacists and appraise progress at 0,6, 9 and 15months of training. Appraisal documentation should then be en e mailed in to Portfolios must NOT contain any patient identifiable information. They should not include patient names, initials, dates of birth, CHI numbers or bar codes. No medical practitioners’ names or details of GP practices. Nothing within your portfolio should be able to be traced back to a patient. [Portfolios containing patient information will be returned and not assessed as part of the portfolio assessment.] When registering to become a tutor for Stage 2 of The Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme you are agreeing to meet the requirements above. 1 Date………………………………….. Your details Title: Mr Mrs Ms Dr Name: Address: (for communication) GPhC Registration Number: E-mail Address: Q2. Your Current Tutor Status Work Telephone Number: Work Address: (if different to above) 2. Care are you How many years experience do you have (in total, excluding your preregistration year) as a practising pharmacist? What is your current grade/banding? How many years have you been in your current position? Please detail below your reasons for becoming a Stage 2 tutor 2 Please give us an outline of your professional experience to date (with dates) and brief roles and responsibilities Please detail below any previous experience of training or mentoring others or your plans for gaining experience (What groups have you previously helped with their training? What sort of training were you providing? Was it 1: 1 training or was it group work? Did you receive any feedback from those that you helped train?) Please include some feedback if you can. What skills/experience do you have to support your trainee? Please detail below how you plan to support and facilitate the training of your trainee 3 Do you have any training needs of your own in order to support your trainee? Please detail below how you can demonstrate that you are undertaking CPD (You may be submitting Significant Event Analysis to us for peer review as part of your CPD) What date do you hope to start to tutor your first trainee? What is your Stage 2 Pharmacist’s name ? I have discussed this registration with my Pharmacy Manager who is happy to support me. Please place a ‘x’ in the box opposite to indicate their support → Please submit your completed application form by saving it and then emailing it to Please note it may take up to 10 working days to be processed. Data Protection: NES uses the personal data you provide for purposes associated with our responsibilities for health workforce development, including the administration of courses, monitoring training programmes and circulating information relating to relevant development opportunities. For more information see Personal data will be retained in line with our records retention policies. We will not share your data with third parties. 4