GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PRIMARY PGCE WEEKLY DEVELOPMENT MEETING RECORD Trainee name ………………………………………………………. This record does not need to be lengthy or detailed: it does, however, need to be focused and purposeful and it should be completed collaboratively during the Weekly Development Meeting. Your Principal School Tutor should sign this as an agreed record of your meeting. Keep this record in your Individual Development Portfolio. REVIEW OF EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT: Please read first any Action Plans, FRAPs or University Visiting Tutor Visit Records developed since last week’s meeting. Then review whether the targets set on the previous week’s Weekly Development Meeting Record have been achieved or need carrying forward. PUPIL LEARNING: Discuss using previous week’s completed lesson observation forms and relevant lesson evaluations. Record evidence. SPECIALIST SUBJECT TEACHING IN PAST WEEK Record opportunities for teaching specialist subject in past week FRAMEWORK TASKS (Spring term only) Record progress with appropriate Framework tasks OUTCOMES OF DISCUSSION: Focus of discussion: with reference to the Teachers’ Standards WEEKLY DEVELOPMENT TARGET/S: Please note the target/s with reference to the Teachers’ Standards and subject specific knowledge and pedagogy Explain how the target/s will be achieved Demonstrations to be arranged for the week: (Two related to the agenda focuses and an additional one, as Time & Date appropriate, on a theme such as behaviour management or phonics) 1 2 3 Agenda focuses for the week: 1 2 Lesson observation using proforma (teacher observing trainee): 1 2 I will ensure that the trainee has opportunities to observe outstanding practitioners in the forthcoming week (detailed above) Signed: …………………………………………………….. (Principal School Tutor) Date: ……………………………