18th December 2014 - The Arthur Terry School

18th December
We need to start planning for tutor workshops
Next year – put the results from the questionnaire into action
What do we want to focus on?
 Teaching styles
 Teaching methods
What do we like about tutor time?
Gives you time to prepare
Good for relaxing before lessons
You can talk to people
It’s fun
The year groups don’t mix – there is separation
You are forced to do activities you don’t want to
Not many people show up especially sixth
Activities are not updated frequently enough
It can be boring
How could we improve tutor time?
Make it more inclusive – get more people involved
Have not as many uear groups in a tutor group
More interesting activities
The library is too noisy, and people mess around. It distracts people who actually want to work, and
the librarians often are not treated with as much respect as the teachers.
We don’t like that you’re not allowed to be in classrooms in cold lunchtimes.
Teaching styles
Different subjects have to have different teaching methods.
Some of our favourite teaching styles:
Little chunks of information at a time
Active and inactive work in one lesson
Can everyone ask their tutors to brainstorm how they like to be taught, then do some sort of ranking
activity i.e. what is the best way to be taught.
Speak to Student Development committee about tutor time activities?