Tutor Trainee Computer Lab Visit

Tutor Trainee Computer Lab Visit
Source: Operation Read - Lexington, KY
Between now and the end of next month, all individuals in Tutor Training need to plan to visit, at least
twice, the Operation Read Lab on the ground floor of the Carnegie Center. The best hours for Basic
Tutor support are:
Monday and Wednesday evenings 5-7 p.m. or Saturdays 12-2 p.m.
(Note that the lab is open other hours but during these hours there will be a Lab Associate available for
Tutor support)
During those lab visits you need to:
 Work through one of the "Meet the Personal Computer Lessons" and print the lesson product
 Review "Help Card" product
 Ask the Lab Associate about the use of materials in the lab
 Preview a software selection
After you have met your student you will have a better idea about his/her skills and interests. We
encourage you to accompany your student to the lab at least during the first visit. After you are tutoring
on a regular basis, try to encourage your student to use the lab for practice and to go to the lab if you are
unable to meet that week. Plan a specific day and time for your student to come to the lab. Provide a lab
schedule for your student for a while.
BE SURE TO SIGN-IN when you go to the lab. The sign-in is a database located on the first computer
by the door. Operation Read will call new tutors who have not completed required lab experiences. We
will set up a monitored lab session for those trainees that have not met lab requirements by the
established date.
Happy tutoring!
12-04.Tutor Trainee Comp Lab PP
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