Tutor module review(s) template

Tutor Module Review
Programme teams are encouraged to draw up a schedule so that all modules are reviewed
over a period of three years. Tutor module reviews should be submitted to the Programme
Convener and then be appended to the PAR report. It is anticipated that tutor module
reviews should be approximately 2 pages.
Module Title
Host Programme(s)
Response to previous review’s actions
a. Curriculum – a review of the curriculum content
b. Learning and Teaching strategy – a rationale of the learning and teaching methodology
c. Assessment and achievement – a review of the assessment process, with reference to
the effectiveness of the assessment (formative and summative) and feedback, and an
analysis of the attainment of students
d. Resources
e. Any actions implemented since last tutor module review (e.g. via the modification
process) and any actions proposed for the future
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