National Environmental Research Program Communications Strategy – Attachment D Conferences and Events Protocol Contents 1. Purpose of this protocol 2. Annual Conferences CERF Conferences NERP Conferences 3. Other targeted workshops and events 4. Links to Hub and Program Communication Plans Purpose of the Protocol The National Environmental Research Program (NERP) will promote excellence in research through funding world class, innovative, multi-disciplinary research that supports the conservation and management of Australia’s biodiversity and ecosystems. To do this, it is vital that the research is positioned to enable Australian Government environmental managers to base their decisions on the best available evidence. Through its experience in administering the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (CERF) Program, the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities has found that targeted events provide one of the most effective and efficient methods for disseminating information and ensuring the gap between research and policy in environmental decision making is bridged. Targeted events can include highly specialised presentations or workshops with particular line areas, or large conferences aimed at a broader audience. Annual Conferences An annual NERP Conference will be one of the primary whole-of-program synthesis activities. The NERP Conference will include all NERP hubs and as many end users as possible. It is envisaged to follow a similar format to the successful CERF Conferences. To date, CERF conferences have focused on the Minister and DSEWPaC (formerly DEWHA) as the target audience. The NERP Conference will initially target broader Australian Government end-users and it is hoped that this will be expanded as the program matures. A work plan will be developed for each annual conference. CERF Conferences CERF conferences were held annually from 2007-10. All focused on bringing together key CERF researchers and DEWHA officers, but also included some participants from other Australian Government environmental agencies. The Conferences provided an opportunity for researchers to explain and highlight the use of their research projects, as well as provide a forum for DEWHA officers to articulate key policy issues. This provided researchers and policy-makers with an opportunity to share results, discuss next steps and identify opportunities for collaboration and data-sharing. These conferences were particularly useful in exposing DEWHA policy officers to CERF research and tools which could support better policy decision making. The inclusion of senior departmental executives, who presented key research questions and challenges for discussion was particularly useful. There were substantial overlaps between CERF research and policy knowledge gaps, as would be expected given the project selection process. For example, Caring for our Country was strongly supported by the research undertaken by Applied Environmental Decision Analysis hub and the Investment Framework for Environmental Resources (INFFER). NERP conferences September 2011 Page 1 of 2 A conference will be held each year as a forum for researchers to present their findings and research products to end-users, and for end-users (particularly Australian Government environment portfolio agencies) to articulate their research needs. The format for this conference may change over the life of the program. DSEWPaC will maintain responsibility for managing this conference, but will seek to involve the research providers and partner organisations to the greatest degree possible. It is hoped that the audience for the conference will expand over the life of the program. It is expected that to the greatest degree possible, NERP conferences (and other NERP-funded events, including those organised by hubs) will be as accessible as possible to all stakeholders. The department will consider proposals to charge registration/attendance fees for conferences and/or other events if it can be demonstrated that this will improve planning or logistics. The use of any proceeds from NERP or hub events should be approved by the Director of the Scientific Research and Information Section of the department and not be used to supplement conference expenses or hospitality without prior approval. Other targeted workshops, conferences, field days, etc As primary sponsors of the NERP, DSEWPaC is very supportive of activities which increase the profile of NERP hubs and the program as a whole. The NERP will not be successful if its outputs have no influence on Australian Government environment policy or programs. Under the CERF program, Australian Government decision makers were particularly receptive to events and presentations from researchers which were clearly targeted to their needs. Such opportunities include: workshops and seminars with specific focus groups within environment portfolio agencies to work on priority policy and program issues – this allows researchers and policy-makers to directly exchange knowledge and bridge cultural gaps; face to face meetings between key relevant researchers and policy-makers on specific policy issues; and conferences or field days which are aimed at a broad cross-section of stakeholders. Such broadaudience events allow information to be widely disseminated, while facilitating the building of professional networks across agencies. These events will provide for both the dissemination of information and the provision of feedback that may influence the direction of future work by both parties. The Scientific Research and Information Section within DSEWPaC is eager to help facilitate researcher interaction with government stakeholders. Events may be conducted by Hubs independently or in collaboration, or conducted across the entire NERP. Engagement with other research institutions and programs is also to be encouraged. All events need to be developed and organised for content and logistics, and this should form part of each Hub’s Science Communication Plan. All Hub representation at presentations, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc should be consistent with the rest of the NERP Communications Strategy, including the Styleguide and Publications and Media Protocol. Links to Hub and Program Communication Plans All planned events, including the annual NERP conference, separate or combined hub conferences, workshops, presentations, etc, as well as Hub Steering Committee, Working Group and other significant researcher / policy meetings should be included in each Hub’s Science Communication Plan. This will allow opportunity for hubs to collaborate in their events and communications activities and the department to publicise events within the environment portfolio. Where the event involves researchers and the Australian Government and / or multiple hubs, the department should be notified to allow incorporation in the NERP program-level Communication Plan and publication on the NERP website. The hub and or relevant researchers should liaise with the relevant DSEWPaC Hub Liaison Officer. September 2011 Page 2 of 2