2014 Lukyanova G., doctor of veterinary sciences PF NUBiP Ukraine

© 2014
Lukyanova G., doctor of veterinary sciences
PF NUBiP Ukraine "Crimean Agrotechnical University"
Studied seasonally and age invasia anoplocephalidosis of horses in different climatic and landscape
zones Crimea. Maximum infestation of anoplocephalata in horses registered in the foothill and mountain
areas. The steppe zone is present bot generally not observed. The most common pathogens detected
species Anoplocephala perfoliata (in 63 of 71 affected horses of anoplocephalata – 87,3%). The most
invazia observed in the autumn. Young animals 1 to 3 years of age had the highest rates of infestation
cestodes intestin (EI – 26,3%). Adult horses were infested by only 5,7%.
Keywords: horse, anoplocephalata, epizootology, extensiveness of invasions.
Statement of the problem. Among the activities that contribute to the growth of number of horses
important to the prevention and elimination helmintosis, some of which are anoplocephalatosis.
Anoplocephalata digestive tract causing great economic damage breeding. Studies have shown that the
data associated with helminths some types of colic in horses [1, 8]. In debilitated animal parasites
consume a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins, causing stress and further easing, complicating the
disease [5].
Analysis of major studies and publications which discuss the problem. Study epizootology
cestodosy disease of horses in a large number of works of local and foreign scientists [3, 4, 7]. However,
features invasion of anoplocephalata of horses in Crimea is not understood. It is known that the course of
epizootic process in parasitic diseases is determined, along with other factors, climatic and geographical
conditions. In the infection animal of parasites, including anoplocephalata significantly affect climate area
[6]. Therefore, the development of tactics prevention and treatment of parasites in horses anoplocephalata
largely depends on their knowledge of the epizootiology depending on the location and climatic
In Crimea issue features the ecology of parasites of the alimentary canal horses remain poorly
understood and are based on work carried out in the country. [2] In this regard, the need to study the issue
of zonal features epizootology anoplocephalata. On this basis, the possible development of an effective
integrated system to protect horses from invasions of cestodosis.
Aims and objectives of research. The aim of the study was to investigate epizootic features
anoplocephalata horses in terms of Crimea. To solve this next task is to investigate contamination
cestodes of horses in different climatic and landscape zones Crimea, to determine seasonal lesions of
anoplocephalata of horses; horses set age infection of gastrointestinal cestodes.
Materials and methods research. In order to study invasia of anoplocephalata of horse farms in
different climatic and landscape zones Crimea were conducted clinical, pathological and koproovoskopia
study. Helmintokoproskopia study conducted by a standardized method of G.A. Kotelnykov and V.M.
Hrenov. The intensity of infestation was determined by counting the number of helminth eggs in feces
and 3 g by counting helminths during part helmyntology section reluctantly slaughtered animals. We
determined the seasonal and age characteristics invasia horses cestodes according to monthly research.
Results. In Crimea there are five main agro-climatic regions: 1 - South Coast 2 - steppe, 3 - lower
piedmont, 4 - upper piedmont, 5 - mountain areas. The highest number of horses in the steppe focused,
lower and upper (northern) foothill areas. Wet piedmont and mountain areas occupy about 30% of the
Crimea. They are the most favorable for breeding. Here livestock horses varies between 1.5-2 thousand.
An examination of various horse farms in the Crimea in only one of them ("Zelenogorsk"
Belogorsky area) found animals infected with cestodes contract Anoplocephalata. They have been
classified as an Anoplocephala perfoliata and Paranoplocephala mamillana. Invasia of animals (71
animal) this cestodes of the total surveyed in the country (636 horses) was only 11,2 %. On the territory
of a troubled economy was affected anoplocephala 71 animals, which was 36,2 %. The most common
pathogens detected species Anoplocephala perfoliata (in 63 of 71 affected horses of anoplocephalus –
87,3 %). The most heavily infested of anoplocephalis was young at the age of 1 to 3 years (EI – 26,3 %).
Among foals up to one year extensity of cestodosis invasion was 9,6%. Adult horses were infested by
only 5,7%. Analyzing the results of the monthly autopsies animals (34 animals) at different times of the
year noted that most anoplocephalis in the gut occurs in autumn (32 - 38 parasites). In winter and spring
the number of helminths in the gut was slightly lower (25 - 29 and 10 - 14 respectively). Took place over
the summer growth of parasites in animals (18 - 22 cestodes). It is worth noting a pattern of more intense
affection cestodes of horses of all ages upper foothill and mountain areas of the country. In terms of areas
of intense affection region of thin intestines of horses of all groups of parasites seen in autumn. This, in
our opinion, due to strong contamination of pastures contaminated cysticercoides helminths orybatyd
mites in autumn. High density of intermediate hosts of helminths (6-8 thousand 1 m2 alpine pastures)
provide continuous and intensive animal infestation that area. In the lower foothills zone intensity invasia
horses below. The steppe zone is currently no registered bot. A horses steppe zone can be explained by
unfavorable conditions for orybatyd mites, whose numbers in the data areas is very low. Lack
anoplocephalata among livestock technology associated with their maintenance. In addition, the horses of
the zone browse rare and limited area that the air in this case invasia can occur only in intestinal helminth
infestation gets pathogens from feed and water. This reduces the risk of infection, especially when the
animals are kept and fed individually, not contaminated feed and no contact between individuals.
Conclusions. Maximum anoplocephalata infestation of horses registered in the Crimea in the
autumn in young animals 1 to 3 years of age in the foothills and mountainous areas.
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