Collections and Access Proposal

Collections and Access Program
Funding requested
Year One (2005/2006)
Year Two (2006/2007)
Year Three (2007/2008)
Snapshot /
The community desires access to information that is both trusted and reliable; it
regards libraries as being places where this need can be met. Public libraries and
the State Library of Victoria see sound information content as fundamental to great
library services. Content in our collections can be enhanced by:
 Researching and responding to our communities’ needs
 Managing the content –purchase and collection development
 Harvesting existing content –eg in electronic form or document delivery
 Creating content –such as digitising local information, or hosting a community
web publishing program including multilingual communities.
Providing seamless access to all Victorian library collections is also a major
ambition for public libraries and the State Library of Victoria. Individually, libraries
struggle to maintain desirable, relevant collections, and to take advantage of new
technologies to improve community access to these. Many library users now expect
online delivery of digitised resources. A collaborative approach would enable userfocused service delivery, enhanced and shared collections, both physical and
online, local content development, cost efficiencies, and innovation in the use of
This project will gather collections audit and customer needs data, and international
best practice, to create a costed blueprint for collaborative projects to enhance
library collections and access over the next five years, and a long-term vision for
libraries in 2020. A two-year program of demonstration projects will follow this first
year of research and planning. Demonstration projects could include a collective
purchasing cooperative, community or multilingual web publishing programs, digital
database of significant Victorian collection items, enriched online catalogue
services, development of wireless networks, or centralised network support. The
blueprint will address the sustainability of initiatives seeded though Victorian
government funding.
The Collections and Access program also includes immediate initiatives to improve
access to existing collections: creating a landmark federated search portal to enable
single-search access to catalogues, databases and other digital content online; a
touring conservation assessment and public program, and a state-wide document
delivery service.
This program responds to the top three goals and priorities of the Framework for
Collaborative Action: enhanced Victorian library collections, improved access
options, and seamless service for users state-wide.
Project Objectives
To conduct an audit of current public library collections and gather customer
needs research and international best practices
To convene an Expert Group to develop a vision for library collections and
access across Victoria in 2020
To create a 5 year blueprint for collaborative projects to enhance Victorian
library collections and access by February 2006, including costs and timelines.
The blueprint will commence with demonstration projects for implementation
under project funding over the subsequent two years
To develop a federated search portal for catalogues, databases and other
digital content online
To assess significant Victorian items in public library collections, and provide
advice and professional development for libraries in conserving, digitising and
providing access to these
To deliver a public program of conservation workshops, local history writing
workshops, and touring treasures from the State Library of Victoria and public
library collections
To support the creation of Victorian content for physical and digital library
To strengthen partnerships between public libraries and the State Library of
Victoria, and with other organisations such as local history groups
To facilitate resource-sharing between libraries, physically through the statewide courier contract, and virtually through the federated search portal
To address the sustainability of initiatives seeded though Victorian government
To encourage collaborative planning, delivery, and innovation in library services
Key Performance
Year One: 2005/2006
Collections audit conducted, and customer needs and best practice research
Expert Group convened: one two-day conference
Blueprint completed for projects to enhance Victorian public library collections
and access, including costs, timeline, and priority order for two years of funded
demonstration projects and sustainable ongoing projects, by June 2006
Federated search portal launched by May 2006
Pilot extension to Travelling Treasures touring program conducted:
conservation assessments and public conservation workshops - 6 library
services visited in 6 months
Full Travelling Treasures touring program commenced: conservation
assessments and conservation and history writing workshops will be continued
in the remaining Victorian public library services, complemented by a touring
program of items from the State Library of Victoria and public library collections9 library services visited in 6 months
State-wide document delivery services coordinated
Year Two: 2006/2007
Demonstration Projects commenced as recommended by blueprint
(eg collective purchasing cooperative, community or multilingual web publishing
programs, digital database of significant Victorian collection items, enriched
online catalogue services, development of wireless networks, or centralised
network support)
Travelling Treasures touring program continued - 19 library services visited in
12 months
State-wide document delivery services coordinated
Year Three: 2007/2008
Blueprint demonstration projects completed
Federated search portal completed by June 2008
Travelling Treasures touring program completed - 9 library services visited in 6
months. 6-month demonstration project completed.
State-wide document delivery services coordinated
Project Plan
2020 Vision: Collections and Access Blueprint for Victoria’s Public Libraries
Conduct a collections audit and review of customer needs research and
international best practice.
Convene an Expert Group to develop a long-term vision for Victorian public libraries.
The Group will comprise Victorian, national and international leaders in collections
and access innovation and implementation, and meet for two days to develop a
vision for Victorian public libraries in 2020.
Engage a consultant to develop a blueprint to transform public library collections
and access to these, through services, infrastructure and operations in Victoria, by
June 2006. The blueprint will include an implementation plan and costings for
collaborative projects for five years commencing in July 2006, including two years of
demonstration projects using the Collections and Access program funds.
Develop communications material to promote and explain the vision and blueprint to
a wide variety of audiences.
Undertake demonstration projects as recommended in the blueprint, commencing in
July 2006 and completed by June 2008.
Federated Search Portal
Develop a state-wide portal using federated searching. This software will enable
libraries and other agencies to provide a single search interface for a range of
databases, including library catalogues, Gulliver databases, authoritative websites
(eg Hot Topics), museums, art galleries, government, local databases (eg local
history), Picture Victoria and Picture Australia.
The portal will be launched by May 2006 and completed by June 2008. In the third
year, participating libraries will be required to contribute 50% of the ongoing costs.
Travelling Treasures Program
Conduct a program of conservation assessments of significant collection items in
every Victorian public library service, and a public program of conservation
workshops, local history writing workshops, and touring items from the State Library
of Victoria and public library collections.
This program will build on the existing Travelling Treasures program of touring
exhibits, and offer a successor to the popular Writers on the Road touring program.
It will become a legacy program, collecting valuable information about local history
treasures in public libraries and their communities, which can be used in future
digitisation projects, touring exhibitions, and other ways to deliver community access
to Victorian historical information. One small demonstration project will be
developed at the conclusion of the touring program.
Document Delivery
Annual membership fees for the Victorian government’s state-wide courier service,
for both the State Library of Victoria and every Victorian public library service. This
includes delivery between libraries of up to 100 items per library service per week.
Library Board of Victoria
State Library of Victoria
Local Government Division, Department for Victorian Communities
Additional Victorian government departments
Local government associations
Interstate and international libraries
Advisory/Steering committee, comprised of Viclink members, SLV staff, and
Victorian and local government representatives, to provide advice and direction.
Public Libraries Unit to coordinate project implementation and manage external
Public Programs to coordinate Travelling Treasures program.
Proposal prepared
Nicole Lowndes, Public Libraries Unit, State Library of Victoria
John Binnion, CEO, Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation
Andrew Hiskens, Manager, Public Programs, State library of Victoria
Prue Mercer, Manager, Access and Information, State Library of Victoria
Bruce Myers, Manager, Swan Hill Library Service
Ian Patterson, Manager, Technology Services, State Library of Victoria
Julie Rae, President, Viclink; CEO, Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation
Patricia Smyth, Manager, Kingston Information and library Service