As you know over the previous months we have been growing our

As you know over the previous months we have been growing our own fruit and vegetables in our garden.
We have managed to grow ourselves a pumpkin. All the children within the nursery have had the
chance to water and take good care of Peter the Pumpkin. Through this experience the children
have covered each of the six areas of learning. We have now harvested him and are waiting to
carve a scary face out ready for Halloween. Watch out for Peter on the prowl nearer Halloween!
On 31st October we would like to invite everyone to dress up for Halloween. The staff will also be
dressing up to so watch out for those scary faces on the day.
The babies will be exploring pumpkin play during October and celebrating Divali the festival of light using
bright coloured yellow paint making marks with their hands. We will be continuing to go outside in the
garden for lots of fun exploring and developing the children’s awareness of the environment therefore can
we please ask for lots of warm clothes to keep our little ones toasty!
This month we will be celebrating Halloween by getting very messy with pumpkin play. We will be talking
about the colour, smell and texture of the pumpkin as well as making pumpkin pictures using various
different art resources. We are going to be doing lots of sticking and gluing using feathers, pom poms,
tissue paper and various other art resources following on from children’s interest’s at nursery. We will also
be celebrating Divali by making colourful handprint pictures using paint, glue and lots of glitter. We will
also be doing lots of chalking outside on the patio to create colourful Rangoli patterns.
This month we will be talking about the autumn season exploring leaves and conkers before carrying out
conker rolling in different coloured paint. We will be making various Halloween ghosts, pumpkins and
spiders using a variety of resources for example oranges, junk modelling and painting. Lots of our children
have showed an interest in tent’s, dens and hiding so we will be extending our role play area by adding the
sensory tent and a variety of glow in the dark toys for the them to investigate. Please can we also remind
you to bring in a named shoe box for your child to store their shoes and slippers.
This month we will continuing with our autumn theme collecting leaves, conkers and experimenting with leaf
rubbing and carrying out a conker hunt. We will be doing lots of fun Halloween activities and changing our
flower shop role play area into a castle. Look out for our junk modelling giant! We would just like to remind
you all to bring in a photo for our birthday board. We will continue to plan activities from your Childs
interest spots so please continue to fill them in.
Parents, Starfish and Seashells are setting you a challenge! Over the course of the next
new months we would like to create a giant rainbow for our fish food room wall. So we will
be sending various coloured bits of paper home for you to help your child decorate and
return to nursery, we will collate them over this time with the overall effect becoming a
Pre School are enjoying the autumn changes to the season. Pre School recently went to the local church
and talked about the harvest festival which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We have been busy collecting
leaves and conkers which we will be talking about in great length. During October we will be celebrating
Divali (the festival of light) this is an important festival for Hindu’s. We will be making cards and all the
children will be able to make their own individual lanterns to light on this special day.
Can we please ask all parents to bring in wellies and coats ready for the cold weather and if they
wish an all in one suit to protect clothing from getting muddy and wet, as the children are very
active out in the garden and love to explore, especially in the mud .
Just a little reminder that breakfast finishes at 8.30am as we like to start our daily routines. If you are
running late we will be more than happy to provide your little one with some toast.
The Car Park
By now we are all well aware of the holes in the car park  We are in the process of getting them filled.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask all users of the car park to be considerate of other cars
and of course children and adults. We appreciate that between 8-9am and 5-6pm that the car park gets
very busy but can we ask that you park with others and safety in mind, especially as the darker nights are
drawing in!! Can we also ask that parents do not block the entrance to the car park behind the building as
this is a fire route and needs to be kept clear at all times. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have
any further comments or concerns regarding this.
With thanks, Keeley.
Dates for you diary:
Crafty Monkey: Tuesday 1st & Thursday 10th November – An opportunity for your little one to decorate a
gift (mugs, baubles, plates etc) an ideal Christmas present! Look out for the gift list and order forms in
Chicks Delivered – Tuesday 8th November
Charity Christmas Shopping Evening: Wednesday 16th November (7pm onwards) Special Baby Care Unit,
Hinchingbrooke Hospital. There will be over 15 fantastic stalls with lovely gift solutions for all the family.
More information will follow soon.
Preschool Christmas Production: Friday 16th December 2011 (Afternoon)
That’s all for this month!! 