MINISTRY OF WATER LAKE VICTORIA BASIN WATER BOARD ANNUAL BASIN HYDROLOGICAL REPORT 2012/2013 Prepared by: Lake Victoria Basin Water Office P.O. Box 1342 Tel: 028 2500657 Fax: 028 2500820 Email: DEC, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Basin hydrological report aims at providing the baseline and ongoing information on the overall status with relation to hydrological condition of the Basin. This report covers information of data from November 2012 to October 2013 which provide brief understanding of hydrology of the Basin and water management issues. Also describe the water use abstracted from water sources for this reporting Hydrological year Geographically, the Lake Victoria Basin is located between 10 00′ S 3 0 45′S and 300 15′E 350 45′E with the total area of 115,400 km2. The Lake Victoria Basin shares the boundary with internal drainage Basin in the South direction while in south west direction shares the boundary with Lake Tanganyika Basin. In the case of physiographic nature, the report describes features such as topography, geomorphology and drainage pattern. The submitted hydrological data include rainfall, Lake levels and evaporation together with description of wind speed and Temperature also list of meteorological stations and their geographical locations (Spatial distribution).The basin has a number of stations used for collection of various climatical and hydrological data located around the Basin. Generally, during the reporting period, the Basin experienced good climatical conditions. Water levels in the lake increases during this reporting period compared to the last Hydrological year and water quality in the Basin is good, safe for domestic and industrial use. TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Purpose and Objectives of the Report .................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Location of the Basin and Boundary ...................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Regional Geology of the Basin ........................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Land Use ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Main Features in the Basin ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.6 Physiography ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6.1 Topography ................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6.2 Drainage Pattern .......................................................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.0 Monitoring Stations network ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Rainfall, River gauging and Climatic stations .............................................................................................. 7 2.2 Water quality Monitoring Stations ............................................................................................................. 11 2.3 Lake levels monitoring stations ............................................................................................................ 12 3.0 Hydrology of the Basin ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.1 Rainfall .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Temperature and Wind speed. .................................................................................................................... 16 3.3 Evaporation ................................................................................................................................................. 17 3.4 Water Use/Abstraction ........................................................................................................................... 18 3.5 Runoff Distribution .................................................................................................................................... 18 4.0 GENERAL REMARKS AND WAY FORWARD ................................................................ 20 Annex 1: Rainfall data from selected stations Nov 2012 – Oct 2013 ........................................................... 20 Annex 2: Evaporation data from selected stations for Nov 2012 – Oct 2013 Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Objectives of the Report This annual report is written to provide baseline and current information on the overall status in relation to hydrological conditions of the Lake Victoria Basin. The report is aiming at providing a brief understanding of the current water status of the Basin and water management issues. The report also describes water quality status at present. 1.2 Location of the Basin and Boundary The basin lies between 1000 ‘S, 3045 ‘S and 30015 ‘E, 35045 ‘E, with a total area of 115,400km2 (Refer Figure 1 for location map). In South direction and West direction, the Lake Victoria basin shares the boundary with Internal Drainage Basin while in South west direction shares the boundary with Lake Tanganyika basin. Figure 1: Map of the Lake Victoria Basin showing Hydrological Boundary 1.3 Regional Geology of the Basin The Lake Victoria Basin is part of the Tanzania Archaean Craton with granitic complexes, high grade metamorphic rocks and greenstone belts. The Proterozoic mobile belts of the Karagwe-Ankolean and the undeformed platform Bukoban Supergroups bound the craton to the northwest. 1.4 Land Use The most part of the land is covered by the Lake Victoria. The land use within the Lake Victoria Basin is largely bush lands and bare soils, cultivated land, grass land and forest. Permanent swamps cover a considerable part of the Basin. Woodlands also are extended to different parts of the Basin. Figure 3 shows the land cover distribution. 1.5 Main Features in the Basin The main features in the Lake Victoria Basin include Lake Victoria. It is the second largest surface freshwater lake in the world, with surface area of 68,800km2. Mara River and Kagera River are Transboundary Rivers that flow to the Lake Victoria. These two rivers are perennial and they contribute huge amount of water to the Lake. Also the other striking features the basin is a home of various National parks and Game reserves. The Serengeti National Park being the largest with attractive types of animals such as lions, Giraffes, Zebras, Ostriches, Statungas which is found in Rubondo National park, Rhinos, Hippos, crowns and crocodiles. 1.6 Physiography 1.6.1 Topography Topographically, the area consists of High and low relief areas. High relief area include Mara and Kagera region and the lowest is the Lake Victoria. The topographical map is shown in the figure below: Lake Victoria Figure 2: Topographical map of the Basin 1.6.2 Drainage Pattern The Basin has three main lakes namely Lake Victoria, Lake Burigi and Lake Ikimba. Lake Victoria being the largest Lake in Africa and the second in the world.The Basin consists of both seasonal and perennial rivers which drain into Lake Victoria. The major rivers are Kagera ,Mara ,Mori, Ngono and Simiyu . CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Monitoring Stations network 2.1 Rainfall, River gauging and Climatic stations The Basin has a total of 46 rainfall stations where 38 stations are in good order 9 stations need rehabilitation. Other stations are 18 met stations and 25 river and lake gauging stations, the list of stations are shown in the tablet format Table 1: List of Rainfall stations No Station Latitude Longitude Remarks Annual mean 2012/2013PPT( mm) Long term mean annual Available data period Missing data ( Annual/Long term mean)* 100 1. Mwanangwa 2o57’ 33o26’ Working 2. Nera/Buyogo 3o09’ 33o15’ P.working 3. Mwadubi 3o33’ 33o35’ Working 747.12 684.89 19701976, 1978-1980 &19 832013 1969,1977&198182 109.09% 4. Ibindo/ Tallo 2o49’ 33o26’ P.working 5. Mwabagole 3o03’ 33o07’ P.Working 78.57 673.1 1969-2013 6. Nkungulu 3o21’ 33o05’ p.working 7. Chanongu 2o49’ 33o17’ Working 8. Walla 2o52’ 33o23’ p.working 1297.20 990.44 1971-2013 1979 130.97% 9. Talaga 2o55’ 33o29’ Working 75.7 985.45 1971-2013 - 92.18% 10. Sumve 2o45’ 33o23’ Working 1220.52 848.54 1982-2013 1983-1996 143.84% 11. Kikubiji 3o21’ 33o05’ Working 727.20 12. Nyehunge 2o31’ 32o16’ Working 13. Busulwangili 2o47’ 32o43’ Working 813.96 737.9 1971-2013 1980-1984 110.31% 14. Kharumwa 3o23’ 32o38’ Working 15. Nyanguge 2o31’ 33o13’ Working 16. Kayenze 2o25’ 33o07’ Working 1169.64 1192.7 1982-2013 92-94,99 & 20082009 98.11% 140.07% 17. Ndagalu 2o29’ 33o31’ p.working 18. Mwanza maji 2o31’ 32o54’ Working 19. Matongo 2o25’ 34o05’ Working 20. Kisesa 3o01’ 34o10’ 21. Zunzuli 3o19’ 22. Bugisi 23. 1073.76 1038.6 1982-2013 - 103.39% Working 1483.56 1152.46 1977-2013 1988-1999 128.73% 32o53’ Working 853.84 70.09 1971-2013 1990-1992,19992000, 2004-2007 3o50’ 33o03’ Working Lunguya 3o24’ 32o24’ Working 24. Sagata 2o45’ 34o15’ p.working 25. Bitaragulu 01o58’ 33o50’ p.working 723.6 522.72 20052006,20102013 2007-2009 138.43% 26. Nyiboko 01o30’ 34o33’ p.working 27. Mugumu 01o52’ 34o43’ Working 28. Utegi 01o19’ 34o13’ p.working 29. Bwai 01o49’ 33o33’ p.working 30. Soronera 31. Nshambya 01o53’ 31o41’ p.working 32. Kikuku 01o48’ 31o41’ Working 33. Izigo 01o37’ 31o43’ Working 1340.16 1267.29 1995-2013 1996 & 2011 105.75% 34. Kyaka ferry 01o16’ 31o25’ Working 35. Busweta - - Working 36. Musoma Maji - - Working 1327.56 1202.34 2000-2013 2010 110.42% 37. Bukoba Maji - - Working 2094.36 2173.54 2000-2013 2010 96.36% 38. Lukuba Island - - Working 578.04 816.36 2007-2013 2007 70.81% p.working Average % PPT According to the rainfall analysis done to the table above the percentage of rainfall distribution within the Basin is 112.75% according to the analysis done 112.75% from rainfall data table 1 as a result of mean annual precipitation of 2012/2013 divided by long term annual precipitation, Hydrology of the Basin for this reporting year 2012/2013 is Average or Normal year as the percentage range between 75% - 120% Table 2: List of Meteorological Station No Station 1. Kahunda Met Latitude Longitude 020 25' 00" 320 32' 00" 2. Remarks Partially working Partially working Ngudu Met 020 56’45.7” 330 21’15.8” 3. Partially working Maswa Met 030 10’56.8” 330 47’27.4” 4. Magu Met 020 35’29.5” 330 27’14.1” Working 5. Bunda Met 010 56’50.6” 330 50’53.6” Working Kuruya Met 010 9’42.0” 330 59’09.8” Working 6. 7. Kibinda Met Under cons 8. Mugumu Met Partially working 9. Partially working Kyaka Kyera Met 010 18” 310 27” 10. Kayanga Met 010 32” 310 10” Partially working 11. Rulenge Met 020 43” 310 20” Partially working 12. Ukerewe Met 010 56” S 320 55” E Partially working 13. Nansio Met 020 6’38.9” 330 05’15.4” Working 14. Partially working Kishanda Met 010 44” 310 33” 15. Nyabusara - - Partially working 16. Buhemba Met - - Partially working - Partially 17. 18. Ngara Met - Rorya Met - Working - Table 3: List of gauging stations No Station Latitude Longitude Remarks 1. Kagera kyaka ferry 01015’49” 31025’08” Working 2. Kagera Nyakanyasi 01011’00” 31012’15” Partially working 3. Mwisa 01015’40” 31022’56” Partially working 4. Ruvuvu 02038’20” 30031’30” Partially working 5. Ngono muhutwe 01035’16” 31040’25” Partially working 6. Ngono kalebe 01028’40” 31040’24” Partially working 7. Ngono kyaka road 01014’13” 31035’55” Partially working 8. Lake Victoria Bukoba port 01020’10” 31049’45” Partially working 9. Simiyu R/B 02034’28.9” 33027’40.8” Working 10. Duma 02034’20.1” 33031’59.9” P. working 11. Magogo R/B 02055’52.9” 33009’01.9” Proposed 12. Moame 03015’13.4” 33020’17.6” Proposed 13. Mbarageti 02011’45.4” 33052’05.0” Not working 14. Grumeti 02005’54.4” 33052’07.8” Partially working 15. Suguti 01053’50.6” 33050’25.2” Working 16. L. Vict.Mwanza s 02032’07.3” 32054’02.2” Working 17. L. Vict.Nansio port 02006’38.9” 33005’15.4” Not Working 18. Mori 01018’03.6” 34011’05.7” working 19. Mara Mine 01032’54.6” 34033’15.2” Working 20. Mara Nyansurura 01036’12.5” 34035’34.8” Working 21. L.Vict.Musoma port 01029’42.0” 33049’06.8” Working 22. Simiyu Lumeji 02038’50.1” 33032’46.2” Working 23. Ng’ombe 02045’06.4” 33001’52.8” Proposed 24. Lake Burigi Working 25. Lake Ikimba Partially working Stations Distribution within the Basin 2.2 Water quality Monitoring Stations The Lake Victoria Basin has established seventy five 75 water quality monitoring stations based on nature of pollution to the environment. The frequency of water quality data collection differs depending on the nature of expected contamination (Mostly quarterly). The monitoring stations are located in different water sources like Lakes, boreholes, springs, water supply intakes, dams and rivers. Water samples were collected from four mining sites (North Mara, Geita, Bulyanhulu and Buzwagi Gold Mines) in April 2013 and analyzed by the Mwanza Water Quality Laboratory. The frequency of sampling differs depending on availability of funds and the extent/nature of pollution. At present according to the laboratory results the water is within acceptable limits with exception of few parameters (Iron in NMGM and Sulphates in Bulyanhulu) which exceeds the allowable limits. Therefore currently there is no significant harm to water sources caused by mining activities Therefore, based on the recent laboratory results the water samples collected from the four mining sites indicates that the water quality is fairly good. The Laboratory results are attached as Annex 6 2.3 Lake levels monitoring stations The Lake Victoria is a major water body in the basin with surface area of 68,800km2. The Basin has three stations for recording lake levels one in each region located in Mwanza region, Musoma region and Bukoba region. Maximum water levels of the Lake generally occur in May to June while minimum water levels occur in September to November. By analyzing the available basin lake levels data collected from lake gauging stations Mwanza south, Musoma and Bukoba ports for the reporting period (Nov 2012 – Oct 2013), the levels of the Lake has been generally increasing compared to the last annual hydrological reporting period 2011/2012. The analytical graph for the recorded data for 2012/2013 is shown below. Figure 2.a: Lake levels fluctuation for 2012/2013 . Figure 2.b: Lake levels fluctuation for 2011/2012 for comparison. CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Hydrology of the Basin 3.1 Rainfall Lake Victoria Basin has an equatorial climate. In the north and west there are two rainy seasons; one during April/May (Mara, Shinyanga, Kagera, Geita & Simiyu), and the other during October/November ( Kagera, Geita, Mara & Mwanza ) whereas the south and central part experiences one long rainy season from December to March (Shinyanga). Peak rains occur in April and dry season between June and September. The Basin receives annual rainfall of 1075.5mm in the Eastern part of the basin in Mara region and 1717.3mm in the Western part of the basin in Kagera Region. The remaining part of the central in Mwanza region receives 1015.7mm. selected rainfall stations Figures 3 shown rainfall variations at The Basin has received 3808.5mm total rainfall in this hydrological reporting period 2012/2013. The last hydrological year 2011/2012 the basin received a total rainfall of 4668.7mm, therefore based on the above analysis the rainfall distribution trend shows that the basin receive less rainfall compared to 2011/2012 period. Annual rainfall data for the year 2012/2013 are attached as annex 1 Fig4: Mean annual precipitation map shows distribution of rainfall range from 400mm to 2500mm available in the Basin 3.2 Temperature and Wind speed. The average maximum temperature within the basin is 27.1 0C while the average minimum is 18.30C in a year. Temperature of the lake varies from 23-27 °C with a mean temperature of 25 °C throughout the year based on historical data source of information from TMA Generally, the Western side of the Basin is cooler than the Eastern side where Mwanza is the hottest part of the Basin. Wind speed is generally varies from 0.6 to 1.5 m/s. At present there is no recent temperature data due to malfunction of the thermometers at the stations. 3.3 Evaporation Fig 5a: Evaporation trend Evaporation in the Basin varies from 66 mm/Month up to 145.7mm/Month in year 2012/2013 but in year 2011/2012 the range was between 20-120.9 mm/month, this indicate that in this reporting period the evaporation is a little bit higher compared to the past year 2011/2012as shown from the above analysis . TFig5b Distribution of mean annual evaporation 3.4 Water Use/Abstraction Amount of water abstracted from water sources based on the water permits granted is 19524989.55m3/day 3.5 Runoff Distribution The measurement of river flows is required for river management purposes including water resources planning, pollution prevention and flood control. The methods applied by LVBWB for river flow measurement are velocity area method and Q-liner. The available data are from 1970 to 2013 of which some are spot measurement flow. 3.6 Met stations Available Evaporation data is of the two stations out of 18 Met stations based on this reporting period November 2012 to October 2013. Out of these stations, 4 stations are not working due to the sensor failure, 6 stations are working partially because some of the equipment are not recording some of the meteorological parameters. Kagera being the highest contributing catchment to the Lake Victoria Basin followed by Mara and Simiyu catchments. Lower contributing catchments are Mbarageti, E.shore streams, Grumeti, Isanga and Nyashishi Table of average discharge comparison of the past year 2009 to 2011 and the annual discharge conducted between 2012/2013 is shown below in the major rivers River Kagera at Kyaka Ferry Mara at Mara Mine Simiyu at R/B Q ( m3/s ) 2009- 2011 166.76 74.05 72.92 Q ( m3/s ) 2012- 2013 340.06 66.55 27.46 With reference of last annual hydrological 2011/2012 year, there is an increase of 37% flow in this reporting period in Kagera river due to a lot of rainfall from outside the country e.g. Rwanda and Burundi There is decrease fluctuation of 50% in 2012/2013 compared to the last annual hydrological year 2011/2012 as analysis shows above, the reason is climate changeand abstractions in upper catchment in Kenya though we do not have supported data on this within the Basin and even in Kenya side By comparing the past annual hydrological report 2011/2012, there was a decrease of 63% in flow due to climatically changes to the river e.g. Sediment load and other factors like deforestations along the river probably 4.0 GENERAL REMARKS AND WAY FORWARD Generally, during the reporting period, the Basin experienced good climatical conditions. Water levels in the lake increases during this reporting period compared to the last Hydrological year 2011/2012 and water quality in the Basin is good, safe for domestic and industrial use also since the percentage of rainfall distribution within the Basin is 112% according to the analysis done from rainfall data table 1 as a result of mean annual precipitation of 2012/2013 divided by long term annual precipitation , Hydrology of the Basin this reporting year 2012/2013 is Average or Normal year as the percentage range between 75% - 120% Annex 1: Rainfall data from selected stations Nov 2012 – Oct 2013 Month Nov'12 Dec12 Jan'13 Feb'13 March'13 Mwanza Maji 137.4 320.3 139.5 98.7 121.7 Busulwangili Sumve Bukoba Maji Musoma Maji 110.1 171.8 129.4 171.3 87.4 136.8 350.3 201.6 165.3 81.2 338.0 149.1 282.5 77.8 183.7 79.9 32.2 12.6 143.7 101.2 153.3 27.0 67.7 203.5 60.9 62.9 138.7 50.7 57.6 133.2 181.6 318.4 220.5 99.8 324.5 234.7 66.6 Lukuba Island Kisesa 177.1 Talaga 134.9 Kayenze 158.5 Apr'13 144.7 199.0 233.6 337.9 374.1 147.7 361.6 223.8 262.2 May'13 26.9 33.9 0.0 341.8 210.9 55.6 0.0 14.0 43.5 June'13 0.3 0.0 0.0 14.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 July'13 0.0 0.0 0.0 70.2 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug'13 2.4 40.0 0.0 140.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sept'13 41.9 42.0 9.8 121.4 55.5 16.3 31.1 Oct'13 39.9 14.1 22.0 134.9 23.8 14.5 114.3 Monthly Total Rainfall data from selected stations Nov 2012 –Oct. 2013 Month Mwabagole Walla Zunzuli Mwadubi Bitaraguru Nov'12 200.7 265.0 68.7 78.0 24.5 Dec12 81.8 200.0 154.9 108.2 106.3 Jan'13 66.9 190.1 76.0 17.1 64.8 Feb'13 79.0 62.0 108.5 18.2 67.2 March'13 281.0 375.3 280.7 182.5 190.7 138.2 65.0 263.1 138.0 0.0 13.1 35.9 85.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 6.3 0.0 9.6 41.1 11.3 8.8 95.7 Apr'13 May'13 June'13 July'13 Aug'13 Sept'13 Oct'13 211.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.7 25.5 3.7 35.3 40.1 Izigo 205.9 179.2 31.2 21.3 180.8 325.5 122.6 0.0 105.0 26.0 102.1 40.6 Kikubiji 170.6 175.1 42.0 21.9 156.2 96.7 12.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 38.2 11.4 Annex 2: Monthly mean Evaporation data from selected stations for Nov 2012 – Oct. 2013 Month Ukerewe Kahunda 2.2 2.5 2.8 2.6 2.8 3.4 3.4 3.5 2.8 3.4 Apr'13 3.3 2.4 May'13 4.4 3.9 June'13 4.5 4.4 July'13 4.2 4.4 Aug'13 4.0 4.7 Sept.'13 3.0 3.5 Oct.'13 3.4 3.2 Nov'12 Dec'12 Jan'13 Feb'13 March'13 Annex 3: Lake Water Level data from selected stations for Nov 2012 -Oct 2013 Month Mza South Port Max Nov.2012 1132.97 Musoma Port Bukoba Port Min Max Min Max Min 1132.87 1132.65 1132.64 1133.11 1133.01 Dec.2012 1133.07 1132.96 1132.67 1132.64 1133.21 1133.11 Jan.2013 1133.16 1133.09 1132.67 1132.64 1133.29 1133.21 Feb.2013 1133.12 1133.06 1132.67 1132.63 1133.35 1133.29 March 2013 1133.18 1133.01 1132.69 1132.65 1133.41 1133.31 April 2013 1133.34 1133.18 1132.75 1132.69 1133.51 1133.41 May 2013 1133.61 1133.33 1132.79 1132.75 1133.65 1133.55 June 2013 1133.57 1133.30 1132.74 1132.73 1133.67 1133.55 July 2013 1133.30 1133.18 1132.78 1132.68 1133.66 1133.41 Aug.2013 1133.22 1133.00 1132.68 1132.63 1133.39 1133.26 Sept.2013 1133.09 1133.00 1132.64 1132.60 1133.25 1133.15 Oct.2013 1133.21 1133.06 1132.65 1132.60 1133.17 1133.07 Annex 4: Flow data Station Name: Kagera river at Kyaka ferry Year Jan Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2009 115.50 121.60 121.20 161.00 169.40 168.70 183.80 177.40 171.40 171.50 125.00 128.70 2010 136.70 124.60 140.30 229.70 286.80 286.75 260.34 179.19 108.70 108.68 108.67 108.68 2011 154.63 115.19 156.67 173.95 181.23 194.67 209.33 200.50 186.47 166.06 153.75 216.77 2012 212.93 230.34 231.60 266.85 350.13 304.17 280.87 357.18 348.12 364.31 414.56 433.30 2013 379.58 383.01 366.62 354.16 362.04 403.24 417.71 397.83 310.35 312.46 Station Name: Mara at Mara Mine Year Jan Feb. March 2009 90.95 47.83 56.72 2010 89.50 64.96 103.65 2011 69.30 0.00 0.00 2012 57.86 0.00 2013 63.19 24.98 Apr. May June July Aug. 60.85 44.24 57.10 50.87 73.36 140.82 153.36 76.46 62.75 91.98 43.41 58.99 62.38 69.75 91.46 152.48 212.80 318.55 34.39 21.83 260.03 89.41 15.38 12.69 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 42.24 48.64 45.03 62.23 105.63 107.37 43.18 83.79 14.66 59.21 144.86 248.09 19.37 38.13 15.18 28.00 28.08 19.21 25.89 Station Name: Simiyu at R/B YEAR 2009 2010 2011 2012 JAN 174.30 16.02 77.74 14.01 FEB MAR APR MAY 95.13 200.77 323.28 239.99 38.10 149.83 227.72 119.09 4.57 118.18 72.57 0.55 14.16 52.46 172.56 103.46 JUN 0.00 0.00 3.03 0.00 JUL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AUG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEP 30..81 0.00 0.00 0.00 2013 46.04 1.77 4.88 0.44 0.0 2.16 19.36 130.63 9.56 OCT NOV DEC 16.28 42.80 290.89 3.03 37.83 35.19 6.46 79.71 221.45 4.02 6.67 20.94 1.01 Annex 5: Water abstractions No. Name of applicant Property Source Purpose 4 Ministry of Com.and Power Ngudu Public W/S Bore Hole Domestic 5 Ministry of Com. and power Mwanza UrbanW/S L.Victoria Domestic 6 Lake Soap Industries Ltd. Soap Industry W/S L. Victoria Industrial District Dev. Director Margit Dorothea Gaetje Tanzania Breweries Ltd District Dev. Director District Dev. Director Director Bugando Medical Centre Chuo cha Uvuvi Nyegezi Bugando Medical Centre Mkuu wa Chuo cha Kilimo Nyegezi Institute Medical Research Mwanza Fishing Industries Tan Perch Ltd Omega Fish Ltd Vic Fish Ltd Musoma Day Sec. School (Morembe) Musoma Childrens Home Tanganyika Instant Coffee Nyakahanga Hospital Sengerema Urban W/S Irr.& Domestic W/S Brewery Plant W/S New Magu W/S Misungwi W/S Bugando Hospital W/S Fisheries Institute W/S Bugando W/S Kilimo Institute W/S Medical Research W/S Fish Factory W/S Fish Factory W/S Fish Factory W/S Fish Factory W/S School W/S institutional W/s Factory W/S Hospital W/S L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.victoria L.Victoria Spring Domestic Kagera Sugar Ltd Kahama Mining Coorporation Kahama Mining Coorporation Kahama Mining Coorporation Swedish Free Mission Masonga Sec. School M.D. Bukoba Urban District Dev. Director Director Voil Ltd Askofu Geita Diocese Archidiocese of Mwanza Mwanza Fishing Industries Factory W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mission W/S School W/S Public W/S Ngudu W/S Voil W/S Geita Diocese W/S Kahangala Seminary W/S Fish Mill W/S River B/H B/H L. Victoria Stream L. Victoria L. Victoria B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 25 27 28 29 31 34 35 39 40 65 74 75 76 77 78 79 85 108 109 111 112 Commercial Commercial Domestic Domestic Domestic Institutional Domestic Irrigation Domestic Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Institutional Domestic Industrial Domestic Industrial & Irrigation Mining Domestic Mining Domestic Domestic Public Domestic Industrial Domestic Domestic Industrial 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 123 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd Kijereshi Tented Camp Ltd Mkula A.I.C.T Hospital Cop Cot Ltd M.U Mtui Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd Birchand Oil Mill Ltd Oxfarm Oxfarm Oxfarm Oxfarm Bukoba Catholic Diocese District Water Engineer S & C Ginning Co. Ltd Virian Tanzania Ltd ELCT DMR Bunda DDH ELCT DMR Bunda DDH Mamlaka ya Maji Musoma Mamlaka ya Maji Musoma Mamlaka ya Maji Musoma Africa Mashariki Gold Mine Speke Bay Lodge Kahama Mining Coorporation Prime Catch Exports Ltd Murtaza Alloo Tanzania Fish Processors Ltd Fish Industry W/S Hotel W/S Hospital W/S Ginnery W/S Mtui W/S Factory W/S Factory W/S Oilmill W/S Kyabalisa W/S Kyabalisa II W/S Kyabalisa I W/S Kagenyi Camp W/S Kemondo Sub Parish Bunda Urban W/S Ginnery W/S Ginnery & Oilmill W/S Hospital W/S Hospital W/S Urban W/S Urban W/S Urban W/S Mining W/S Hotel W/S Mining W/S Fish Factory W/S Murtaza W/S Fish Plant W/S B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H Stream Spring Spring River Stream L.Victoria L.Victoria B/H Spring B/H L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria River L.Victoria B/H L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Mamlaka ya Maji Maswa Serikali ya Kijiji Kihumbu Serikali ya Kijiji Changuge Serikali ya Kijiji Hunyari Serikali ya Kijiji Mihale Kikundi cha Josho Kisangwa Kikundi cha Josho Mikomariro Umoja wa Wakulima Balili Kikundi cha Mwalindi Na. 1 Kikundi cha Josho Nyabehu Kikundi cha Josho Kasuguti Nyakayenze Farmers Group Wakulima mpunga Namhula M/Kiti kijiji cha Kaibanja Urban W/S Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Cattle Dip W/S Cattle Dip W/S Irrigation W/S Mwalindi Group W/Use Cattle Dip W/S Cattle Dip W/S Irrigation W/Use Irrigation W/Use Kaibanja Village W/Use Dam B/H B/H B/H B/H Charco Charco Charco S/Well L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria Dam Dam Industrial Commercial Domestic Industrial Domestic Commercial Commercial Industrial Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Industrial Industrial Domestic Domestic Commercial Commercial Commercial Mining Commercial Mining Industrial Domestic Industial Domestic &Livestock Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Livestock Livestock Domestic Domestic Livestock Livestock Irrigation Irrigation Domestic 167 168 169 170 171 172 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 Kikundi cha kwa Sadiki Kikundi cha Matulile Ring Factory Group Kikundi cha Josho Tairo Kikundi cha Josho Bitaragulu Musoma Fish Processors Ltd Tunza Lodge Ltd Kikundi Watumia Maji Kiabakari Kikundi Watumia Maji Masurura Kikundi Watumia Maji Ryamisanga Kikundi Watumia Maji Mwibagi Kikundi Watumia Maji Butiama Kikundi Watumia Maji Mirwa Kikundi Watumia Maji Bumangi Kikundi Watumia Maji Nyakatende Kikundi Watumia Maji Biatika Kikundi Watumia Maji Nyakanga Kikundi Watumia Maji Nyamikoma Kikundi Watumia Maji Nyakiswa Kikundi Watumia Maji Mmazami Kikundi Watumia Maji Rusuhi Kikundi Watumia Maji Kiriba Nyamahanga children's Home Biharamulo DDH M/S Hotel Tilapia Zaida M. Alloo Director Ex. Director Director Ex. Director Director Ex. Director Director Ex. Director Director Ex. Director Buhemba Gold Mine Meremeta Ltd Anatory J. amani Kikundi cha Bustani Bugerera Kikundi cha Josho Nyamisingisi Kikundi cha Josho Natta Mbisso Maruru Ring'wani Water User Group Rigorita Water User Group Ring'wani Sec. Water User Group Kenyana (A) Water User Group Nyamisingisi Water User Group Sadiki Group W/S Matulile Group W/S Group W /Use Cattle Dip W/Use Cattle Dip W/Use Fish Factory W/S Hotel W/S Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Village w/s Nyamahanga Orphanage W/S Hospital W/S Hotel W/S Residential W/S Biharamulo Town W/S 23kv W/S Urban W/S Town W/S Town W/S Mining W/S Amani English MediumSchool W/S Bugerera Irrigation W/S Cattle Dip W/S Cattle Dip W/S Maruru Ring'wani W/S Rigorita W/S Ring'wani Sec. W/S Kenyana (A) W/S Nyamisingisi W/S S/Well S/Well S/Well L.Victoria Charco L.Victoria L.Victoria S/Well B/H River S/Well Charco S/Well B/H S/Well S/Well B/H S/Well S/Well S/Well S/Well S/Well Spring Well L.Victoria L.Victoria B/H B/H Spring Spring B/H B/H Spring Spring Charco Charco B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H Domestic Domestic Domestic Livestock Livestock Industrial Hotel Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Institutional Irrigation Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Institutional Irrigation Livestock Livestock Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic 213 214 215 216 217 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 Gimenye Kenyamonta W/User Nyarukongo Kebanchabancha W/Gr. Mokeha Remng'orori Water group Mchebe Ring'wani Water group Mrs Nargisbanu A. Manji Musoma Diocese Musoma Diocese Musoma Diocese Musoma Diocese Vic Fish Ltd (Bukoba) Ahakishaka Village Musoma Textile (T) Ltd Kagera Fish Co. Ltd Steen Pedersen Vic Fish Ltd Gimenye Kenyamonta W/S Nyarukongo Kebanchabancha W/S Mokeha Remng'orori W/S Mchebe Ring'wani W/S Residential W/S Epheta centre W/S Bishop House W/S Makoko Family W/S Makoko Language W/S Vicfish Plant W/S Village w/s Mutex Factory W/S Kagera Fish Co. W/s Irrigation W/S Vicfish Residential W/S S/Well B/H S/Well B/H L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria Spring L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 239 240 241 242 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 VI Agroforestry Project Pamba Industries Ltd Azim E. Kassam Mamlaka ya Maji Ngara Bunda Oil Industries Kamanga Ferry Ltd Kamanga Ferry Ltd Kamanga Ferry Ltd R.S. Pedersen James Kasandiko Manoj V. Mehta Mkombozi Fishing Mkombozi Fishing Mkombozi Fishing Mkombozi Fishing M/S Hotel Tilapia Ltd. West Kill pty Ltd Mamlaka ya Maji Mugumu Kowak Catholic church Shirati Water Supply Kowak Girls Sec. School Immaculater Heart Sisters of Africa Immaculater Heart Sisters of Africa Agroforestry Nursery W/Use TX Camp W/S Azim Kassam W/S Ngara Urban W/S Irrigatin W/S Lake Transportation Lake Transportation Lake Transportation Lake Transportation Mv. Juliana L. Transp. Mv. Bijli L. Transp. Mv. Chamagati L. Transp. Mv. Kirumba L. Transp. Mv. Matara L. Transp. Mv. Munanka L.Transp. Mv. Rubondo L. Transp. W.A.Geach L. Transp. Urban W/S Mission W/S Shirati W/S School W/S Baraki Sisters Farm W/S Baraki Sisters Farm W/S L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria B/H L.Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria L. Victoria B/H B/H L.Victoria B/H Dam L.Victoria Spring &Dam B/H 258 Mamlaka ya Maji Tarime 259 Mradi wa maji Nyamagaro Tarime Urban W/S Nyamagaro W/S Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Industrial Domestic Industrial Industrial Irrigation domestic Domestic & Irrgation Commercial Domestic Domestic Irrigation Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Transport. Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Irrigation Domestic Public Domestic 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 284 285 Mradi wa maji Nyamwaga Shirati Hospital Mradi wa maji Roche Ngara District Ex. Director Chairperson Ex. Committee Chairperson Kasharazi Chairperson Mumiramira DED Ngara Robert Kajuna Zonal Director Ukiriguru Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Kwibara Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Nyabange Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Saragana Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Chanyauru Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Butiama Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Nyabange Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Kitaramanka Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Mayani Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Tegeruka Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Maneke Kikundi Watumiaji Maji Kwikuba Modest U. Mtui Headmistress Hekima Sec. school Nyamwaga W/S Hospital W/S Roche/Osiri W/S Kabanga W/S Njiapanda/Nguvukazi W/S Kasharazi W/S Mumiramira W/S Mabawe W/S Kajuna Fish Farm W/S Ukiriguru W/S Kwibara Village W/S Nyabange W/S Saragana Village W/S Chanyauru Village W/S Butiama Irrigation Scheme Nyabange Village W/S Kitaramanka Village W/S Mayani Village W/S Tegeruka Village W/s Maneke Village W/S Kwikuba Village W/S Sahwa Farm W/S Hekima Sec. School W/S Spring L.Victoria Charco Spring B/H Spring Spring Spring Spring L.Victoria S/Well L.Victoria S/Well S/Well Dam L.Victoria S/Well S/Well S/Well S/Well S/Well B/H Stream 286 288 301 302 303 304 305 306 Nyanza Road Works Ltd West kill PTY Ltd Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Industrial/Domestic W/S Wag Hill Lodge W/S Rubya Hospital W/S kagondo Hospital W/S Rubya Seminary W/S Kamishango orphanate W/S KyegoromoraCatecaticalCentrew/s Mugana Hospital W/S B/H L.Victoria B/H B/H B/H Spring Stream B/H University W/S Lupejanzala Irrigation Scheme Ijinga Irrigation Scheme Bukigi Irrigation scheme Bukumbi hospital W/S L.Victoria River River River L.Victoria Domestic Domestic Livestock Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Commercial Institutional Domestic Irrigation Domestic Domestic Irrigation Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Irrigation Institutional Industrial /Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic /Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Domestic Ilujamate Irrigation Scheme River Irrigation Nyashida Irrigation Scheme River Irrigation 307 308 309 310 312 St. Augustine University Watumiaji maji Lupejanzala Watumiaji maji Ijinga Watumiaji maji Bukigi Bukumbi hospital Ilujamate Irrigation Co.op.Society 313 Ltd Nyashidala Irrigation Co.op.Society 314 Ltd 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 350 358 359 360 Nyambeho Irrigation Co.op.Society Ltd Igongwa Irrigation Co.op.Society Ltd Wakulima mpunga Luhala Wakulima mpunga Shilanona Wakulima mpunga Mahiga Wakulima mpunga Kimiza Mamlaka ya Maji Misungwi Umoja wa maendeleo Bukwaya ELCT Nyakahanga DDH District Water Engineer Ngara District Water Engineer Ngara District Water Engineer Ngara District Water Engineer Ngara District Water Engineer Ngara Mamlaka ya Maji Muleba Mamlaka ya Maji Muleba Mamlaka ya Maji Muleba Mamlaka ya Maji Muleba District Water Engineer Ngara Mathayo Sons Barrick Tanzania North Mara Mine Ltd Barrick Tanzania North Mara Mine Ltd Tanzania Fisheries Dev. Co Ltd Watumiaji wa Maji Malya Geita Gold Mine Ltd Mwanza Fishing Industries Ltd Mwanza Fishing Industries Ltd ELCT-NWD-Bukoba Luth. Teacher's Habib Haji Khimji Pangea Minerals Ltd Grumeti Reserves Grumeti Reserves Grumeti Reserves 361 362 363 364 367 368 Grumeti Reserves Grumeti Reserves Grumeti Reserves Grumeti Reserves Mavuno Village Joseph Masabala 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Nyambeho Irrigation Scheme Igongwa Irrigation Scheme Luhala Irrigation Scheme Shilanona Irrigation Scheme Mahiga Irrigation Scheme Kimiza Irrigation Scheme Public W/S Bukawaya Association W/S Nyakahanga Hospital W/S Mubuhenge W/S Kashinga W/S Ntobeye Village w/S Mugoma /shanga W/S Magamba Village W/S Nyamwala W/S Nyarwondo W/S Kaigara W/S Kakumbyandai W/S Kabanga W/S Mathayo Sons Irrigation Scheme River River River River River River Dam L.Victoria Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Stream Spring Spring L.Victoria Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Commercial Domestic Domestic Domestic Irrigation River Mining Thigithe River Diversion Tanzania Fisheries Dev.Co Ltd Mwamama W/S Mining W/S Fishing Industries W/S Fishing Industries W/S College w/s Khimji w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Sasakwa No. 1 w/s Sasakwa No. 4 w/s Sasakwa No. 5 w/s River L.Victoria Dam L.Victoria L.Victoria S/Well Spring L.Victoria B/H B/H B/H B/H Mining Industrial Domestic Mining Fish Farming Domestic Domestic Domestic Mining Commercial Commercial Commercial Director's House No. 6 w/s Faru - Faru w/s Sabora camp w/s Makundusi workshop w/s Mavuno village w/s Joseph Masabala w/s B/H B/H B/H B/H L.Victoria Spring Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Domestic Commercial Nyaheto Creek Diversion 369 St. Therese Sisters 370 Rough Track Ltd 371 Rough Track Ltd Manager 372 Mugango/Kiabakari/Butiama 373 Erasto H. Kibuta 374 Morities Corppration Ltd 375 Kahama /Shinyanga Water Authority 376 Kabanga Nickel Co. Ltd 377 Nyanza Commercial Farming ltd 378 Kaizirege English Medium School 379 Mamlaka ya Maji Bukoba 380 Mamlaka ya Maji Muleba 381 Mamlaka ya Maji Karagwe 382 Mamlaka ya Maji Karagwe 383 Mamlaka ya Maji Karagwe 384 Malaika Beach Resort Ltd 385 Robert Kajuna 386 Khalid S. Karwani 387 Julius Onesmo 388 Lake Victoria Golf Club Ltd 389 Kuku Poa Ltd St, Therese Sisters w/s Serengeti Ecolodge w/s Serengeti Ecolodge w/s 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 Bugorola Irrigation W/S Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s Buzwagi Project w/s School W/S School W/S Kwaime W/S Murtaza W/S Kuku Poa W/S Kuku Poa W/S Bugengere W/S Bunena W/S Factory W/S Kweswa Irrigation W/S John C.Rubambe W/S Musypro Co. Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Tweyambe Sec. School Kahororo Sec. School Mwenyekiti Kijiji cha Kwaime Murtaza Alloo Kuku Poa Ltd Kuku Poa Ltd Bukoba Catholic Diocese Bukoba Catholic Diocese Tanganyika Instant Coffee Kweswa Farms Ltd John Chimile Rubambe Mugango W/Authority Erasto Kibuta w/s AmaniEnglishMedium School W/S Public W/S Kabanga Project W/S Farm no. 7 w/S Kemebos W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S Malaika Beach W/S Fish Farming W/S Olympic Oil W/S Julius Fish Farm W/S Golf Club W/S Kuku Poa W/S stream B/H B/H Domestic Domestic Domestic L.Victoria L.Victoria Stream L.Victoria B/H L.Victoria Stream Stream Spring Stream B/H Spring L.Victoria Stream Stream Stream L.Victoria L.Victoria Kagera River B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H B/H Stream Spring Dam L.Victoria B/H no.1 B/H no.2 stream Spring Spring Mara River L.Victoria Domestic Domestic/Irrigation Domestic Commercial Domestic Irrigation Domestic Commercial Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Hotel Commercial Car Wash Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Institutional Institutional Irrigation/Livestock Domestic Commercial Commercial Domestic Domestic Industrial Irrigation Hotel 409 John Chimile Rubambe John C.Rubambe W/S 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 Katoke Lweru Sec. School John M.A. Kakiza Serenity on the Lake Ltd Pangea Minerals Ltd Geita Gold Mine Ltd N.K. Bottlers Company Kikundi Mapinduzi School W/S Kakiza Fish Farming W/S Hotel W/S Mining W/S Public W/S Bottlers Company W/S Fish Farming W/S 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 Kikagati Power Company Ltd Walter Nyoni/Upendo Mbilinyi Shafik B. Merali Nassa Theological College Cuthbert S. Kivuyo Tamali Beach Resort Omega Fish Ltd Kikagati Hydropower W/S Livestock Farming W/S S.B.Merali W/S College w/s Poultry Farming W/S Tamali W/S Omega Fish W/S 424 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 Pangea Minerals Ltd Ushirika Wakulima Nyamadoke Mamlaka ya Maji Karagwe Ihungo Sec. School Mabut Company Ltd Mamlaka ya Maji Bukoba Mamlaka ya Maji Bukoba Mamlaka ya Maji Bukoba Mamlaka ya Maji Bukoba Mamlaka ya Maji Karagwe Buzwagi Project w/s Ushirika Nyamadoke W/S Katooma W/S School W/S Lwabahaya W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S Public W/S 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 Kagera Sugar Ltd Nyegezi Fisheries Institute Lake View School A.S.K. Fish Farming Project Bunena Development Company Ltd Bunena Development Company Ltd John Ngoso N .K. Bottlers Co. Ltd Kassa Charity Schools Ngongoseke Farms Zara Tanzania Adventure Kyakakera Water User Group Ana kwa Ana Travel Experience Ltd Factory W/S Fisheries Institute W/S School W/S Fish Farming project W/S Bunena Mission W/S Bunena Mission W/S J. Ngoso W/S Bottler's Company W/S Kassa Schools W/S Ngongoseke W/S Z.T. Adventure W/S Kyakakera Irrigation Scheme Ana kwa Ana W/S L.Victoria Katoke River Stream L.Victoria B/H L.Victoria B/H Spring Kagera River L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria Rain Water Dam B/H Spring Spring Spring Spring Stream stream Spring Kagera River B/H L.Victoria stream stream Spring B/H Spring B/H L.Victoria B/H Ngono R. B/H Irrigation Domestic Commercial Commercial Mining Public Industrial Commercial Hydropower Livestock Irrigation Domestic/Irrigation Commercial Irrigation Domestic Mining Irrigation Public Institutional Industrial Public Public Public Public Public Irrigation Domestic Institutional Commercial Commercial Industrial Domestic Industrial Domestic Irrigation Hotel/Domestic Irrigation Hotel 448 Mradi wa watumiaji maji Sumve Kabanga Natural Spring Water 449 Industry 450 Leonard Shija Thomas 451 John M. Gogadi 452 Lamadi Trading Co. Ltd 453 Victoria Feasible Dev. Altenatives 454 Victoria Feasible Dev. Altenatives 455 Sebastian L. Minja 456 Rubondo Island National Park 457 Alpha Choice Ltd 458 Pangea Minerals Ltd 459 Pangea Minerals Ltd 460 Pangea Minerals Ltd 461 Pangea Minerals Ltd 462 Pangea Minerals Ltd 463 Pangea Minerals Ltd 464 Pangea Minerals Ltd 465 Pangea Minerals Ltd 466 Pangea Minerals Ltd 467 Pangea Minerals Ltd 468 Pangea Minerals Ltd 469 Tourism Promotion Services (T) Ltd 470 Tourism Promotion Services (T) Ltd 471 Tourism Promotion Services (T) Ltd 472 Tourism Promotion Services (T) Ltd Umoja wakulima mpunga Irienyi 473 Rorya 474 Chairman, Mkunkwa village 475 Chairman, Mavota village 476 Chairman, Kabingo village 477 Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd 478 Fanaka Fishnet (T) Ltd 479 Nyanza Bottling Co. Ltd 480 Faustine V. Gombo 481 AICT - Kahunda 482 NBCL Distribution Company Ltd. 483 NBCL Distribution Company Ltd. ToTAL Juwamasu W/S B/H Domestic Kamachumu Inn W/S Leonard Shija W/S J.M. Gogadi W/S Lamadi Trading Co. Ltd W/S Vifesa W/S Vifesa W/S Minja W/S National Park W/S Alpha Choice W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Mining W/S Serena Lodge W/S Serena Lodge W/S Serena Lodge W/S Serena Lodge W/S Spring L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria L.Victoria B/H L.Victoria L.Victoria DBH-OLD DBH 12-01 DBH 12-03 DBH 12-11 DBH 12-12 DBH 12-14 DBH 12-15 DBH 12-22 DBH 12-23 DBH 12-24 DBH 12-25 B/H 1 B/H 2 B/H 4 B/H 5 Industrial Irrigation Domestic Public Irrigation Public Commercial Domestic Industrial Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Irenyi Rorya (UWAIRO) W/S Mkunkwa Irrigation Scheme Mavota Irrigation Scheme Kabingo Irrigation Scheme Factory W/S Factory W/S Factory W/S Faustine Gombo W/s Mission W/S Factory W/S Factory W/S Dam Dam Dam Dam B/H B/H B/H L.Victoria L.Victoria B/H B/H Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Domestic Industrial Domestic Irrigation Institutional Industrial Industrial Annex 6 LABORATORY RESULTS – MINING SITES Calcium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Total Iron (mg/L) Sulphate (mg/L) 7.86 144.90 70.10 295.00 46.00 8.40 6.08 9.32 17.09 16.00 0.27 72.00 16.04.13 NMGM SWT 05 River 24.80 7.87 151.00 72.30 229.00 50.00 8.80 6.80 9.32 17.48 15.00 0.16 72.00 16.04.13 NMGM SWT 01 River 25.60 7.89 134.00 63.00 238.00 55.00 6.00 2.40 10.25 16.96 12.00 0.21 88.00 18.04.13 GGM Mtakuja RM River 28.30 7.00 123.70 69.00 4.00 0.00 74.00 35.00 8.80 3.16 9.32 4.63 3.36 1.00 0.05 0.12 0.05 20.00 18.04.13 GGM Mgusu RM River 26.00 6.74 109.70 59.00 5.00 0.00 70.00 31.00 6.00 3.89 9.32 2.30 2.00 1.00 0.06 0.01 0.03 10.00 18.04.13 GGM Mgusu Upstream River 21.80 6.20 101.50 53.00 13.00 0.00 66.00 39.00 9.20 3.89 24.23 6.29 9.29 22.00 0.02 0.07 0.06 16.00 19.04.13 GGM Nyamonge dam Dam 23.00 6.90 607.00 312.00 64.00 0.00 58.00 238.00 57.20 21.48 6.50 4.40 3.03 222.00 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.04 3.33 19.04.13 GGM Nyankungu Dam 24.00 7.50 242.00 128.00 10.00 0.00 100.00 69.00 23.20 7.67 13.98 5.19 1.48 33.00 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.13 6.67 19.04.13 BGM WRDP Boreh ole 28.00 7.70 2270.00 1021.5 0 9.00 0.00 140.00 128.00 49.20 1.21 39.14 6.23 0.63 820.00 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.11 32.00 19.04.13 BGM PMB 07 Boreh ole 25.50 6.80 3630.00 1633.5 0 1.00 0.00 310.00 165.00 46.00 12.16 149.26 0.45 1050.0 0 0.58 0.05 0.02 0.02 6.67 TSS (mg/L ) Total Hardness (mg/L) Ammonia Nitrogen NH4+ N (mg/L ) Turbidity (NTU) 24.30 SRP (mg/L) TDS (mg/L) River TDP (mg/L) EC mS/cm NMGM SWT 06 TP (mg/L) pH 16.04.13 Sourc e of Water DO (mg/L) Site/Location Total Alkalinity (mg/L) Date of Sampling Temp. oC Phenol Alkalinity (mg/L) Parameters pH EC mS/cm TDS (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) Phenol Alkalinity (mg/L) Total Alkalinity (mg/L) Total Hardness (mg/L) Calcium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Total Iron (mg/L) Sulphate (mg/L) TP (mg/L) TDP (mg/L) SRP (mg/L) 19.04.13 BGM PMB 05 Boreh ole 26.60 6.90 438.00 226.00 2.00 0.00 184.00 139.00 40.80 13.86 7.45 0.61 60.00 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.02 10.00 19.04.13 BGM TMB 05 Boreh ole 27.00 5.50 105.00 55.00 14.00 0.00 26.00 10.00 4.00 0.24 18.64 1.58 0.00 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.10 6.67 19.04.13 BGM TMB 08 Boreh ole 25.00 5.70 636.00 330.00 10.00 0.00 34.00 127.00 48.00 1.70 13.04 0.37 120.00 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.04 6.67 20.04.13 BUZWAGI TSF 02B Boreh ole 28.20 5.90 155.10 79.00 28.00 0.00 64.00 65.00 70.60 9.48 14.12 1.90 8.00 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.00 20.04.13 BUZWAGI TSF 05B Boreh ole 28.40 6.30 101.10 55.00 17.00 0.00 62.00 41.00 17.60 5.35 10.25 3.54 3.00 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 10.00 20.04.13 BUZWAGI SW 05 Dam 30.90 7.40 108.50 56.00 8.00 0.00 60.00 39.00 10.00 3.40 12.11 6.30 3.53 1.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.02 20.00 20.04.13 BUZWAGI GW 07 Boreh ole 27.00 7.40 180.00 94.00 52.00 0.00 70.00 50.00 12.00 4.86 13.04 4.90 3.88 33.00 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.06 26.67 20.04.13 BUZWAGI SW 08 Dam 26.00 7.40 204.00 107.00 48.00 0.00 88.00 43.00 8.00 9.48 26.09 3.40 8.26 6.00 0.77 0.52 0.45 0.22 45.00 Sourc e of Water Key NMGM – North Mara Gold Mine GGM - Geita Gold Mine BGM – Bulyanhulu Gold Mine TSS (mg/L ) Site/Location DO (mg/L) Date of Sampling Temp. oC Ammonia Nitrogen NH4+ N (mg/L ) Parameters