Department of Statistics Course Announcement-Spring 2009 Course Title-Linear Algebra (線性代數) 開課系級:統計一 Text: Linear Algebra, David Poole (ISBN:0534341748) 雙業(02-23684198)代理 Instructor: Tsair-chuan Lin (林財川) Office: 商 7F14 Tel: (02) 26874-6775 Office Hours: Tu, Th 10:00~12:00 am E-mail: Web: Course Objectives and Description- Students should develop some computational skills in working with linear functions and the matrices used to represent them. However, more of the course will focus on non-computational issues, such as learning to use appropriate terminology and reasoning and constructing proofs. Matrix algebra and solutions of systems of linear equations, matrix inversion, determinants. Vector spaces, linear dependence, basis and dimension, subspaces. Inner products, Gram-Schmidt process. Linear transformations, matrices of a linear transformation. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Some numerical methods for linear systems-Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, the iterative Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods. Grading: Grades will be assigned on the basis of 300 points, as follows: 1 middle-term exam worth 100 points each Quizzes and/or homework, 100 points total Final exam, 100 points Your instructor will provide more specific information about grading policies in your section. Calculators and Dictionary: Calculators and dictionary will be allowed on all the exam(s). Rule for Homework: