
1920’s Newspaper Project
For Chapter 3, you will be working alone or with one other student to create a front page of a Canadian
newspaper from the era of the 1920’s using the internet, books, etc. You may divide up the project in any method
you wish but must participate equally. Although this is a group project, it is not necessarily a group grade. Part of
your grade will be based on my observation of how much you contribute. All parts of the newspaper
must be in your own words!
Basic Minimum Requirements:
Each newspaper must have the following:
Original name for the newspaper
News stories- about people, events, and happenings- .
Editorial-(opinionated writings) about any issue in the 1920’s
Political cartoon- (based on an important issue of the times)
Entertainment piece- (fashion, dance, music, movie stars, etc.)
Sports piece- (popular individuals, heroes of the day)
Writers or ArtistsAdvertisements (of actual products that were popular or new in the 1920’s)
Each person is responsible for two articles: Two must be a news stories and any one of the other
topic choices. When dividing up the work, make sure you have all the features above (editorial, political
cartoon, entertainment, sports, writers or artists). Both members should collect pictures for their articles,
drawings and advertisements of 1920’s products, and decide on the name of the paper.
Basic Layout:
Page 1: Title of newspaper, date, price, news stories
Page 2: Editorial and Political cartoon (left hand column) more news stories, ads
Page 3: Entertainment/writers or artists/ads/ drawings
Page 4: Sports/ads /drawings
You will have one day in the library to research and type your articles. Pretend you are witnessing these events.
Write your articles in the present tense, using column format. You will have two half days in class to put the
newspaper together. Decide beforehand what types of materials you will need and bring them to class. You may
do extra research outside the class, however do NOT come to the library with nothing to do! All projects must be
completed by Tuesday, Sept. 26. The group will submit a listing of what each member contributed to the
newspaper. Points are earned based on your contribution.
Point value:
Name of newspaper:
5 Pts.
40 Pts. (Two news articles, one editorial, one political cartoon)
Pictures/Advertisement: 10 Pts.
10 Pts.
You may research any of the people or events listed in our book in Ch. 3. Please do not write about the stock
market crash of Oct. 29, 1929.