
March 2013 Consultant Team Report to AC
Jean Anderson
 Attended monthly State Agency Librarian Meeting at RL&LL: This is an opportunity to meet
with special librarians from around Madison and share what's happening in SCLS.
 Conducted OverDrive training sessions for
o Madison Central 10-12 staff members & Ashman Branch for 10 staff members from
Ashman and other branches, Middleton, Stoughton, Portage
o Deerfield for 4 staff members
o Cambria for 4 staff and 6 board members
o Lodi for 5 staff members
o Sun Prairie for ...
o Marshall for ...
 Hosted the Programming Workshop at Wintergreen Resort with 30 attendees (20 from SCLS
and 10 from other systems)
 Met with Peggy Smith at UW-Madison to plan Multitype Meeting, tentatively scheduled for May
21 and hosted by Amy O'Shea at Globe University West.
 Hosted the Truly, Madly, Deeply webinar for ...
 Hosted the Database Demo: AtoZdatabases for ...
Shawn Brommer
 Meeting with new youth services staff from Columbus & Stoughton
 Creating youth services mini-retreat for Columbus Youth Services staff
 Presented webinar about re-designing summer programs for DPI webinar series
 Met with youth services librarians to identify programs that support Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
 Coordinated System-wide Group Movie License
 Coordinated System-wide Summer Library Program incentives
 Continue to help libraries plan for Summer Library Program
 Worked with Rose and Kerri to help libraries set up Zoho Creator Apps for Summer Library
Deb Haeffner
 Sent out my 4 FF&E (furniture, fixtures & equipment) bid packets for Portage, due back 3/25
 Working on Pardeeville space and furniture plans with the architects. Met to discuss issues.
Will be working with Library staff/interim director to coordinate move, relocation. Designed
Circulation desk & staff work room layouts.
 Working with architect & director to specify carpet, paint, laminates, furniture layout, lighting,
electric issues. Designing circulation desk. Working on getting furniture needs to get quotes.
 Helping schedule Columbus painting, carpet, furniture layout and delivery.
 Continuing to work on Summer Library Program as the projects come in (have done SLP
brochures, reading records, performer flyers).
 Completed lots of flyers for upcoming spring programming for libraries.
Mark Ibach
 Produced and distributed SCLS Foundation newsletter "From the Ground Up."
 Wrote press release for libraries to help promote the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf grant.
 Began work on Muslim Journeys Bookshelf event web page
Fulfilled various print requests from member libraries.
Finished drafts of library editorials/columns for use with local media (will share with consultants
for review and editing)
Prepared presentation for All Directors Meeting
Working on second SCLS Marketing Work Group video
Laid out, edited, and printed Trustee Update (quarterly newsletter for library trustees)
Top 5 (weekly) and Online Update (every-other week)
Prepared and posted new Collective Knowledge Survey and posted results of previous survey
Drafted questions for 2013 Library Visits, reviewed with consultant team, and began preparing
related files
Denise Anton Wright
 Finished reviewing SCLS member libraries' Annual Reports
 Submitted final Annual Reports to the DPI/Public Library Development team
 Met with the Belleville Public Library Board to discuss the process of hiring a new director
 Participated in the WAPL Board meeting via "go to meeting" software
 Met with the Stoughton Public Library Board to assist in the review/quantification of their
strategic plan
 Met with Beth Price of Madison Public Library’s OLL Dept. to discuss revisions to the ILL
section on the SCLS website
 Compiled details from the Statement Concerning Public Library System Effectiveness of SCLS
member libraries' Annual Reports into a single spreadsheet for the SCLS Board
 Communicated with staff contacts from the fifteen member libraries who are part of the
Bridging Cultures Bookshelf—Muslim Journeys grant project regarding meeting notes, the
second shipment of resources, a sample press release, and details on accessing the Oxford
Islamic Studies Online database
 Attended the March 14 Dane County directors' meeting
 Attended/presented SCLS Report at the March 15 Columbia County Library Board/directors
Rose Ziech
 Email/phone contacts:
o Zoho Creator more info (Baraboo, Madison)
o Pinterest analytics verification with Contribute (New Glarus, Oregon)
o TypePad account invitation for new staff (Stoughton)
o LINK troubleshooting (Rome)
o OverDrive troubleshooting (Mount Horeb, Help Desk)
o TypePad how to create new pages (North Freedom)
o FTP troubleshooting (Waunakee)
 Drupal
o theming & tweaking (DeForest, Spring Green, McMillan Memorial Library, Verona,
Albany, Plain, Portage County, Prairie du Sac, New Glarus)
o maintenance: core & module update testing & implementation (Drupal core 7.21,
Google Analytics 1.3, IMCE 1.7, References 2.1, Token 1.5)
o documentation: added tag sidebar to documentation & tagged content, Developer
permissions, blocks, homepage variations
o backup training: admin interface (more), core & module update testing, hosting
environment overview, creating new users
 SLP planning
o set up registration & thank-you pages (Vesper)
o met w/ Kerri & Shawn for logistics & communication planning
LINKcat maintenance: updated homepage slideshow with Don't Miss Lists slide (backup for
Committee work: scls-ebookworkgroup list setup for Digital Projects Workgroup