2016 technology budget proposal

2016 Technology Budget Notes
June 3, 2015
2016 Proposed Technology Operating Budget
Hardware Maintenance
Telecom / Central Server Hardware
Software Licenses
Support Equipment
Broadband Lines
Staff Salaries and Benefits
Total Operating Budget
South Central Cash Contribution
Member costs to be allocated by the
Cost Formula
Technology Contingency
2015 Amount
2016 Technology Operating Budget Notes
What’s Changing in 2016?
The budget presented above is based on the cost to continue current technology services into 2016
and to expand broadband services.
 Infrastructure Upgrades: In order to make sure that technology services are delivered as fast as
they can be, there will be major upgrades made to the SCLS Technology Infrastructure in 2015,
2016 and 2017. We do not know yet what the budget impact will be, but we anticipate an
increase of $40,000 to $200,000 in increased infrastructure hardware costs which will result in
$8,000 to $40,000 in increases annually.
 Additional Help Desk Position: We are also anticipating that there will be additional PCs added
to the network and therefore we will maintain the current two halt-time LTE positions.
 Support for Tablets: SCLS is exploring the possibility of providing support for tablets which will
most likely have a fee per supported device, similar to the way we now charge for PC support.
The 2016 budgeted amount represents a 2.1% increase over the 2015 budgeted amount.
The following is a description of what sort of services each Technology-related account covers.
Hardware Maintenance
This account covers the annual maintenance contracts for all the Cisco hardware including switches
and routers. The Cisco SmartNet maintenance subscription allows us to download and install the latest
firmware updates, as well as provide access to Cisco technical support. Hardware maintenance is
covered by the Infrastructure and Network Services fees.
Increase: This budget line has increased as the equipment to support the increased bandwidth at SCLS
libraries costs more, which results in a higher maintenance cost. Maintenance for Enterprise Wireless is
also included in this account.
Telecommunications and Central Server Hardware
This account includes over 150 network switches and routers located in each member library, the
primary servers located at SCLS Headquarters (Windows, Web, E-mail, etc.) as well as the UPS power
backup units located at SCLS HQ. Each piece of equipment is slated for replacement on a 5-year cycle,
with the exception of routers and switches which are on a 6 year rotation. Central server hardware is
covered by the Infrastructure and Network Services fees.
Increase: This account has increased somewhat from 2015 as we made some adjustments to the
required equipment replacement schedule. The Enterprise Wireless equipment is included in this
In 2016 and 2017 we will be doing major infrastructure upgrades from the current one Gigabit service
to a 10 Gigabit service. We have funds in the Technology Contingency account to cover the upgrades,
but we do not know yet how this will affect operating costs.
Software Licenses
Included in the Software Licenses account are:
 The various software licenses installed on SCLS-supported PCs, both Patron and Staff, the other
is covered by the support fee for PCs ($250 per PC).
 The central software licenses for servers which is included in the Technology Services
Infrastructure fee
 The Enterprise Wireless Software fees which are incorporated into the Network Services fee.
Increase: This account increased slightly because the number of PCs supported on the network
Support equipment
This account covers the technicians’ cellular phones, on call support pagers, the cabling provided by
SCLS, miscellaneous expenses such as testing equipment, labelers, and minor software subscriptions
necessary to support member libraries. Support equipment costs are covered by the PC Support fee.
No change: This account remains the same as 2015.
Broadband lines
This account covers the expenses associated with the BadgerNet TEACH lines, Charter fees, the SCLS
WiscNet Membership Fees, and the MUFN fees. Broadband lines are covered under the Infrastructure
and Network services fees.
Increase: This account increased when compared to 2015 as some libraries have increased bandwidth,
which typically means increases in costs and because the fees for the MUFN portion of the
Headquarters bandwidth increased.
Staff Salaries and Benefits
We will add an option to add an additional Help Desk support staff. Some of the costs for the additional
staff will be offset by PCs that are added to the network.
Increase. There is an increase in this budget line due to position step increases in salary and the usual
cost increases in benefits.
2016 Contingency
The contingency fund is used for both unexpected expenses (such as consulting fees) as well as the
planned replacement of centralized hardware and bulk purchases of software licenses. We projected
carryover into 2015 to be $348,889 however it stands at $504,585. This is partially due to the fact that
we incorporated the Enterprise Wireless and Library Online contingency amounts into this account.
We do not yet have a predicted carryover amount for 2016.
SCLS Cash Contribution
South Central will directly contribute $237,500 into the Technology Services Infrastructure budget to
offset Technology costs for members participating in any Technology Service.