Winter 2011 - AOC - McGill University

Dear Friends,
One of the many reasons all of us remain great friends is the Newsletter, which
we receive annually. We keep up-to-date with classmates’ lives and the business of our
class regularly. It is a bit of a project (for sure!), but understanding how much all of us
enjoy getting the news, and reading all of your comments makes the task fun and
definitely worthwhile. You have been generous with your comments and given me lots
to think about and, then to put on paper.
For some of you, it has sparked an “out of the blue” phone call from me. Others
have received an email asking for some more information. I shall try to make the 2011
Newsletter REALLY interesting and fun for all of you to read.
Many extra thanks go to Stephen Casselman for keeping me “on task”, to Harold
for his great “essay”, to Yvonne for her article about “one of us”, to Dave Faulkner for
energy to begin the Reunion planning and, lastly, Winston Ingalls for understanding my
need for help and direction!!
Nancy (Chapin) Kurz
HERE GOES .........
Harold Cook has led our Class professionally, lovingly and intelligently all of
these 40+ years. He offers us insight and ideas all the time so that we can be proud of
our accomplishments and reunions. He and Helen are friends of every single one of us.
Harold offers these observations:
How many remember the plaintive words and the single cord strumming of the
Smothers Brothers?
“What ever happened to time; doesn’t come around anymore
Last time I saw time, it was hurrying out the door.”
Amusing, isn’t it, when friends ask, “what are you doing with all that retirement
time?” Another adage proving true is that time goes by faster with age. As your
comments to Nancy and our class attest we all adjust and become busier than ever with
a new set of priorities and interests, always evolving. All of these are among the great
pleasures that our previous years of hard work now afford us. True, some of the luxury
and flexibility of finance may have to be modified, but I sense a great attitude of
adventure and accomplishment, so reflective of the depth and quality of our classmates’
lives and commitments to contributing to others.Available time for others can substitute
for what may have previously been a financial donation and carries with it equal, if not
greater, satisfaction.
As we (your executive) consider first our 45th Reunion (almost certainly in PEI in
2013) and ultimately the big 50th in 2018, we are looking to exciting and challenging
ways all of us can contribute to the advancement of educational opportunities for the
students of today and the future of Macdonald. We do want to complete the major
impact project of providing three annual “Oval Award” scholarships by 2013, so your
financial contributions are needed and appreciated for this final stage.
A different objective and tactic will be proposed by the executive for the 50th
Reunion impact project. If you have interesting ideas, now is the time to let us know as
we will have details in place to share by the fall gathering in 2013.
Meantime, I hope you are enjoying the good health and excitement in the newfound time that retirement allows as much as we are! Those who have yet to make the
break from your duties of the past 40 years seem to be enjoying your work but
remember to leave some time for yourselves so both your health considerations and
ambitions can be effectively accommodated.
Our Class scribe Yvonne Hanson, has been busy interviewing one of “our own”,
Norbert Stewart, and his wife Theresa! Yvonne has outlined the full and lively career of
the Stewarts on Prince Edward Island over the last 40 years.
Norbert and Theresa Stewart
Prince Edward Island
I do not recall having much contact with
Norbert at MAC. It was, therefore, a great pleasure
to become reacquainted with him and to get to
know this “larger than life” classmate who doesn’t
hesitate to poke fun at himself.
Norbert describes himself at MAC as being
“the oldest person in the class, older than most of
the professors”. His innate modesty showed
through when he genuinely wanted to know why on
earth I would ever want to write about him!
A self-described lousy student, he barely
made it through Fredericton High School. He
figured he graduated only because the teachers
didn’t want to see him return! A half-hearted
semester or two at the University of New
Brunswick quickly convinced him that academia
was not for him. He turned instead to driving a
His recollection of those days is that of
unbearable and biting cold - everything about his
job was so frigid that in comparison, thoughts of a
warm classroom and a warm dormitory drew him
back like a magnet. Almost as a joke, and amidst
much hilarity from his friends, he applied to the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in
Truro. He was accepted and then obliged to sell his plane, which he had been flying
since 1956. To his surprise, he did reasonably well at the College. After NSAC he
moved onto MAC. He enrolled in the Soil Science option because that was the shortest
line up when he arrived at 11:30 a.m., and he didn’t want to miss lunch!
After graduating from MAC, Norbert’s thirst for study was aroused and he went
on to obtain his MSc at the University of Guelph. He enrolled in a number of business
courses also. After graduation Norbert went back to PEI and the Department of
Agriculture as a soil scientist. His responsibilities included marketing and market
assessment contracts for many years. While there, he worked with a small print shop
and became a big fan of the printing business.
In the midst of all this studying and working, Norbert actually found time to fall in
love “with a magnificent lady”, Theresa, who had walked off one of McCain Foods’
planes while he was visiting Fredericton Airport. He knew immediately that she was the
lady he would marry. It would take much persuasion for her to agree to go along with his
Norbert and Theresa were married in 1967. They have 2 children. Sean and his
wife, Penny, live in Gananoque, Ontario, and have 2 children. Monique and her
husband, Donald, live on PEI and have 4 children.
Theresa owned and operated a prestigious salon in Charlottetown for many
years. She sold her business when she & Norbert became the nervous owners of
After several struggling years, much nail biting and many sleepless nights, the business
has taken off and continues to survive and grow despite tough economic times.
Norbert & Theresa, after almost 45 years of marriage, are having fun in their
“retirement” operating their business. They say when they stop enjoying it, they will
walk away from it and seek out yet another challenge.
I know you all join me in wishing Norbert, Theresa and their family continued
success. Once again, I am truly awed by the variety of career paths that good ole MAC
grads have pursued successfully over the years
Yvonne Hanson
(902) 479-3076 (home)
(902) 476-6768 (cell)
Sailing seems to be central in Commodore Archibald’s life these days. For
the next 2 years, he will be “in charge” of the Royal N.S. Yacht Squadron. Aboard
his own sail boat, George and his wife, Kate, sailed on the Bras d”Or Lakes on
Cape Breton Island with friends last summer. They also sailed from Bermuda to
Halifax in May. Their grandchildren, Anna (4) and Gracie (2), live nearby in
Halifax so George & Kate can visit often. They can also highly recommend a
wonderful 11 day cruise on a Celebrity ship on the Mediterranean! Sounds like
fun to me!!
(902) 765-9444 (home) (902) 760-0469
1087 Hwy. 221, Kingston, NS B0P 1R0
Marven and Carole have been married 45 years! Congratulations! Marven
remembers arriving at the Robertson Terrace apartments three weeks after the
wedding, and moving into the furnished apt - only a “stove & fridge”!
Still working “dawn to dusk”, the Armstrongs have a new barn to replace
the one that was destroyed in Dec. 2010. They are trying some new projects:
commercial strawberries and a flock of sheep. A few beef cattle remain from
before that same storm.
Then, Christmas wreaths ... too bad we all can’t get our wreaths from
Carole and Marven.
They enjoyed the reunion at NSAC - “we had a great time”! Hopefully they
can go to Reunion 2013 on PEI.
AVEY / BOVELL, Hugh & Jennifer
(868) 646-3273 (home)
(868) 389-7896 ( J’s cell)
Malabar Farm, Carapo Village, Arima, Trinidad
“No retirement for busy & innovative farmers!” - No anthurium export
industry any more leaves space for a new project with tomatoes (great idea!!). It
also means fewer employees - from 32 to 5! Whew! Not so much bookwork
either, I’ll bet!! Their vacation properties in Tobago, “Stonehaven Villas” and
“Plantation Beach”, take a week every month for the upkeep. They had fun in
Ontario in August and September at a cottage on Golden Lake. Jay talks to Barb
Lawson often and has chatted with Dianne Davidson also. As always .... Jennifer
and Hugh welcome us to their little corner of the world - anytime!
AUBE, Margaret (Koshman)
(705) 549-1350 (home)
(705) 427-4469 (cell)
15-8 Beck Blvd., Penetanguishene, Ontario L9M 1C3
Marg is retired .... but only from her 9-5 job!! She definitely has NOT retired
from life!! She & Henri have travelled and “boated” through Ontario into New
York state, ending in the Thousand Islands.
Marg and a friend traveled to China in September. What an account she
wrote. I shall include it in the section “ALL ABOUT TRAVELING in CHINA” at the
end of the Newsletter. These women were real trekkers!!! (Ever heard of Freya
In February, Marg’s first grandchild will be born to her son, Edmund, and
his wife. That will be an exciting moment for the Aube family!!
BULOW, Ellen
Ellen is always ready to help with her granddaughters (5 and 3), and I’ll bet
they are big helps for Ellen in her gardening and cooking! Ellen does donate
much time to her community, the churches, fire dept., service clubs. Lucky
community!! Maybe you could bring some of your quilts to the next reunion,
Ellen. And Ellen .... we hope you are up and running around soon after knee
surgery on Nov. 30th.
(613) 623-8296
236 Russett Dr., Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3G8
Together, Ellie & Debbie have 11 grandchildren, ranging in age from 2 18!! What a busy family this is!! Trying to attend hockey games, dance recitals,
etc. is almost a full-time job!
Ellie is a furniture maker!!! We should have some photos of your work!
Their holiday in Cuba last winter was “interesting”. The
communist/socialist system was an “eye opener” and left many questions as to
its success. On a road trip to Nova Scotia, Ellie was able to meet with the
Camerons. They also visited Newfoundland and were amazed at its size!
See you at the next reunion, Ellie!
(416) 291-6998 (home)
66 Keyworth Trail, Agincourt, Ontario M1S 2V1
As I write this Newsletter, Stephen & Christine are on a fabulous journey in
China!! What a report we will receive from him.
Stephen kept all of us “on target” again this year! He must know exactly
where every single one of us lives!! Any road trip, such as the one they took in
the Maritimes last summer, finds them popping in to see any classmate who
might live along the route! They visited with Harold & Helen Cook and Merritt &
Doris Scott in Nova Scotia. They saw the Greenspoons and Norris’ in the
Laurentians. Along the way, they checked in with the MacGregors, Fishers, Latts,
Mordells, Barb Lawson and Tolhursts. At the NSAC 45th Reunion, so many of
you were there with the Casselmans. I’m waiting for them to have New York City
on their route so we can see them too!!
Stephen went fishing with Aiden, his 7 yr. old grandson, last summer. He
didn’t report on any trophy size catches! What a fun thing to do with a 7 yr. old!!
Daniel and Matthew, Stephen’s & Christine’s sons, are busy and well.
Retirement has not slowed Stephen down very much, has it?
CHAMBERS, Heather (Young)
(705) 474-0531 (home)
(705) 492-3461
80 Enza Court, North Bay, Ontario P1C 0A4
Heather & Tom are completely settled in their new home - please note
their new address. They were able to establish some gardens, enjoy their back
yard and make sure Heather is totally back to good health. What a great report!
Three weeks in Sicily last May made for quite an adventure. Tom must be
a thorough “travel guide” as he was able to make arrangements for villas, hiking,
sightseeing and pasta making lessons! Lots of memories there!
Their son Chris is now a teacher in Parry Sound - a permanent position,
finally!! He and his wife, An, are both teachers in the High School. Heather’s
grandson, Pablo ( Rob’s son) is a joy in the Chambers family. He has learned a
very important word, “Grandpa”!! And Dave’s son, William, is 10 yr. old and busy
at school.
Heather volunteers for many organizations, giving so much of herself to
others. She must be a treasure in her community.
CHEN, James
James has an unbelievable schedule. He has so much travel with his work
and “raising a family unit” requires so much time and energy. (So true!!) He
readily admits “he practices apres ski stuff all day” while the lads are skiing at
Whistler each winter.
James is ready to make the long trip to PEI in 2013. He says that is one
place in this world he has never been! We’ll be waiting for him.
(902) 892-3386
24 MacMillan Cres., Charlottetown, PEI C1A 8G2
Have you ever heard of “the Confederation Trail”? It is a 273 km trail from
tip to tip of PEI - and Ed and his daughter biked the whole thing last summer!!
Congratulations! He also enjoys playing golf whenever he can.
Ed volunteers his time to many worthy organizations - Cancer Society and
the Heart & Arthritis Research groups.
In July, Ed’s family held a 3 day family reunion - 95 people!!! including Ed’s
6 grandchildren. I hope someone had a camera!!!
Ed is “on board” to help Dave Faulkner with the class reunion in 2013. Will
bike riding on “the Trail” be one of the extra activities?? Thanks for your help, Ed.
It will be a wonderful reunion.
COHEN, Arnold
(505) 243-9105 (home)
(505) 918-8644
1508 Escalante Ave. SW, Albequerque, NM 87104 USA
Believe it or not, Arnold has taken, and graduated from, a Master Gardener
Course!! Congratulations! That’s a change from microbiology! It’s great to be able
to study whatever we want to study when we’re retired! Right?
Arnold also volunteers so many places, like the Jewish Family Service. He
is a “housekeeper” for older people, keeping them company, taking them to
medical appointments, cleaning their house, or cooking for them. What a gift for
an older person! Arnold’s wife teaches in the Nursing School at New Mexico
University and volunteers at their synagogue, helping needy families.
Their son, Aaron, is a junior at Sandia Preparatory School where he is very
active in the drama club and model UN Team when he’s not studying and
reading anything to do with history!
Thanks for all your news from southwestern United States. Put PEI on your
calendar for 2013, Arnold!
COOK, Harold
(902) 742-7060 (home)
(902) 740-1236 (cell)
263 North Ohio Road, PO Box 22, RR#1, South Ohio, NS B0W 3E0
Harold and Helen have “retired” from life in Halifax and plunged into life in
South Ohio, NS (suburb of Yarmouth!). A new home! Many new volunteer
opportunities! New friends! Please note their new address above.
Because of two handsome little grandsons in Halifax, Charlie & Jack,
Harold & Helen go back to Halifax often to watch these little boys grow and learn
to talk and ride bikes and give pure joy to their family. Andrew’s beautiful
daughter, Victoria, in Toronto, draws Helen and Harold there often also.
Their 41st wedding anniversary was in August! Time flies when we’re
havin fun!
Helen is a board member of a regional tourist board, which is a challenge.
With no ferry service into Yarmouth bringing in tourists anymore from the U.S.,
much creativity must be used to attract visitors to this fascinating tip of land in
Nova Scotia. Harold is a government-appointed “watch-dog” for the board of the
Canada Foundation for Innovation. This board provides the last level of approval
on the dispersion of $1.7 billion, annually!! WOW! That is some budget!!
Harold & Helen thoroughly enjoyed the NSAC Reunion. It gave them a
chance to reconnect with many special friends.
Harold has always loved working on the South Ohio property. He has
decided that “quitting time depends on who is around and when the sun sets”!
Isn’t it great to see these two wonderful people enjoy the pleasures and fun that
come along with retirement. Their lives are full but not hectic. They are able to
create new challenges and receive happiness from their new accomplishments.
(418) 872-1429
4834 du Petit Garrot, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC G3A 2B3
Gary had to retire a year ago in order to have time to do all the renovating
he wanted to do at his cottage and at his home. But before he retired, Gary was
a member of the Quebec Agricultural Land Zoning Commission for 22 years,
ending as V.P!
Gary and his wife, Diane, are awaiting 2 grandchildren in the new year.
Their daughter, Corinne, is having a sibling for Nicolas (4), in January. Their son,
Jonathan, and his wife are expecting a baby in April. Maybe an extra bedroom at
the cottage might be Gary’s next project!
EDWARDS, Jennifer (Gilchrist)
(778) 478-6554
305 Whitman Rd., Unit 303, Kelowna, BC V1V 3P3
Jen has finally “scaled down” since her move a year or so ago. There’s
always so much to sort, toss or keep. Jen’s and Al’s granddaughters, ages 3 yr
and 19 mon are fun to visit. And, another baby is due to arrive in March. Jen’s
son and his wife will be the happy parents.
Jen and Al must be feeling well for they hope to drive to Florida this winter
From BC!! That’s a long way to go for sunshine and warm weather! But, I must
admit, it does feel good to me too as the years pass!!
(902) 569-2765
26 Harbourview Dr., Stratford, PEI C1A 7E2
Dave has started planning ideas for Reunion 2013, with a meeting at his
home in November. All of us are in good hands with him in charge. He is
organized and determined we shall have a great time “on his turf”!!
He and Mary travelled with the Parlees to the southern states last winter,
sightseeing and touring and learning some history of that area.
Mary was busy traveling to see her children in Alberta, camping with
grandchildren in Nova Scotia (Dave helped with that!) and exploring Turkey for
two weeks. Dave spent some time with his son, Chris, and family, in the Yukon in
September. They were able to do some great salmon fishing and .... some
building of cottages near Whitehorse! (Imagine living all the way that far north!!) It
was a great opportunity to get to know his two granddaughters, Lauren and
Brianna. Dave’s daughter Robin lives in Charlottetown, which is handy for Dave
and Mary to be able to see Madeleine and Kate often.
Lots of grandchildren in this family!! And Margaret is having a baby in
February, making 6 for Dave. That will be a happy time for all of them.
Dave is looking forward to including Rosy’s brother, Kevin, in family times
on PEI now. Kevin & his family have bought a home on Woods Island, PEI.
Dave is retired, but not retired in that he is always busy. He loves “being
his own boss”!! (Me too!!)
Their volunteer activities must be so rewarding. They help with the
Mikunduri Kenya Children of Hope Foundation, which provides infrastructure to
allow the community to become self-sufficient. They also support 2 children and
a family through World Vision programs. The world needs more Daves and
( 519) 473-6580
2471 Marlene Stewart St., London, Ontario N6K 5R3
Let’s hope that knee replacement in September is just a memory and Ken
is back on the golf course again!
Ken’s and Nancy’s grandson, Adam (7), was able to follow in his
grandfather’s footsteps, by attending a golf camp at their club during the summer.
What great times they’ll have together. To celebrate Ken’s birthday, their
anniversary and other birthdays, there was a Fisher family reunion. Lots of
camera action then, I hope!
Ken & Nancy can honestly rival the Casselmans with the numbers of
classmates they see during the year. It is fantastic! They spent time with the
Casselmans, MacInnes, Hansons, Swaines and Barb Lawson! Retirement is just
another way of saying, “we’re really enjoying life”!
(519) 351-0328
10608 Pinehurst Line, RR#3, Chatham, Ontario. N7M 5J3
Barry needs 34 hours in a day to do everything he wants to do!! In more
than a full-time job, Barry represents himself as “Barry Fraser & Associates,
Providing Sustainable Agri-Enviro Solutions”. And his volunteer work is endless.
This is his third year as president of St. Andrew’s Residence Seniors
Home in Chatham where there is an occupancy of 80 residents along with a 32unit Seniors Tower associated with the Foundation. Barry also co-chairs the
Business Development Group for a hospice residence!
In his spare time, Barry chairs the Environmental Committee for Rotary
and is overseeing the construction of walking trails to link with Carolina Canada!!
Barry and Carolyn have been married 40 years! Their grandchildren, little
Elliott (4) and Sadie (2), are great fun for the family. Their daughter, Heather, is
adding to the fun with a new baby in the new year!
Their son, Kent, owns a large lakeside property on Red Lake - way up in
northern Ontario. Barry and Carolyn traveled there recently to see this lovely
vacation location.
(450) 458-0854 (home)
(514) 248-8423 (cell)
219 Fairhaven, Hudson, QC J0P 1H0
Bob is a free spirit!! From many hours of volunteering for the Liberal Party
(he is not too discouraged-yet!) to sailing (with no wind) from Halifax to Maine,
he seems to be very busy!
His wife, Katherine, continues to work at MAC in the Dept. of Dietetics and
Human Nutrition. Their eldest child, Sarah, was recently engaged to be married.
His other 2 children, Geoff and Margaret, live in California. Geoff and his wife,
Allison, live in Fremont, CA. He is a high school teacher. Margaret is an
Economic / research budget analyst in Silicon Valley. California is a great place
to visit!!
Bob saw George Archibald during the summer. Amidst joking, mumbling
and story telling, they had a good time!
And.... Bob was the first class member to respond to the questionnaire - I
think it was within hours of when I sent it!
(250) 836-3026 (summer)
(250) 423-7957 (winter) and
#17-714 Riverside Ave., Sicamous, BC V0E 2V1
Tony is our “communicator extraordinaire”. Thank you for all your help,
Tony. Val volunteers in seniors homes in Fernie and Sicamous. I can imagine Val
would cheer up anyone who meets her!
Tony & Val also travel extensively. In the Spring, ’11, they explored the
Balkans area of the world (old Yugoslavia). And .... in October, ’11 they traveled
to China and spent 2 weeks seeing a very exciting country.
In August, Tony and Val celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary!!! Can
we all possibly be old enough to have been married that long?? Congratulations!
In April, 2012, their third grandchild will bless their family.
They get together with many MAC friends - the Brynjolfsons, Jim & Marion
Ho, and Mordells, and chat with Gary Coupland, Winston Ingalls and.... “ always
with Casselman”!!
GREENSPOON, Sheila (Saxe)
(514) 487-1663 (home)
(514) 234-8565 (cell)
9 Applewood Cres., Montreal, Qc H3X 3V8
What would our class be without Sheila’s energy and help and SMILES!!
She is always ready to pitch in get us organized - in spite of all the teasing she
gets from Stephen! She represents our Class at the ceremonies for the Oval
Award recipients each year.
After trips to Mexico and Las Vegas, she will be getting ready for a big
adventure to Japan in May.
She and Arthur love getting away to their home at Mont Tremblant. The
Norris’ and Casselmans visited there last summer. Arthur continues to work in his
dental practice 3-4 days a week. I think of him as an “honourary” member of the
Class of ’68!!
Sheila’s grandchildren, Eli (8) & Fallyn (3), continue to delight her. And....
what a lucky grandma she is to have these children live right around the corner
from her.
It always puts a smile on my face when I talk to Sheila.
HANSON, Yvonne
Yvonne, our class scribe, has helped us get to know classmates better
through her interview articles. As she states, it is fascinating to understand the
vast scope of interests and creativity we have demonstrated over these 43 years!
Yvonne and Wayne have taken many interesting holidays for fun and to
visit family and enjoy warm temperatures as winter moves into our part of the
country! Both of them enjoy having company visit their home on the lake.
HARE, Elizabeth/Liz (Gaw)
(613) 346-2039
16412 Centennial Drive, RR#1, Avonmore, Ontario K0C 1C0
Liz is one of us still working full time. She hopes to retire in a year. Maybe
she will come to New York City (one hour from me) now that one of her
daughters, Moira, works there as a lawyer! Liz recently spent a whirlwind
weekend there going to a show, walking “until her feet gave out” and enjoyed the
bright lights of the really BIG city!
Liz & Walter have a granddaughter, Amelia. Their daughter, Caroline is
Amelai’s Mother. Liz also has a son, Nigel who lives near her. Liz & Walter
volunteer often at their church. For fun, Liz enjoys gardening.
+612 6332 1691 (home) +614 1495 3309 (cell) AUSTRALIA
19 Rosehill St., Bathurst, NSW 2795, AUSTRALIA
Linda’s life is always full and fascinating. After MAC, she eventually found
herself in India in 1973. She returned this year - to visit her daughter, Ananda.
What a trek! Ananda lives with a family about half an hour’s drive from
Kalimpong, a 3-hour drive from Darjeeling in the foothills of the mountains in the
NE area of the country!! (I’ll never complain about going to Minneapolis to see
my daughter Eva!) Ananda is a lawyer but is now volunteering as an English
teacher in a small elementary school. Linda helped in the school for 4 days!
Linda plans on returning to India in ’12 to see Ananda again. She wants to
go back to the south of India where she lived for a short time in 1973. She will
also attend conferences in Canada.
Linda’s work at Charles Sturt University allows her to set her own
schedule, which usually includes “burning the midnight oil” many evenings. She
loves the work she does and shows no signs of retirement.
She has a lovely home in Bathurst, which she shares with her mother, who
moved to be with Linda several years ago. They live in a beautiful part of
Australia, on the west side of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.
HO, Jim
(403) 526-8463
578 First St. NW, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 6H8
Jim has spent 30 yr. working on a biological detector device. Imagine! 30
yr. to perfect one device. It took many years of research and discussion and
experimentation and testing to get to this point ...... there is a working, usable
detector being manufactured and used in 2011 ! To understand more about Jim’s
work and the biological detector, go to this web site:
Jim wrote this article for a scientific journal and then rewrote it in an abbreviated
form for another publication.
Jim received his PhD in microbiology at the University of Kentucky after
MAC and then went to work for the Canadian Dept. of National Defense. Marion
worked as a dietitian in the Medicine Hat Hospital. When she retired 5 yr. ago,
she was the director of the Food Service for that Hospital! Jim has 3 sisters who
live in different parts of the world. He talks to them often and sees one of them in
London, England, as often as he can.
HUSSAIN, Rafia (Hosein)
(309) 229-3050
5804 Midhill St., Bethesda, MD 20817 USA
Rafia’s is now a career lady after having her family and traveling the world
with her husband. She began work as a clinical dietitian at state facility near
Washington, D.C. in 2005. By 2009 she had been promoted the chief clinical
dietitian and now...... director of the Department. WOW! We all were well trained
at MAC, weren’t we!!! Can you imagine, to see her 3 granddaughters, she must
travel to Singapore!!! (My Eva in Minneapolis is becoming closer and closer!)
Rafia’s daughter, Yasmin, is an investment banker for Barclays Bank. Rafia goes
once a year to visit them. Her son, Faraz, is a structural engineer and works for
Caterpillar Company in Chicago.
From 1998-2003, Rafia’s husband was an ambassador in Japan. She was
able to get to know that country very well. What an experience!
Rafia wrote a delightful letter to me with her information. She has not seen
other MAC graduates but would love to have us stop and call if we are ever near
INGALLS, Winston
(816) 407-9094 (home)
(816) 853-4475 (cell)
9016 N. Hunter Ave., Kansas City, MO 64157
Winston and Ann stay very busy with their family and travel and Ann’s
writing career. They traveled to Long Island, NY, in April for their son Kevin’s
wedding to Linda, a Korean American. The 2 cultures were combined, which
added to the beauty of the ceremony. Kevin is a radiologist at the U. of Missouri.
Their daughter, Mary, and husband, Sean, live nearby also. Mary is an
exceptional nurse, working at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
Their daughter,Sarah and her husband live in Phoenix, AZ, now. They
enlisted Winston & Ann to help with the move IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST!!
Only 118 degrees F. during the days of the move!
Isn’t it amazing how the Inca population was able to construct Machu
Pichu with only very primitive tools! I hear that from anyone I’ve ever spoken with
after a trip to Peru. And Winston said the same thing. It is unbelievable! He and
Ann were there recently touring pre-Inca archaeological sites in Peru and Bolivia.
An extra on the trip ...... realizing there are over 3000 varieties of potatoes and
then tasting many of them!
Lucky kids in a local elementary school where Winston volunteers in a
second grade class!! Those kids must love the days “Mr. Ingalls” is there.
JACKSON / ROGERS, David & Muriel
(905) 880-4416
Muriel and Dave are just as busy as when they worked professionally!
They volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society and Glaucoma Research and
for their church.
To beat ole man winter, they are going on a 2-week cruise in the southern
Caribbean in January. To celebrate “significant” birthdays, Muriel will get together
with Jen Edwards and Sharon Smith in September, ’12, in Kelowna, BC. From
there, they are off to Hawaii! Wow! What a great itinerary!
+267 71 31 27 23 (cell)
Box 879, Francistown, Botswana
What an interesting life Tony has had. Now, he is working on his game
ranch, doing research on “our” leopards - “and enjoying life generally”!! This is a
picture of one of Tony’s “subjects! Pretty spectacular animal!!!
Tony’s son, Matthew, was married in April, ’11. In March,’12, there will be
another little Johnson baby in the family. Wonderful news!
Geoff & Mo Chislett ’67 visited Tony’s ranch and they all went on a fishing
and game safari together. Sounds like a great holiday to me! What about our
50th Reunion??!!
LAWSON, Barbara (French)
(613) 382-2721
3100 Sandhill Rd., RR#1, Seeley’s Bay, Ontario K0H 2N0
Barb’s daughter Leanne lives nearby, which means Barb can see Abby &
Jamie often. Her daughter Angela, and family are living in Pittsburgh now. Barb
makes that trip often to see little 18 mon. old Molly. And probably Barb will go for
a longer stay in February when Molly’s little sister is born!
Any of us who have lost a beloved pet can sympathize with Barb’s
sadness over the death of her dog, Duchess. Thirteen years is a good life for a
lab, I’m told as I look down and see my 11 yr. old Bessie next to me.
Barb looks forward to a “major” get together of MAC friends on the July 1st
holiday at the MacInnes’ cottage - the Swaines, Fishers and Hansons. Barb
considers it a tradition by now. And she hopes to visit the Aveys in Trinidad again
in January.
She saw Stephen and Merritt Scott briefly and Heather Barkley Butt.
Barb volunteers in the school where Leanne teaches. She helps with
reading skills.
LOUSLEY / MARSH, Doug & Janet
(613) 258-9337
RR#2, Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0 (mailing address)
36 Victoria St., Bishop’s Mills, Ontario K0G 1T0
43 years!! Janet and Doug have been married since we all graduated!
October 12th was the memorable day!
They are proud of the accomplishments of their “ grandpeople” (not
grandchildren!), daughters of Scott, Janet’s and Doug’s son: Jaimie, studying
respiratory therapy; Nikki, studying nursing and KC, studying to be a vet
assistant. Their daughter, Cheryl, is a Professor of English associated with
Lakehead University but located at a campus in Orillia, Ontario.
Golf - this is a fun way to spend an afternoon and they were able to get
many rounds in during their trip to the NSAC 45th Reunion. The whole reunion
was fun and made special by all the efforts made to attend.
Both Janet & Doug volunteer much of their time and talents. Church
activities, the United Way, House of Lazarus, Brockville Country Club, etc. all
benefit from the Lousleys.
MACGREGOR, Margie (Adrian)
(613) 659-3629
Box 321, Lansdowne, Ontario K0E 1L0
The best news .... Margie had a good one-year check up after kidney
surgery in Oct.’10. That’s wonderful, Margie.
Margie and Roger are on the route to and from Toronto -Montreal, so they
have seen Celia, Ann Marie and Stephen over the past year.
Johann, who lives in the Philippines, and Beatriz, who lives in Bolivia, are
very fortunate children for Margie and Roger are their foster parents! They have
helped many children finish their schooling. Another group they support is the
DONKEY SANCTUARY OF CANADA! “Poppy” and “Pansy” are two of the
miniature donkeys Margie has loved. She and Ann Marie have even been to visit
these creatures in Guelph.
Stay very well, Margie!!
MCKAY, Donald
(403) 675-5566 (home)
(780) 886-2057 (cell)
997 Wilson Way, Canmore, AB T1W 3C5
Don & Maureen sold their farm last June and moved part time to a home in
Edmonton so he can continue working. Maureen is fully retired. Both of them
volunteer at Chalice and the Hope Foundation. Don participated in two bike tours
to support the MS Society.
Lots of lovely grandchildren in the McKay Family. They have 2 girls and
three boys, including new, little Berkely born in June and 2 step-grandchildren.
Recently, Don & Maureen traveled to Cape Breton to attend the Celtic
Colours Festival - that’s a long trip from Canmore, Alberta!
(514) 695-0539
30 Willowbrook, Beaconsfield, QC H9W 3P6
Andre and Annie are enjoying their retirement immensely by traveling, and
they go to very interesting places. They went all the way to Vietnam, Laos &
Cambodia last January! And then, in July, they cruised the Danube River
exploring Budapest, Vienna ... ending in Prague! What treasures they must have
NORRIS, Margaret (Stephens)
(819) 428-7748 (home)
(514) 898-5696 (cell)
374 chemin de la Baie-Yelle, Lac Simon, QC J0V 1E0
Where to begin ..... Marg and Steve do not let any grass grow under their
feet!!! Steve continues to work for Tembec in Montreal 3 days a week. Then they
head for Lac Simon, QC, where they are now permanent residents and are THE
only Anglophones in that municipality.
The adventure in April included a 21-day Middle East cruise from Dubai to
Athens, stopping in Cairo and Alexandria. Because of political unrest, they were
rerouted to Israel to see all the treasures there and swim in the Dead Sea.
They also took an interesting cruise on the other side of the world to
Vietnam and Cambodia and down the Mekong River. My camera would be worn
out after a trip like that!!
Marg’s & Steve’s daughter, Kim, and her family live in Northern Alberta
“tapping the oil” in Fort McMurray. Kim teaches French kindergarten. Her
children, Lauran (9) and Cameron (5), spent 8 weeks with Marg and Steve last
summer. Marg travels to Fort McMurray to see them “on their turf” too!
Their son, Michael, and his wife, Alison, live on the West Island of
Montreal, an easier destination for visiting!!
Marg and Sheila are taking Italian lessons together! I would sign up for that
(905) 230-3577 (home)
(416) 564-7475 (cell)
Bob has “never worked from 9 to 5 in my life”! He can put many more
hours than that into one day and that is why he can have so many activities and
responsibilities in his life. He has two homes, a new one in Brampton, Ontario,
and another in PEI.
Not only are Bob’s businesses in Brampton and PEI, but so are his 4
grandchildren. They range in age from 6 mon. to 14 years!
Bob owns and operates a real estate brokerage firm AND four nursing/
retirement homes in PEI. He calculates he spends 40% of his time in Brampton,
40 % in PEI and the rest traveling and vacationing!!
The University of PEI and the Brampton Hospital are Bob’s main charitable
interests. He occasionally sees some MAC classmates in PEI.
REID, Nancy (Groome)
(613) 745-2483
789 DeSalaberry St., Gloucester, Ontario K1J 6Y5
Nancy’s oldest son, Rob, has a fascinating job as a programmer for
Neptec. He is working on a Rover project now that the shuttle missions have
ended. He has 4 very busy daughters. Nancy enjoys going to many of their
activities. Her son, Doug, lives in Halifax. He has one daughter, nIne years old.
John has been retired for 10 years, so they travel, renovate their home and
visit family.
SCOTT, Merritt
(506) 459-3904
29 Cobblestone Dr., Hanwell, NB E3E 2N4
A man of few words has been Merritt - always! Hence........
“became a gramp (girl) born on July 15, 2010”
Isn’t that wonderful! I’m so happy for Merritt and his family. As of December, ’11
both Merritt and Doris will be retired. He volunteers generously at the IAW
(International Animal Welfare), the Cancer & Alzheimer’s Foundations, his church
and the N.B. Senior Agrologists Group.
The NSAC Reunion was a great place to visit with many MAC grads: Ken
Fisher, the Lousleys. While in Toronto in April to see his daughter, Merritt visited
with Stephen, the MacGregors and Spences. Again in August, at a “mini”
reunion, Merritt had visits with the Younkers, Faulkners, Crookers and Jack
Hadley. Everyone in the Class likes checking in with Merritt!
SPENCE, George
(519) 367-2726 (home) (519) 881-7588 (cell)
RR#2, Mildmay, Ontario N0G 2J0
George & Barb have lived on their farm 37 years, and they celebrated their
44th anniversary in July! Fantastic!
Grandchildren .... there are nine of them, ranging in age from 10 mon. to
20 yr.! and six of them in just the last 3 years. So... an explosion of beautiful
babies happened in the Spence Family!! Grandpa (George) loves giving “gator”
rides and showing them around the farm. With some of these kids living on
Vancouver Island, Barb and George travel west several times a year.
George stays busy on the farm with his bees, apple orchard, making maple
syrup and cutting wood! Barb retired from teaching several years ago but still
occasionally does some supply teaching - “in between grandchildren & golf”!
They loved the surprise visit from Merritt and Doris Scott and hope any of
us who are in the vicinity of Mildmay will pop in and see them too.
Thank you, Barb, for “filling in the blanks” !
STEWART, Norbert
(902) 892-8205 (home)
(902) 626-5076 (cell)
14 Sunset Dr., Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7S9
In addition to everything we learned from Yvonne’s interview with the
Stewarts, we should know all the volunteer activities they fit into their lives also.
Norbert is the Chairman of the Board for Crimestoppers PEI, Director of the Y’s
Mens’ Club, tutor for ESL and a host parent for World Youth and Study Abroad.
They are proud of their work and their 6 grandchildren and 44 years of
(613) 384-3466 (home)
(613) 329-8723
1008 Finch St., Kingston, Ontario K7P 3C1
Terry has 3 wonderful grandchildren, Addison (baby), Owen (6) and Emily
(8). He is now an associate in the practice because he sold the practice to a
younger orthodontist. In 15 months Terry can “offically” retire. How great is it that
Terry does Pro Bono work for the Children’s Aid Society. Sometimes he sees “a
bunch of rebels” in Kingston, his Macdonald College friends!
SIMONS, Dorothy (Tatem)
(905) 846-2102
36 Courtleigh Square, Brampton, Ontario L6Z 1J3
Imagine receiving an email from “Doffa” - I was so surprised and happy to
receive her news.
Dorothy and Ralph have been married 43 years! They have 3
grandchildren, 2 in Toronto and one in England. They travel often, a recent trip to
the Mediterranean and to their second home in Bermuda.
(450) 264-4925 (summer)
(386) 428-1235 (winter)
224 Costa Rica, Edgewater, FL 32141
summer: 203-53rd Ave., Saint Anicat, QC
Stewart and Rita are very proud of their 6 grandchildren. Jameson speaks
Chinese and lives in China teaching English. He also studied volcanology!!
Andrew is studying at Penn State. Ryan works for a bio-tech company at Yale
University, Justine is working after graduating from U. of Philadelphia. Rachel is
studying to be a chartered accountant and Alexander has started college.
Stewart and Rita are both retired and enjoy living in both countries. No
more “harsh winters”!
THORNE/ TROUP, David and Sue
(613) 435-5769
25 Kinalea Cres., Ottawa, Ontario K2F 1K9
After many years in Port Colbourne, Ont., Sue & Dave moved to the
Ottawa area last June. ( Note the new address above) They have a lovely home
(with pool!) near to where their son, Brad, and his wife, Jacinthe, and 2
grandchildren live. Lucky Erica (3) and Cameron (3 mon.) to have their Grandpa
and Grandma Thorne living closer to them.
Amy & Greg (Sue’s and Dave’s daughter) and Paige live near Boston.
Paige is 1++yr old and a happy, sociable little girl. Sue and Dave spent the
Canadian Thanksgiving weekend holiday there and had a wonderful visit.
Both of them are well and strong and happy to be settled again and on the
lookout for MAC classmates in the area!
(613) 922-5889 (home)
(613) 393-2951
1613 County Road 12, Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0
Dave, a retired H.S. science teacher and Science Dept. Head, and his
wife, Edna, are very busy with their Bed’n Breakfast business. Sounds like a fun
project, but these inns require much work and constant attention to details of
lodging, dining, gardens, and activities. All of us should look up
Go to: - click on Ontario - click on Eastern Ontario - click on
Picton - scroll down to Theakston’s B & B.
David’s and Edna’s children, Kreg and Simone, live nearby with 3
grandsons, (4,8, & 13). It is fun to be able to see them often.
TOPPING, Celia Topping
(585) 347-4685 (new home #)
26 Ashbrook Circle, Webster, NY 14580
Late this fall, Celia and Doug moved (gradually) into a new home in
Webster, NY, one town away from Penfield where they lived for 32 years.
But... the real news is grandbabies!! Two little girls are new blessings in
the Topping family.
Jeremy & Leigh, their son who lives in Seattle, WA, gave them beautiful
little Riley in Janaury. James & Monica, their son who lives in Durham, NC, gave
the family beautiful little Quinn in October ’11. Celia & Doug have been able to
visit both families and hold and sing to and love the babies. As Celia wrote,
“Grandchildren fill a hole in your heart that you didn’t know you had. How true”!!
Off to Scotland and Ireland they went in August to explore and learn the
history and enjoy the people and food! It was a delightful 10-day adventure.
They love meeting up with MAC friends. They were able to visit with Ann
Marie MacNaughton, the MacGregors and Faulkners this year. Celia and Doug
(another honourary class member!) are looking forward to a PEI Reunion in 2013
- me too!!
WARD, Sylvia
(416) 493-0013
57 Hollyberry Trail, Toronto, ON M2H 2N9
Sylvia is still off to work each day, hoping for retirement days in a year!
Then, they plan to retire to Horseshoe Valley where they have a home. A new
kitchen and a new guest bedroom will make it inviting and a lovely place to live.
Sylvia volunteers at her church as often as she can.
They have 2 little grandchildren, Abigail (3) and Gavin (10 mon.), whom
they visit often in Toronto.
(902) 368-1180 (home)
(902) 394-4859 (cell)
1671 Winsloe Rd., Rte. 223, N Winsloe, PEI C1E 2Y7
This is a new address for Dave and Marion. Mark your address books.
Dave & Marion are always on the go. They volunteer much of their time in
addition to working professionally. Marion is the Director of Care at Whisperwood
Villa, a seniors’ residence. Dave works part time for a corporation involved with
the fishing industry. They have church, civic and social commitments but always
have time to attend their grandchildren’s sporting events. In August, Dave &
Marion traveled to Manitoba to visit their daughter Andrea who works for Parks
Canada. Daughter, Deanna and grandson, Ryan went too. So, does that mean
there was some great hiking done? In March they went to Florida with their
daughter, Jennifer and her family -for some sunshine and warm weather, I
Congratulations upon Dave’s & Marion”s 41st anniversary in July!! Many of
us have hit that 40 mark - unbelievable, isn’t it?
Dave is helping with Reunion PEI 2013 planning. He warns all of us to
expect lots of fun on beautiful Prince Edward Island.
KURZ, Nancy Chapin (That’s ME!)
(203) 746-9686 (home) (203) 512-9686
Box 220, Candlewood Isle, New Fairfield,
CT 06812 USA
Even though we have not moved,
note our address. Several years ago we
changed mail boxes. The new number is
220. For a while the p.o. just put the mail in
my box as long as it had my name of it.
But, ..... the p.o. is getting kind of cranky!!
Box 220 it has to be.
Gary and I happily welcomed two
Grandsons into our Family this year.
Nan and David, (our daughter) gave us
Gordon Daniel Nutt on February 10th.
He is a carbon copy of David - tall,
blond, blue eyes - Swedish
background for sure! Then Ross and
Shana (our son in Denver) gave us
Tannin Linn on September 9th. We
flew out to see him in late Sept. And,
Grandma is going again in early
December! Tannin has 3 brothers. All
of them are 4 and under in age! We are so fortunate to have 7 Grandsons and 2
Granddaughters, all 5 yr. of age and under. We have had an explosion of
babies!! - which is the best kind of explosion I can think of! Rosy Tomorrows
Restaurant is a landmark in Danbury. It’s been 31 years since we opened the
doors. The October storm was a challenge - worked off an generator for 3 days!
But, Gary and his staff hardly missed a beat. The doors were always open for
thousands of people who had no power.
My Mother is a major force in our lives. She is well and lives in Atlantic Beach,
FL. She spent the month of August with us. We cooked and gardened and
watched old movies!
Yes, I love being a full-time Grandmother. If you only knew how often I go
to the p.o. Dan lives in L.A. Ross lives in Denver. Eva lives near Minneapolis and
Nan lives in northern New Jersey. Grant and Mae Louise from Minnesota, will
come again next summer to participate in the Kids’ Summer Program on the Isle.
Grant started last summer - 3rd generation - his Grandfather Kurz, his Mother and
now him!
We hope some of you will find your way to our “little corner of the world” near New York City. There’s always a table for you at Rosys!
Edgar Coffin, Dave Younker, Norbert Stewart (& Harold through Skype)
met with Dave (Faulkner) mid- November, 2011 to begin planning for the Class
’68 45th Reunion in 2013 on Prince Edward Island. This group outlined the tasks
to be done to research all the n
necessary venues and activities, etc. which will be needed. All details are
tentative and being investigated. Regular meetings are planned between now
and the reunion. This is going to be the best reunion yet!!! Everyone will be
receiving information as soon as decisions are made. Thank you to all our great
PEI grads.
Please support young Australians to go to University and succeed in their
studies by giving generously to the Charles Sturt University Foundation. Please
read www. for more information.
One of the difficulties with writing articles for the Newsletter, is that one tends to
write about people whom one knows. There are many wonderful stories out there
and I would like to write about them. Please drop me an email if you have a
suggestion. How you traveled to an exotic destination? Do you have a terrific
hobby? Is your involvement with a certain organization changing your life?
Please write to me. I really do look forward to hearing from you and will do my
best to write an article interesting to everyone. Thanks, Yvonne
Several of our classmates are finding their ways to China! Harold and
Helen probably paved the way! Now, Marg Koshman, the Grandonis and
Casselmans. I think if would be helpful to
everyone if we could contact these people
while making our own plans for traveling to
China. Here is a wonderful report from Marg
Koshman Aube;
“…..we visited Beijing, Xian, Wuhan, Shanghai, Guilin and Hong Kong in
China and Lhasa in Tibet. We cruised 5 days on the Yangtze River. It was
awesome! China is alive, growing in leaps and bounds - not only economically,
but also in population. The national symbol is quickly becoming cranes and not
the feather type! “
Any of these people would be happy to talk about their experiences in
The inscription on Sir William’s tombstone reads:
Sir William Christopher Macdonald
1831 - 1917
Merchant and Philanthropist
Founder of Macdonald College
Chancellor of McGill University
I have enjoyed reading all of these “stories”. Thank you for taking the time
to send your information. It is more than fascinating to me to think about all the
paths we have taken in 43 years, and are that are still ahead of us - from owning
a Bed and Breakfast Inn to still being in full time practice, from volunteering in an
extraordinary number of ways, to studying leopards! We are a unique group of
people - creative, hard-working, generous and best of friends. I look forward to
seeing all of you in PEI, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy (Chapin) Kurz
Nov. 2011