
Ancient Europe Project
Select from one project listed below:
1. Poster – Design a poster advertising the historical figure’s
major achievement.
2. Maps – Make a detailed map showing the areas where the
leader lived, traveled, fought, built monuments or temples,
and so forth.
3. Interview a leader – Tape record an interview with the
historical figure and play it for the class.
4. Historical Fiction – Write a short story about an incident in
the person’s life. Write from the point of view of a friend,
enemy, sibling, parent, teacher, or modern day author.
5. Costume – Design your own costume using old sheets and
scrap materials or illustrate an ancient Greek or Roman
6. Food - Prepare a Greek or Roman dish to share with the
Note: Projects should include one aspect of ancient Greece and
ancient Rome: religion (pre-Christian), painting and sculpture,
literature, dress, and housing.