SCDMinutes-March2015-part1 - Strathdearn Community Website

Attachment 2 – 9th April 2015
Minutes of Part 1 of a Meeting held in
Strathdearn Hall, Tomatin,
on Thursday 12th March 2015
Dr R Cooling (RC) (Chair), Lord Macpherson (JM)
(Vice Chair), Mr S Cormack (SC), Mr D Bryden (DB),
Mr F Roden (FR), Mrs M Saunders (MS)
Mr C. Morgan (CM) (Dev. Officer), Mr. E CameronIN
ATTENDANCE: Mackintosh (ECM) (Company Secretary), Denise
Barley (DBar)
Jimmy Duncan
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of the meeting dated 12.02.2015 (part I) – Item 10.6 amendment
required from “AGM to be before April 2015” to “AGM to be before the end of
April 2015” – Minutes otherwise approved by all.
Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Minutes of hall transfer meeting held on 12 March 2015 at 7.00pm
provided by Morton Fraser (titled “Transfer of property, other assets and
liabilities from Strathdearn Hall Committee”) adopted by a motion
approved by all SCD directors and incorporated into Minutes.
Strathdearn Hall
1) Hall manager post – update
CM notified the board that Lee-Anne Cornwall was happy to take on the
position of Hall Manager in the interim and could currently afford to take
it on up to 10 hours per week. If more hours were required, Lee-Anne
could potentially restructure her commitments. DBar confirmed that, as
the current hall manager, 10 hours per week should be more than
Steve Culeen does 4 hours per week in a hall front of house role and
receives £150 per month, approximately £10 per hour. It was confirmed
that Steve is self-employed, as would Lee-Anne be. RC noted that SCD
would likely have to become an employer in the future.
(A) By unanimous decision, CM was instructed to offer Lee-Anne the hall
manager position in the interim on a self-employed basis up to 10 hours
a week.
(A) CM to oversee handover with Lee-Anne.
CM to arrange a list of the current hall key-holders.
Lee-Anne to notify all necessary parties of the changes including the
cessation of the charity number.
2) Hall maintenance
SCD heard from the Hall Committee that Thaines will check over electrics
and documentation showing this will be included in handover.
SCD heard from the Hall Committee that Macleod Roofing confirmed that
the roof on the older hall can no longer be repaired or patched. To
replace the roof will cost approximately £27,000 plus VAT. RC asked if
the roof allows the older hall to still be used. DBar advised it is but some
of the leaks are causing problems. DBar of the opinion that Steve Culeen
will determine when the roof causes the hall to no longer be fit for use.
DBar confirmed that there is only a site plan available for the new hall,
not for the older hall.
RC enquired about safety and liability of the hall. DBar replied that user
groups are responsible for their own activities but the Hall Committee/
SCD is liable for the infrastructure.
JM asked if the primary school hall can be used as a substitute should the
older hall cause issues. DBar replied that it is more expensive which puts
off the user groups. It was suggested by JM and RC that the SCCT be
asked to subsidise this cost if required which was supported by the
(A) RC advised that until 13 May 2015, SCD cannot finally determine what
to do about the roof, but the terms of the Transfer require consultation
between the Hall Committee and SCD from now until the transfer
completes. JD can advise when he is available.
(A) SCD heard from the Hall Committee that they will talk to The Highland
Council and Highlife about an HSE inspector to conduct a site visit. This
was unanimously approved.
3) Hall development plan
CM notified the board that he was aware of a gentleman involved in
selling hall booking software and that he can meet with him should the
board desire him to. The directors supported the idea of the software
although it was regarded as too early to make any decisions on it.
(A) The board agreed for CM to meet with the gentleman when he was
next available in Inverness.
Paths Project
1. Tenders update – Sub-group report
DB informed the board that McGowan Outdoor Access Ltd had been
appointed to undertake the construction of the path.
2. Planning application update
CM informed the board that the planning application for the paths had
now been submitted. The board should expect an answer within four to
six weeks.
3. Tomatin Distillery agreement update
CM informed the board that the agreement had not yet been received
from the Tomatin Distillery as Graham Eunson had not been available.
(A) CM due to meet Mr Eunson the following day. Update expected for
next meeting
4. Funding bid
CM informed the board that the Big Issue had acknowledged an
application for a potential interest free loan. CM had also contacted
Garfield Weston for an update on the application for a potential grant but
the outcome is still to be decided.
5. Construction Phase
DB informed the board that both Colin Ross of the Highland Council roads
department and McGowans were being hindered by the lack of a
structural engineering report from Crudens on the intended pathway by
the crash barriers on the south side of the distillery entrance. Crudens
had not delivered to the satisfaction of Colin Ross in this regard although
Crudens believe they delivered as much as they were required to.
Whilst this section is being addressed, CM and DB advised the board that
once planning and the agreement from the distillery had been received,
the path from the A9 north entrance to the distillery road end could
begin. McGowans agreed that they could begin work at the end of April
with speculation that this section could be completed in a couple of
(A) CM to speak with Crudens requesting a revised report/drawing using
as far as possible the moral argument that the work provided by them
was not fully adequate for work to progress. Failing this, CM to request a
quote from them for the additional work.
(A) RC asked about signage for the paths as this was not part of the
tender works. SC had been asked by the board to investigate and/or
design the signage. SC to liaise with DB and CM about this, ideally in
time for the next board meeting in April. Signage to also incorporate a
revised SCD logo (see item 10).
New Community Centre/Café/Pub
1. Tenders update – Sub-group report
Makar had been awarded the tender to undertake the feasibility study.
2. Process and timescales
Makar to meet with the sub-committee in the following weeks to get the
process underway.
(A) CM to collate as many relevant resources as possible for handover to
Makar at the initial meeting with sub-committee including hall plans, area
maps, contact details, stakeholders and studies used by/generated by
Medical facilities
1. Update on recruitment of Care at Home Workers
FR and Mrs Liz Campbell had met with Scott Harken of Highland Home
Carers(HHC) to conduct the interviews although FR had to leave the
process early due to ill health. Four candidates had been taken on to date
and one is to be identified as team leader. Potentially a further candidate
will be taken on the following day. HHC want training to start as soon as
The estimated time for this to go live is 23 March 2015.
(A) DB enquired if there was any merit in a press release if this was in
any way unusual. RC asked FR to have word with Scott Harken the
following day to investigate this further.
2. Training costs
RC and CM had met with HHC and NHS Highland two weeks prior. SCD
had previously committed to fund the start-up training costs and the PVG
disclosure of each potential employee. Following the meeting, these costs
estimated to be in the region of £1,500.
Pay for the carers to be £10 p/hour which includes the holiday pay
premium with an extra £1.50 to be paid to the carer for each visit for
travel costs.
Currently 18 hours per week needed in Strathdearn to cover the met and
unmet identified needs. This will likely increase as identified unmet needs
become more apparent over time.
RC and CM decided on behalf of the SCD at the meeting with NHS
Highland to decline the request from NHS Highland to include clients
from out with of Strathdearn within the scope of the Care at Home
Workers due to the potential issues this may cause. The Directors
unanimously supported this decision.
1. Funding applications – update
CM reiterated to the board that Plunketts do not have any Scottish run
enterprises but have offered to fund CM or a director to visit an English
run enterprise. They could not advise if there was financial help that they
could offer but they could potentially provide assistance to SCD with The
Princes Countryside Trust.
(A) DB advised CM to feed this information back to Makar so they can
explore this as part of the feasibility study.
2. VAT registration
CM informed the board that Mackenzie Kerr would like to see the
accounts of the hall, as this would be the trading arm of SCD, before
being able to advise to proceed with VAT registration.
ECM advised the board that he had spoken to DTAS regarding VAT advice
and they offered some contacts that could provide consultancy to SCD
regarding this. This consultancy would be free for 30 minutes but
charged from thereafter.
DB advised that this should be explored further.
(A) ECM to determine these consultancy charges before reporting back to
the board.
(A) ECM to speak to DTAS about gift aid and how this could be relevant to
3. Banking update
ECM informed the board that an issue had arisen in regards to internet
banking as it transpired that only one person is required to make a
payment. ECM had requested two person sign off which RBS had assured
was possible at time of registration but they had now informed him that
no system exists for two person sign off. RC informed the board that he
has online access to the bank account and can check the bank balance at
any time.
(A) RC suggested that an internal audit be performed periodically to
maintain oversight of the account.
(A) CM advised the board to approve the opening of a second SCD bank
account for the village hall which was approved by the board. Signatories
to be JD, RC, ECM and Lee-Anne.
Governance Issues
1. Membership Update – Charles Morgan had joined as an associate
2. Strathdearn community laptop/meeting with Nicola Mcleod – CM
had received the laptop but had not received the printer as this is with
Emma Maclean. CM to contact her as soon as possible to retrieve this.
3. DTAS website information – SC had forwarded the content previously
requested to ECM for upload to the DTAS website. As other DTAS
members had simply redirected users to their own websites, ECM had
instructed DTAS users to do the same and uploaded the content SC
provided direct to website.
4. Sub-group membership - CM had not met with Alastair Wallace to
date. CM to meet with him as soon as possible.
5. Directors’ responsibilities – RC informed the board that no directors
had contacted him about making any changes to the document. The
board approved the adoption of this.
6. Staffing structure and funding – CM informed the board that he
would ideally like to build up a team to help manage all the projects SCD
is involved in. Currently that comprises of CM, Steve Culeen and
hopefully Lee-Anne. RC enquired whether having Nicola Mcleod available
to source funding both for projects as well as covering her own expenses
would be beneficial given the time involved in this aspect of the job. MS
and JM enquired why sourcing funding could not be addressed by CM as
originally intended. CM replied that this aspect of the job was very time
consuming and that SCD grant applications are often in competition with
other development companies. CM believed that having someone more
dedicated to funding would improve SCD’s chances of success. DB
recommended that CM spend two days with a professional fundraiser to
improve in-house fundraising skills. RC agreed that fundraising was time
consuming and quite specialist and was concerned that SCD is
proceeding with projects without the funding in place.
(A) Fundraising to be a standing order of the agenda
(A) CM to investigate training in professional fundraising via a contact
called Sandra Hogg near Fairways in Inverness.
CM leaves at 9.45pm
7. AGM
1. Date – 30 April 2015 at 7.00pm
2&3. Format & Agenda items
- Each director’s presentation piece to be shortened from 10 minutes
to 5 minutes although some items may require slightly more time.
- Each directors presentation to include slides where appropriate
- After presentations, company members to be invited to ask
- A one page financial report (in lieu of approved/draft accounts) to
be shown on a slide and presented by chairman.
- Display boards of paths to be replaced by presentation slides that
include pictures of similar projects and intended path route/map.
- Refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits to be provided.
- Opportunity to be provided at the door for people to become a
company member.
- (A) Directors and company secretary to produce their own
presentation slides on a blank slide using Microsoft PowerPoint or
similar that can be collated together before meeting and have the
SCD logo added.
- (A) ECM to notify all company members by email or by letter of the
AGM date at least three weeks before taking place. Company
members to be notified that nominations will be getting accepted for
the one vacant position of director and that the attached/supplied
nomination form should be signed and returned to the Strathdearn
Village Hall post box by 23rd of April.
- (A) Should there be more than one valid nomination received, ECM
to supply voting slips and box for the AGM where members present
will vote.
- (A) SC to mock up a poster advertising the AGM. To include
“Learning lessons from the Kyle of Sutherland” and requesting
nominations for a new director. SC to also put this on the SCD
Facebook page.
- (A) SC to forward to ECM directorship nomination forms.
Any other business
(A) In addition to looking at signage, SC was asked by the board to investigate
revising/improving the SCD logo. (Communication to become a standing item for
subsequent agendas)
Dates for Future Meetings
Thursday 9th April at 7.30pm (MS & JM send apologies)
Thursday 11th May at 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 10.00pm