Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle Cell Disease
Group of genetic disorders characterized by:
Hemolytic anemia - not enough red blood cells in
the blood
Vasculopathy - disorder of blood vessels
In US, predominantly with African-Americans
(i.e., 1 in 400)
 Also occurs in descendents of Mediterranean,
Indian, Asian, and Caribbean cultures
Sickle Cell Syndromes
Sickle Cell Trait (HbS gene)
 Sickle Cell Anemia (HbS/HbS)
 Hgb SC Disease
 Sickle Beta-Thalassemia
SCA: Impact on Red Blood Cells
With low oxygen levels, the shape of red
cells becomes distorted
 They appear elongated and sickle
 Red blood cells become very fragile,
short lived, and can clog blood vessels
SCA: Complications
Clinical manifestations do NOT appear
until after ~ 6 months
 Vaso-occlusive pain crises
CSA: Complications
CNS complications
Cardio-pulmonary complications
Acute Chest Syndrome
 Chronic lung disease
SCA: Complications
Spleen atrophies
 Gallstones
 Liver failure
 Delayed puberty
 Amenorrhea
 Infertility
SCA: Complications
Acute painful crisis
 Avascular necrosis
Susceptible to infection
SCD: Transfusion Therapy
Used to treat certain complications:
Splenic sequestration
 Aplastic crisis
 Priapism
 Stroke
Used to prevent complications
Repeated strokes
 Surgery-related problems
SCD: Medical Pain Management
Vigorous hydration
 Warmth
 Rest
 Analgesic medications
 Morphine
 Nubain
SCD: Psychological Issues
Consequences of repeated pain crises
Compromises daily routines
 Repeated hospitalizations
 Side effects of narcotic analgesics
 Development of “dependent” behaviors
 Apprehension, anxiety, depression
SCD: Pain Management
Relaxation training
 Deep breathing
 Autogenics
 Imagery-based techniques
SCD: Pain Management
Pain behavior contracts
 Deep breathing
 Out of bed activities
 Dosage/frequency of pain medications
Patient controlled anesthesia (PCA
SCD: Psychological Issues
Emotional and behavioral competence of
 Externalizing behavior problems
 Internalizing behavior problems
*links between depression/anxiety and pain
SCD: Psychological Issues
Social Competence
Peer relationships
Family relationships
SCD: Coping Strategies
Related to:
Adjustment (e.g., anxiety)
 Activity level
 Health care services
 Distress in episode
SCD: Now and the Future
Longevity and Quality of Life
Has improved over past 20 years
 Prophylactic penicillin
 Newer antibiotics
 Judicious use of blood transfusions
Bone marrow transplant as “cure”
 New drugs to decrease pain episodes
 Genetic manipulation