Word Study Homework Choices

Word Study Homework Choices for First Quarter
Directions: Choose one homework assignment from the tasks below to complete in your
word study notebook each night, Monday through Wednesday. You must choose a different
assignment for each night. No assignment can be repeated during the same week! Thursday
night you will simply study for your word study test.
Please remember to write the activity name at the top of the page, as well as the date!
S-A-W- Sort your words and alphabetize them in their categories. Then write the
alphabetized lists in your notebook.
Media Sort- Sort your words. Then look in newspapers and magazines for other
words that fit your spelling patterns. Cut them out and glue them into your
notebook. You must find at least three words for each column to do this activity.
Part of Speech- Sort your words and copy the sort into your notebook. Next to
each word you are to write down its part of speech. Here are the abbreviations –
noun (n.), verb (v.), adjective (adj.), adverb (adv.), pronoun (pro.), conjunction (con.),
preposition (prep.). These are the only acceptable abbreviations. Please use the
dictionary or dictionary.com, with your parent’s permission, for this assignment.
Sentences- Sort your words. Then choose 6 of your words to write in 6 complete
sentences. Your sentences must have at least 10 words! Also, make sure you use
correct punctuation. You must also underline the spelling word in each.
(Example: I am so excited to be in Miss O.’s fourth grade class this year.)
Short to Long- Sort your words. Then, list them in order from shortest to longest
in your notebook.
Draw and label- Sort your words. Choose any 10 of your words and draw an
illustration to show that you understand the meaning of that word. Also make sure
you label the word!
Cursive- Sort your words. Then write all of your spelling words in cursive in your
word study notebook.
Word Pyramids – Spell your words one letter at a time to create a pyramid.