This form must be signed and returned when you register your child. BRIGHT BEGINNINGS NURSERY (YORK) LIMITED 47 Rawcliffe Drive, Clifton Without, York YO30 6PD Registered with OFSTED, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD The following terms and conditions apply: Fees: Fees will be payable one month in advance in accordance with the rates in force at the time. Any changes to the current rates will be advised in writing at least one month in advance. You are responsible for the collection of your invoice from the reception at the beginning of every month. Sessions: The session times are as follows: AM session 8.00am – 1.00pm PM session 1.00pm – 6.00pm Full day 7.30am – 6.00pm Overtime rate: Any extra time for which the child is present will be charged at £4.00 per hour. To secure a place we require a registration fee of £30.00 and a two-week deposit. Payments: Monthly: invoice raised first day of the month payable one month in advance. Notice: 1 month’s notice or equivalent payment in lieu Settling in period: 1 month, during which time notice will not be required if either party wishes to terminate the agreement. An invoice will be raised if you child starts nursery within the first three weeks of the month otherwise the amount outstanding will be added onto the next month’s invoice. When the nursery closes for public holidays you will not be charged. Fees for any additional sessions will be added on to the following month’s invoice. Invoicing: Personal Possessions Could children please refrain from bringing personal items into the nursery unless specifically for a related topic or as an aid to help the child settle. Bright Beginnings will not be held responsible for any personal items lost or damaged. Naming items: Could you please ensure that most of your child’s items are named, especially outdoor clothing, bags, lunch boxes and nappies (if supplying their own) Sickness Bright Beginnings Nursery cannot normally undertake the care of sick children. The nursery must be informed of any child illnesses, sickness or problems before attempting to bring the child to the premises. Each case can then be considered strictly on an individual basis. In the interests of other children and staff it will be necessary to exclude any child who has been diagnosed with certain contagious illnesses and diseases. This exclusion will remain in place until the child’s doctor has cleared the condition. Occasional absence: No refund will be given in the event of the child been absent from nursery for one week. Half fees will be given thereafter. Nursery Closure dates: The nursery will be closed on all Bank Holidays and for a period between Christmas and New Year. (See up to date Holiday Calendar). Other arrangements: The nursery will provide nappies as required during the course of the day. Where possible, the children will spend some time outdoors each day. Therefore, depending on the season and prevailing weather conditions, parents must provide adequate and suitable outdoor clothing. In summer, a sun hat will be required. As a matter of course, parents must also provide a change of clothes. Special Permissions Emergency Medical Treatment If the child requires medical treatment urgently and the parents cannot be contacted within a reasonable time, to prevent possible hazard, permission is given for any necessary medical treatment by a qualified doctor and/or nurse. Administering Medicine In order for nursery staff to administer any medication to a child, full details must be given in advance and the written permission authorised on a medication slip. A new form must be completed for any new medication. Your child’s medicine will be kept in the lockable medicine cabinet situated in the kitchen. It is your responsibility to ensure that you ask for the medicine at the end of the session. Use of skin creams, nappy wipes and suntan creams Permission is given for nursery staff and a supervised trainee, to administer to the child in accordance with good practice, any cream or lotion, cotton wool or baby wipes as are deemed necessary. Activities and Travel Permission is given for the child to travel in accordance with the published nursery outing policy in a vehicle if necessary, including car, train, bus and with prior agreement, for him/her to attend outside activities or outings. Photographs and Video Clips Permission is given for nursery staff to take photographs and video clips of the child for operational purposes. I/We agree to the terms and conditions outlined above and the published policies of Bright Beginnings Nursery, which are available on request. Policies may be amended form time to time as required. Signed (Parent/Guardian……………………………………………………………… Signed (Parent/Guardian.....................................…………………………………… (both parents must sign, where applicable) Date ……………………………………………………….. There will be an annual fee review on the 1st September.