Supporting legends - Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Dataset S1: Individual primary genotyping data by family
Raw data for the five 3n Bufo baturae families are presented in sheets 2-6, and an
overview is provided on sheet 1. For each family, genotypes are given for each
locus (rows, with NOR- alleles first) and each individual (columns, with parents
first). Linked loci are presented together, and linkage groups (two loci each) are
framed. Individual recombination events in offspring are framed.
Table S1: Parental animals, localities, and voucher information. This table
includes field and laboratory number, locality with geographic coordinates and
elevation, voucher specimen number of scientific collections. Institutional
abbreviations for scientific collections: MTKD D: Tierkundemuseum,
Senckenberg Naturhistorischen Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; MVZ: Museum
of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, USA; NME:
Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, Germany; ZMB: Naturkundemuseum der HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, Germany.
Table S2: Microsatellites primers with GenBank accession numbers.
This table provides the locus names with references (* – this paper, [1] to [3] –
supplementary references below), accession numbers, repeat motives and
primer sequences.
Colliard C, Sicilia A, Moritz C, Perrin N, Stöck M (2009) New polymorphic
microsatellites markers and development of mitotyping primers for WestMediterranean green toad species (Bufo viridis subgroup). Mol Ecol Res
Stöck M, Ustinova J, Lamatsch DK, Schartl M, Perrin N, Moritz C (2010) A
vertebrate reproductive system involving three ploidy levels: hybrid origin
of triploids in a contact zone of diploid and tetraploid Palearctic green toads
(Bufo viridis subgroup). Evolution 64:944-959.
Dufresnes C, Betto-Colliard C, Perrin N, Stöck M (2011) Thirteen
polymorphic microsatellite markers for the European green toad Bufo
viridis viridis, a declining amphibian species. Conservation Genetics
Resources 3:311-313.
Table S3: Example of assessing the mode of transmission and number of
recombination events. Here we present genotypes from one family (Bufo60 x
Bufo61) and one linkage group (C224/C123), with linked loci presented as pairs.
The two left columns present the two parental genotypes, and other columns the
genotypes of their 17 offspring. The top two rows present results for the NORgenome, from which only C224 could be amplified (nt = no target). All offspring
inherited the maternal allele (192, blue), while the paternal allele (204, red) was
not transmitted. Both markers could be amplified from the NOR+ genome
(bottom four rows), but inheritance of maternal alleles was uninformative, the
mother being homozygous for allele 97 at locus C123 (gray). Inheritance of
paternal alleles was informative (the father being heterozygous at both loci),
with 17 informative events (no missing genotype among offspring). The paternal
allele 185 at C224 co-segregates with 105 at C123 (dark green), and allele 173 at
C224 co-segregates with 97 at C123 (light green). Two cases of recombination
(F1_13 and F1_15, last two columns) are framed.