Evolution Terms Quiz

Name_____________________________Date ______________Period
Standards: 7.a-d
Objective: Review unit concepts.
Evolution Terms quiz
Match the term with the correct definition
Word Bank
a. speciation
b. niche
c. genetic drift
f. population
g. evolution
h. punctuated equilibrium
j. fossil
k. gradualism
o. adaptive radiation
s. vestigial structures
v. genetic equilibrium
l. variation
p. paleontologist
d. gene pool
m. reproductive isolation
q. homologous structures
t. natural selection
w. directional selection
e. species
i. coevolution
n. analogous structures
r. allele frequency
u. disruptive selection
x. adaptation
1. Change over time
2. Scientists who studies fossilized plants or animals.
3. The constant state of allele frequencies
4. Small genetic changes occurring slowly within a population
5. The fraction of all genes for a particular trait that each allele represents in given gene pool
6. Process in nature where a stabilized population is diverged into two different directions at the
same time, sometimes resulting in speciation
7. Differences between individual members of a population
8. A habit and the role a population plays there (how they live, what they eat , how they raise
their offspring)
9. An interbreeding populations of organisms that can produce healthy, fertile offspring
10. a process in nature where variation in offspring provides favorable traits in some individuals
which increases their chance of survival , increasing their ability to find mates, have sex,
reproduce and pass their good genes off to their offspring and so on.
11. Process in nature where a change in the environment favors an extreme phenotype
12. All of the individuals of a species that live in a specific geographical area that can interbreed
13. Preserved remains or imprints of ancient life
14. The evolution of many diversely adapted species from one common ancestor ( Darwin’s
15. A process in which species that interact closely adapt to one another (flowers and insects)
16. The random change in allele frequency due to chance
17. Rapid, sudden changes in a population after being genetically stable for long periods of time
18. The condition in which two populations of the same species do not breed because of their
geographic separation
19. The evolution of a new species from a single ancestor species
20. The combined genetic material of all the members of a given population
21. Structures that have the same function but are not inherited from a common ancestor
22. Similar traits in different species because they had a common ancestor ( arms , wings, fins,
are made of the same bones)
23. Inherited structure which are reduced in size and often unused (tailbones in humans, hip
bones in whales and snakes)
24. An inherited trait that increases a populations chance of survival in an environment