Measuring the Motion of Lithospheric Plates pp

Measuring the Motion of Lithospheric Plates pp. G68
*) Define crust.
*) Define mantle.
*) Define lithosphere.
Define asthenosphere.
How are the crust and the mantle the same?
How are the crust and mantle different?
How is the lithospheric part of the mantle and the mantle different?
Define GPS.
GPS confirms that the Earth’s surface is doing what?
Through the study of which physical property do we know that Earth has been moving
for a long time?
What do magnets or materials that have magnetism possess that classify them as
Define basalt.
What did scientist begin to notice about the magnetism of rocks on the ocean floor?
State the theory that explains the alternating patterns of magnetic normal/reverse polarity
on the ocean floor.
Illustrate magnetic striping (Figure 3).
Define mid-ocean ridge.
According to the theory of seafloor spreading, matching patterns on either side of the
mid-ocean ridge could be explained by what?
*)Describe the age of the rocks from the crest of the mid-ocean ridge outwards.
Recognize that plates are moving and that there is evidence for plate motion.