Supervisor IEP Checklist

IEP Finalizing Checklist
updated 9/2014
 Date of IEP Team Meeting is correct. (Matches date of meeting on IEP invitation)
 Date of Last Evaluation IEP auto fills from profile and will be blank for Initial IEPs
 The Purpose of IEP Team Meeting is correct.
 Additional Purpose (if needed) is complete and accurate
 All participants who attended are checked
 Mandated IEP team members not in attendance have signed excusal letter and provided
written input prior to meeting
 Student Strengths: something relevant is written
 Parent Concerns: something relevant is written
 Current Evaluations: brief summary of relevant data/test scores listed (current = past 12
 Eligibility checkbox, primary disability and qualifying criteria match most recent ER
(for students 14 yrs. old and up, otherwise removed through the Set Document > Sections)
 Title of assessment (ESTR, ESTR-J, etc.) and total assessment score listed
 Date of Educational Plan: complete and accurate
 Student’s Post-Secondary Vision and Transition Activities: All sections complete and accurate.
(Insert Statements have been updated and contain appropriate starter statements,
assessments and activities.)
 Course of Study: Is student’s daily schedule aligning with their post-secondary vision?
 If student will be graduating or completing age eligibility for special education, the correct
boxes are checked and completion is addressed on IEP Notice section.
 Remaining checkboxes complete
 Community Agency Involvement:
 If first “yes” box is checked, name of agency rep must be on the invitation.
 Statement of how student will be connected with outside agencies in the future must
be completed (Insert statements have been updated and are accurate)
 If “no” box is checked statement must indicate that the parent agrees and additional
steps taken fully explained
 Parental Rights and Age of Majority: Appropriate box checked, depending on age of student
 All sections complete
 Progress on most recent goals and objectives addresses goals from previous IEP.
 Data sources are sufficient to provide starting point for goals
 Area of need must align with a goal, accommodation or transition plan. (All insert statements
on the PLAAFP page have been updated and are compliant)
 If Goal box not checked, review alignment of area of need and adverse impact with
 Adverse Impact is specific to how student’s disability impacts performance
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 Explain the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate with nondisabled students:
(LRE) text box must always be completed
 All boxes checked with either “yes” or “no”
 New check box for accommodations on district assessments
 If supplementary aids/modifications/support are needed, text boxes are completed (“when” or
“as needed” is not appropriate for Frequency/Timeline/Conditions).
 Each supplementary aid is listed individually in a separate text box (All insert statements in this
section have been updated)
 State Assessments: all checkboxes complete
 Rationale for need to take alternate assessment is complete
 Page should be removed through the Set Document > Sections, when not needed; otherwise
check and complete all corresponding checkboxes
 Time, Frequency, Conditions, Circumstances and Location/Setting are complete and accurate
 Correct assessments for IEP year have been selected from drop down
 Note that previous year’s assessment (MEAP, MI-Access, etc.) flows from student profile and
must be deleted and updated with new state assessment from drop down assessment table
 Accommodations for state assessments should align with daily classroom accommodations
 MI State-wide Alternate Assessment provides public insert statements for DLM/MI-Access:
Functional Independence, Supported Independence and Participation
 Area and Subarea of Need complete
 Curriculum Reference is selected and corresponding template text boxes are complete
 Annual Goal: Must be stand alone measurable, specific, observable (Insert statements provide
Measurable Annual Goal template
 Short-Term Objectives/Benchmarks: At least two for each goal (Insert statements have been
updated and are compliant)
 Staff Responsible for Goal: dropdown(s) complete
 When will progress on goals and objectives be reported?: checkboxes complete and “other”
defined if selected
 Complete for:
o initial IEP
o first time adding a related service
o consent is not on file
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If parent does not attend, remove this section (Set Document > Sections) Send document home for
parent signature
 Document should be removed (Set Document > Sections) if parent is not in attendance and
consent is already on file
 Current IEP Year: auto fills from first page of IEP, check accuracy
 School Year: complete and accurate
 Grade: auto fills current grade from student profile
 “To Date” Grade dropdown: complete and accurate
 Related Services: Start/End date complete and accurate, check year of end date
 Service Mode: Direct or Consultative (checkbox complete and must have goal)
 Minutes, Sessions, and Frequency (complete and accurate) Reads: 20-30 (minutes), 2-3
(sessions), per month (frequency)
 Setting: complete
 Programs:
 Appropriate program has been selected from the drop down
 Departmentalized: checkbox complete
 Start and End Date: Matches IEP year, check accuracy of end date year (date logic has
been added to prevent start date prior to IEP date)
 Special Education Programming matches student’s schedule. General education calculated
 Total Min/Week: matches Bldg/Location. Frequency defaults to “none”, must be changed to
Note: Programming must match IEP year. If it’s a building-to-building or program-to-program
transition, it should be demonstrated on a separate program line. For example, if student is
currently in 5th grade, programming will list 5th grade at one location and 6th grade
programming at another location with corresponding start and end dates.
 Primary Setting: selection should match current programming (if changes occur with an
amendment mid-IEP that impact Primary Ed setting, must be manually adjusted in profile)
 Other Considerations:
 Transportation Provisions: checkboxes complete (description completed if special
transportation is needed) check accuracy of start and end date (new fields)
 Extended School Year: checkboxes complete
 Anticipated Needs and Other Comments: textbox complete
 All programs/services/supplementary aids will start on: Date completed using calendar
 The following person will assure implementation of this IEP: Dropdown selected
 Options Considered: At least one considered option and reason not selected explanation
supported by relevant data
 Other relevant factors to district’s proposal or refusal: other factors text or “none”
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 District Commitment: resident or operating district box selected and correct,
building/program are accurate if operating district is selected (resident district authorization
boxes complete)
 Resident District Superintendent/Designee: signature date field complete and matches IEP
date or within 7 school days of IEP
 Parent/Guardian/Student signature and date: complete and matches IEP date (INITIAL IEP
 Office Use Only: Initial IEP only complete Initial IEP Timeliness Code
 Office Use Only: Complete Mode and Date of Delivery, check for accuracy
 Signature scanned and uploaded into TIENET before document is finalized
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