AIMS Testing Week (findout when & shuffle)

Lesson Plan for - Quarter 4 (Unit 4 – Back To The Future)
WEEK 4 (April 15th to April 19th)
Monday, April 15th, 2013
Literature (Pds. 2,3,5) & Writing (Pds. 1 & 4)
Bell Work: Word of Thee Day (TBD)
Objective: students will be able to read fluently and employ strategies to comprehend text as well as acquire and
use new vocabulary in relevant contexts
Activity: #1 AIMS TESTING
Assessment: class discussion to check for understanding
Homework: N/A
Standards: Strand 1 Reading Process Concept 4: Vocabulary PO1, PO2, PO5 Concept 5: Fluency PO1, Concept 6:
Comprehending Strategies PO2, Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text - Concept 1: Elements of Literature PO1,
PO3, PO5
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013
Literature (Pds. 2,3,5) & Writing (Pds. 1 & 4)
Bell Work: Word of Thee Day (TBD)
Objective: students will be able to read fluently and employ strategies to comprehend text as well as acquire and
use new vocabulary in relevant contexts
Activity: #1 AIMS TESTING
Assessment: class discussion to check for understanding
Homework: N/A
Standards: Strand 1 Reading Process Concept 4: Vocabulary PO1, PO2, PO5 Concept 5: Fluency PO1, Concept 6:
Comprehending Strategies PO2, Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text - Concept 1: Elements of Literature PO1,
PO3, PO5
Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 (AIMS TESTING)
Literature (Pds. 2,3,5)
Bell Work: Word of Thee Day (TBD)
Objective: students will be able to read fluently and employ strategies to comprehend text.
Activity: #1 TBD
Activity # 2 TBD
Assessment: class discussion to check for understanding
Homework: N/A
Standards: Strand 1 Concept 5: Fluency PO1, Concept 6: Comprehending Strategies PO2, Strand 2:
Comprehending Literary Text - Concept 1: Elements of Literature PO1, PO3, PO5
Writing (Pds. 1 & 4)
Bell Work: Journal entry will be prompted: TBD
Objective: students will be able to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes.
Activity: #1 Present Bell work
Activity #2: a writing activity to be determined
Assessment: class discussion to check for understanding via worksheets
Homework: N/A
Standards: Strand 1 Concept 2: Drafting PO2, Concept 1: Prewriting PO6, PO2, Strand 2 Writing
Components – Concept 1: Ideas and Content PO1, Concept 3: Voice PO1, PO2, PO4, Concept 4: Word
Choice PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4
Thursday, April 18th, 2013 (AIMS TESTING)
Literature (Pds. 2,3,5) & Writing (Pds. 1 & 4)
Bell Work: Word of Thee Day (TBD)
Objective: students will be able to read fluently and employ strategies to comprehend text as well as
acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts
-Activity: #1 AIMS TESTING
Assessment: class discussion to check for understanding
Homework: N/A
Standards: Strand 1 Reading Process Concept 4: Vocabulary PO1, PO2, PO5 Concept 5: Fluency PO1, Concept 6:
Comprehending Strategies PO2, Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text - Concept 1: Elements of Literature PO1,
PO3, PO5
Friday, April 19th, 2013
Literature (Pds. 2,3,5) & Writing (Pds. 1 & 4)
Bell Work: Word of Thee Day (TBD)
Objective: students will be able to read fluently and employ strategies to comprehend text.
-Activity: #1 AIMS TESTING
Assessment: Vocabulary assessment to check for comprehension
Homework: None
Standards: Strand 1 Reading Process Concept 4: Vocabulary PO1, PO2, PO5 Concept 5: Fluency PO1,
Concept 6: Comprehending Strategies PO2, Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text - Concept 1:
Elements of Literature PO1, PO3, PO5