Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Fall 1999
Rock Identification Lab
Objective: To learn the basic principles of rock identification.
Method: 1) Read through the descriptions of minerals and of igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks in the attached handout. 2) Identify each of the samples in the lab on
the basis of these descriptions. 3) Develop a flow chart that can be followed to identify
each of the rocks and minerals displayed. (The first division in the chart should give
methods for identifying the main type of rock, i.e., mineral, igneous rock, sedimentary
rock, or metamorphic rock. A illustration of the start of the chart is given on the next
Deliverable: At the end of lab today, turn in the following,
a list giving the number of each sample and its rock or mineral type
your completed flow chart
Mineral/Rock Descriptions (Taken from Hamblin and Howard, 1980)
Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the earth’s crust, as it is a major
constituent in many igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. If allowed to grow in
an unrestricted environment, it will form well-developed hexagonal crystals that
terminate in a pyramid. In most igneous rocks and in veins, quartz is one of the last
minerals to form, so it fills interstices between other minerals and thus has an irregular
shape. The color, crystal size, and general appearance of quartz will vary greatly, so that
a large number of varieties have been named. Regardless of color, crystal size, shape,
mode of origin, etc., all quartz is characterized by a hardness of 7 (it will scratch glass
and steel), conchoidal fracture, and glassy luster.
The feldspars are the most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust, and, like quartz, they
are a basic constituent for many igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. All are
aluminum silicates of potassium, sodium, or calcium and are closely related in form and
physical properties. Two main subgroups are recognized: the plagioclase feldspars and
the potassium feldspars. Distinction between varieties of feldspars can be made best by a
chemical analysis, or optical or x-ray measurements of the crystal structure. The color is
due to small amounts of iron or magnesium and certain aspects of the crystal structure
and is not diagnostic of a particular variety. The most important physical properties of
the feldspars are two-directional cleavage at approximately right angles, hardness of 6,
and pearly luster.
The micas are a distinctive group of minerals with cleavage so perfect in one direction
that each crystal can be separated into sheets thinner than a piece of paper. The two
leading varieties are muscovite (or white mica) and biotite (or dark mica). In addition to
its perfect cleavage, mica is characterized by a pearly to vitreous luster. The cleavage
sheets are elastic and flexible, and the mineral is notably soft. Micas are common in
light-colored granitic rocks, and to a lesser extent in light-colored volcanics. They are
also widespread in a variety of low- to intermediate-grade metamorphic rocks and impure
Pyrite is a yellow metallic mineral composed of FeS2 which commonly crystallizes into
cubes. It has a hardness between 6 and 6.5 and breaks with a conchoidal fracture.
Granite is probably the most familiar of all igneous rocks. Its texture is phaneritic
(individual crystals are large enough to be plainly visible to the naked eye) but the
average crystal size ranges from less than one-half inch to more than one inch in
diameter. Biotite, amphibole, and plagioclase generally have well-developed crystal
faces whereas quartz and potassium feldspars have poorly developed crystal faces.
The texture of diorite is essentially the same as that of granite. The two rocks differ only
in composition. Whereas granite contains potassium feldspar, quartz, and calcium
plagioclase, diorite is composed predominantly of plagioclase and ferromagnesian
Basalt is one of the easiest rocks to recognize, because it is characteristically black,
dense, and massive. Individual crystals cannot be seen with the naked eye, but under the
microscope tiny needles of plagioclase crystals commonly form a feltlike network
surrounding crystals of pyroxene and olivine. Many basalts are clinkerlike in appearance,
with about half of the total volume consisting of small holes termed vesicles. Vesicular
textures develop as gases rise toward the top of the flow and are trapped in the cooling
Obsidian is a massive volcanic glass. It breaks with a conchoidal fracture and has a
bright, glassy luster. In spite of its composition, it is characteristically jet black due to the
presence of countless dustlike particles of magnetite or ferromagnesian minerals.
Although obsidian is not crystalline, it does contain skeletal crystal embryos called
crystallites. Many aphanitic rocks contain appreciable quantities of glass filling
interstices between crystals.
Pumice is a very porous volcanic glass. Its texture consists of subparallel silky glass
fibers tangled together. It originates when relief of pressure in a volcano permits rapid
expansion of gases through the upper part of the ascending column of obsidian lava. The
lava swells into a froth or foam with innumerable minute bubbles and solidifies.
Conglomerates consist of coarse rock fragments (greater than 2 mm in diameter), held
together by a matrix of sand, clay, and cement. The individual pebbles are usually well
rounded and moderately well sorted. Pebbles in conglomerates may consist of any
mineral or rock, but resistant materials such as quartz, quartzite, and chert are especially
Sandstones are clastic (consisting predominantly of fragments and debris of other rock
material) sedimentary rocks consisting mostly of grains ranging from 1/16 to 2 mm in
diameter. The grains are generally well rounded and show other effects of abrasion.
Quartz is usually the dominant mineral, although feldspar, garnet, mica, and other
minerals may be present in varying amounts.
Shales are fine-grained clastic rocks consisting of particles less than 1/256 mm in
diameter. They are characteristically laminated or thin bedded. Quartz, mica, and the
clay minerals are the dominant constituents, but the particles are too small to be seen
without a high magnification.
Limestones are sedimentary rocks that contain more than 50 percent calcium carbonate.
Impurities, which may range in amount to 50 percent, include clay, quartz, iron oxide,
rock fragments, and other material. The calcite may be precipitated chemically or
organically or may be of detrital origin. The many varieties of limestones are classified
on the basis of texture or some other significant property. Typical varieties include
crystalline limestone, microcrystalline limestone, oolitic limestone, coquina, and chalk.
Coal is composed of highly altered plant remains and various amounts of clay. It is
opaque and noncrystalline, with colors ranging from light brown to black. Coalification
results from the burial of peat and is classified according to the degree of change.
Prolonged heat and pressure produce lignite (brown coal), bituminous (soft) coal, and
anthracite (hard) coal.
Slates are fine-grained metamorphic rocks possessing a type of foliation known as slaty
cleavage. In many slates, the traces of original bedding are expressed by changes in color
or grain size and are commonly at an angle to the foliation. Common minerals are quartz,
muscovite, and chlorite, but crystals are generally so small that they can be seen only
under high magnification. Slates are characteristically dense and brittle and are colored
gray, black, red, or green. They are low-rank metamorphic rocks derived principally
from shales.
Schists are metamorphic rocks in which the foliation is due to the parallel arrangement of
relatively large crystals of platy minerals. Muscovite, chlorite, and talc are the important
platy constituents. Feldspars are rare, but quartz, garnet, and hornblende are common
accessory minerals.
Gneisses are metamorphic rocks in which the foliation results from layers of different
mineral groups. Feldspars and quartz are the chief minerals, with minor amounts of
mica, amphibole, and other ferromagnesian minerals. Gneisses thus resemble granite in
composition, but are distinguished from them by the foliation. The foliation in a gneiss
may range from semi-continuous layers of light and dark minerals to highly contorted,
well-defined layers. In many deposits, layers expressing the foliation are several inches
Marble is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock composed principally of calcite or dolomite.
The crystals are commonly large and interlock to form a dense crystalline rock. Bands or
streaks or organic impurities resulting from flowage or extreme deformation are common
in some deposits. Colors may be white, pink, blue gray, or brown. Like limestone, its
softness and its effervescence with hydrocholoric acid characterize a marble.
The beginning of your flow chart should look something like this:
Rock?? ?
Minera l
Ign eous Rock
Sedi mentary
Metamorp hic