CAPÍTULO X TITULO Autor Primero1, Autor Segundo2 y Autor Tercero3 1 UC3M; 2UPM 3CIEMAT Breve resumen del capitulo. Esta plantilla está copia de otras publicaciones y por ello aparece el texto en ingles, pero las publicaciones del workshop se realizarán en castellano. POR FAVOR NO CAMBIAR LA PLANTILLA 1 Introducción This document contains all the information you need to prepare the camera-ready manuscript for the 1st workshop of TechnoFusión. This instruction page is an example of the format and font sizes to be used. Authors are strongly encouraged to use this style and prepare their paper in MSWord format. In order to use this template properly, you may need to enable macros in your Windows MS-word application. You can do that by opening a new document file. From the Tools menu, select macros. Then, select security. A new pop up box will appear. Choose the medium level of security and click ok. By doing this you will be able to use the required style for preparing your manuscript. 2 Preparación del capítulo The chapter starts with the name CHAPTER X in Arial, 20 pt, versal font. X will be defined for each chapter before the final submission. The title of the chapter is typed in using upper and lower case letters (boldface 14pt 2 Primer Workshop de TechnoFusión Helvetica) and left on the page. Directly under paper title in 11pt Times, left, upper case letters are the authors’ names and affiliation. The authors’ information should include; name of the organization, address plus the email address of the corresponding author. The manuscript must be typed single-spaced using 11 pt Times or Times New Roman font type. In each section, except the first paragraph all other paragraphs should be indented by 0.4 cm. The text of the manuscript must be written in a justified single column. The length of the chapter is not limited. However, to reduce costs, take into consideration that PRIMER and SECOND WORKSHOP ROBOCITY 2007 had a chapter length of 10-20 pages, on average. 2.1 Figuras y tablas All figures and tables should be centered, numbered consecutively throughout the text. All figures and tables should be placed after and as close as possible to the corresponding text. 10 -1 System resp to unshaped i/p System resp to shaped i/p 10 Amplitude (rad 2/Hz) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 1. This is an example of a figure caption Table 1. This is an example of a table title Employed techniques Rise time (sec) TITULO System response without IS Standard 3-impulse IS Adaptive 3-impulse IS (amplitudes) 3 0.775 1.355 1.420 2.1.1 Figures and tables captions Each figure should have a caption underneath using 10pt Times font type (see Fig. 1.). Table caption should also be 10pt Times font type, placed above the table and centered (see Table 1 as an example). 2.2 Ecuaciones Equations should be typed within the text, centered, and should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. They should be referred to in the text as Equation (n). Their numbers should be typed in parentheses, flush right, as in the following example: y( t ) A n 1 e 2 n ( t t 0 ) sin n 1 2 ( t t 0 ) (1) 2.2.1 Unidades The use of SI units is strongly recommended, and mixed units are to be avoided. 3 Envío de los capítulos The submission process for ROBOCITY UC3M should be done by email to the Conference Secretariat: The electronic manuscript must be sent in MS-Word ONLY. 30 DE ABRIL FECHA LIMITE. Agradecimientos The acknowledgement for funding organizations etc. should be placed in a separate section at the end of the text before references. 4 Primer Workshop de TechnoFusión Bibliografía References should follow the author−date format (Brown, 1994). The reference listing should appear separately in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. References should be complete in the following style: Style for papers: Author, last name followed by first initials, year of publication, title, volume, inclusive page numbers. Style for books: Author, year, title, publisher, and location, chapter or page numbers (if desired). Examples as follows: (Book) Marr, D. 1982. Vision, A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation & Processing of Visual Information, Freeman: San Francisco, CA. (Chapter in Book) D.J. Spiegelhalter, "Probabilistic reasoning in predictive expert systems," in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by J.F. Lemmer, North Holland: Amsterdam, pp. 47−67, 1986. (Journal Article) Huffman, D.A. 1976. Curvature and creases: A primer on paper. IEEE Trans. Computers C−25(10): 1010−1019. (Conference Proceedings) Witkin, A. 1983. Scales space filtering. In Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Artif. Intell., Karlsruhe, West Germany, pp. 1019−1021.