Integrated Physical Science2015/16 Mr Singh Office SE110 425.431 5221 Course Summary & Philosophy Integrated Physical Science is a course designed to train students to solve complex problems, think critically, question, and communicate. The open-ended nature of the investigations is such that creativity and ingenuity are encouraged and student achievement is not limited to a set of pre-determined expectations. Students learn to think, question, and analyze through gaining experience in the process of scientific investigation. A series of laboratory investigations, designed and carried out by the students, form the basis of Integrated Physical Science. The topics of these investigations have been selected as to incorporate key recurring ideas or themes that encompass the scientific disciplines: Science Skills Chemistry Physics Earth and Space Science Tutorial Tutorial is help from 7:05-7:15 each day. For your academic success, it is recommended that you utilize tutorial to receive extra help, pick up work from previous absences, schedule make up tests or labs, and/or get weekly grade checks. Attendance and Tardy Policy If you must be absent, it is your responsibility to come to tutorial to find out what work was missed and turn it in the next class period after your absence. Please talk to your teacher before or after school if you have questions. An unexcused absence will result in no credit for the missed assignment. If you know that you will be absent, please fill out the Pre-arranged Absence form available from the main attendance office. Safety Safety is of utmost importance in a science classroom. You are expected to adhere to laboratory safety procedures consistent with Lynnwood High School and Washington State Regulations. Because of potential dangers in a science classroom, violation of safety rules may result in loss of credit for the lab, and/or suspension from class activities, or from the class overall. Classroom Expectations 1. Arrive on time and be seated in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings for the class to begin . 2. Show respect for yourself, others, and the classroom environment 3. Remove your hat, hood, or other head coverings and put your bags down 4. Challenge yourself and be a positive participant 5. Put away all food, drink, and electronics* * Electronics used during class for non-academic purposes (including but not limited to cell phones, CD/MP3 players, digital cameras, and games) may be confiscated. Grading Letter grades are assigned by reviewing the overall quality of an individual’s progress and performance toward meeting standard. Quarter grades serve as formal progress reports; semester grades are based on cumulative achievement throughout the entire semester. Students are provided with many different opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned . Student work generally falls into one of three areas: 20% Homework/Notebook 20% Participation/Worksheets 20% Lab Reports 40% Tests, Quizzes, Semester exams The grading scale: A 100-94 C+ 79-77 A93-90 C 76-74 B+ 89-87 C73-70 B 86-84 D+ 69-67 B83-80 D 66-60 F 59 and below Late Work I expect that all homework assignments will be completed on time, by the beginning of class period unless otherwise specified. Daily work that is turned in late, such as homework, will receive half credit. Larger projects will be marked down one letter grade for each class period that it is missing. Once a unit is completed, late work from that unit cannot be made up. If you require special arrangements regarding late work, please see me prior to the initial due date. Do not wait until the class period it is due to ask for an extension. Notebook Students are required to keep a separate composition notebook of no less than 200 pages which will be used for daily work for this science class. Extra Credit 2 extra credit will be available per semester. Only students who have completed all assignments are eligible. Other things a)Students will be allowed to make up work for as many school days as your excused absence. Unexcused absence cannot be made up and all work assigned the day of the absence will not be allowed credit. b)Homework, assignments and lab reports must be turned in on time. It is the duty of the student to obtain missed work for excused absence and turn it in during the next class. c)Students need to check grades received using skyward or from the teacher by asking for computer print-outs. Any errors must be immediately pointed out for rectification. d)Copying answer and presenting them as your own is plagiarism. This will result in loss of credit for that assignment and or referral. e)Bags down, hats off, no head phones or electronic devices, and no eating is allowed at any time in the lab. f) You will be expected to clean up and put away equipment. Class is not dismissed by bell but by the teacher. g) There are no test/quiz retakes. I look forward to getting to know you and to working together to have a great year in Integrated Physical Science. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. Please sign and return the last page of this form. Thank you! ………………………….. Ranjeet Singh- Science Teacher Contact : (425) 431- 5221 E-mail Period______ Integrated Physical Science We have read and understand the Academic Plan for Integrated Physical Science 2015-16 ______________________________ Student name (printed) ___________________________ Student signature ______________________________ Parent or guardian name (printed) ______________________________ Parent or guardian signature Parent or guardian phone number _____________________ a.m. _____________________ p.m. Parent or guardian email: ______________________________________________ Thank you! Comments: