Why was a new church set up in the 1530s

Why was a new church set up in the 1530s?
Henry V111 set up a new church. Why did he do this?
Think about 4 factors:
 Love (L)
 Money (M)
 Power (P)
 Beliefs (B)
Henry married Catherine
of Aragon in 1509
Monasteries owned huge
amounts of land which they
rented out to farmers
The Pope kept on refusing
to give Henry a divorce –
divorce was very hard to get
in those days
Henry became very angry
with the Pope in the late
1520’s and early 1530’s
Some English people
believed that the Roman
catholic church was too rich
Henry was desperate for a
son who could succeed him
when he died
Many monasteries had
treasures made out of gold
and silver
Some English people were
starting to believe that the
Roman catholic church had
too much power in England
Henry was very short of
money since he needed to
pay for his wars with France
Henry was desperate for a
son but Catherine could only
produce a daughter
Monasteries were often
very rich
Henry had fallen in love with
Anne Boleyn in the late
The Pope was the head of
the Roman Catholic church
and also head of the church
in England
Henry believed that he
could be popular with those
English people who did not
like the Roman catholic
Henry hoped that Anne
Boleyn could produce a son
for him
Henry’s chief minister
Thomas Cromwell kept
telling Henry to set up his
own church
By setting up his own church
Henry could arrange his own
divorce from Catherine of
Henry could raise money by
selling off the land of the
A number of people wanted
services in English so that
they could be understood by
The Archbishop of
Canterbury, Thomas
Cranmer, kept telling Henry
to set up his own church
Taxes were sent to Rome –
these could now stay in
England and be used by
The Act of Supremacy
November 1534 was an
Act of Parliament
declaring that Henry was
'the only supreme head on
earth of the Church in
Use the information to answer the question:
Why was a new church set up in the 1530s?
It should have 5 paragraphs:
 Love
 Power
 Money
 Beliefs
The fifth paragraph should explain the most important reasons
as to why Henry set up the Church of England.
Level 3
Gives a few reasons and a few results of Henry’s actions.
Answers tend to not be historical
Level 4
Some valid historical reasons and results are given but
they are not really explained
Level 5
A number of historical reasons and results are given.
Connections are made between the different reasons and
points are explained
Level 6
A number of different reasons and results are given.
Links are made between the different reasons so that an
understanding of the importance of different reasons is