Syllabus 13-14 11th - throughthelensof178

Commercial Photography / Honors Commercial Photography
Shannon Oden
4th Period
817-815-2500 (TTHS Office Phone)
817-565-2742 (Cell)
Materials – Textbooks, Readings, Supplementary Reading
Digital Media Concepts & Applications (May & Lake) 2013 ISBN 13: 978-0-538-74130-9
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book (Adobe Press) 2010 ISBN -13:978-0-321-70176-3
Adobe Photoshop, Classic Photoshop Effects, Scott Kelby, Peachpit Press 2004 ISBN – 0-321-27225-0
Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks, Scott Kelby, New Riders 2009
Course Description
Commercial Photography / Honors Commercial Photography; This course advances digital media and
applications with an emphasis on mastery of the fundamentals of photography and how they are
applied to the field of commercial photography, introduction to studio photography and the use of
Adobe Photoshop CS5 in file manipulation and management. Contests are open to all 11th and 12th grade
level commercial photography students. Equipment will be issued for use on a school – year basis.
Students assume ALL financial responsibility for each piece of equipment issued to them, however you
may use your own DSLR camera if it meets minimum course requirements.
Student Learning Outcomes
Commercial Photography / Honors Commercial Photography is intended to address the following
learning outcomes.
The engaged learner will:
Compare and contrast different styles of commercial photography
Identify and explain various lighting styles and techniques
Analyze the role and creation of a professional portfolio
Discuss the significance of career roles in commercial photography
Demonstrate a intermediate understanding of Adobe Photoshop CS5
Assess various editing techniques
Critique individual and group projects
Instructional / Methods / Activities / Assessments
Individual and group assignments will be evaluated and graded by your instructor, and / or peer review
depending on the assignment. Rubrics will be posted for each assignment and if the lesson is a group
assignment there will be an evaluation form for each member of a group to evaluate each group
members’ participation and contribution.
Editing exercises are a form of guided practice and are assessed continually by the instructor or
instructor assistants.
Equipment checks are scheduled in advance for each 6 – week period. A grade of Pass / Fail will be given
at each equipment check, grades for equipment checks are weighted as an exam grade and every piece
of equipment is required for a passing grade meaning each battery, charger, SD card, Case, Camera. If
you are concerned with your ability to protect the equipment while it is in your custody you may lock
your camera in the safe at school and not take it home. Please understand this severely limits your
ability to shoot varied subject material outside of school. At NO time are you permitted to allow any
other person to use or handle equipment issued to you. Equipment which is malfunctioning, broken,
lost, or stolen MUST be reported to me immediately. If equipment has been stolen you are required to
complete a police report and submit a copy to me within 48 hours. Any equipment broken, lost or stolen
must be replaced immediately as any equipment check grades will be issued as a Fail until equipment is
Participation in class discussion and activities is imperative for comprehension of the subject material.
This program is a 3-year major and you should consider each activity as a brick in building a home. Each
lesson or brick is one piece or component to the overall success or structure of your education and
mastery in this program. If you miss a brick you will have a hole, a piece missing which may support
additional bricks down the road. Please participate in class and be an active participant, photography
class is fun and something interesting or entertaining usually comes out of every lesson.
Your overall grade in this course consists of the following;
40% Projects
30% Exams / Equipment Checks
20% Participation
10% Workspace Management
Tardies and Absences
If you arrive to class during the tardy bell you will not be marked tardy. Entering the classroom after the
tardy bell will be marked as tardy and if you enter the classroom after 15 minutes of class you will be
directed to an administrator. Consequences for tardies include after school detention, parent
conferences, In-House suspension, and OCI. Please make it a point to be on time and ready to learn.
Assignment Due Dates
Assignment due dates and saving requirements are posted on the dry erase boards in the classroom. I
will only accept late work if there is an excused absence, however all work must be made up. Again,
each component is vital to an overall comprehension of what you are here to do and that is to learn
commercial photography.
You are a student in my class, not your friends passing through the halls. Please do not encourage your
friends to knock on my door to visit you, drop of materials or retrieve flash drives for other classes.
Interruptions will not be tolerated.
Academic Integrity
Cheating is not an option. Cheating includes copying digital files from a neighbor, copying an assignment
and renaming it yours, free downloads via the internet and old fashion cheating on exams. Plagiarizing
will not be tolerated. When an assignment is given requiring writing or language it must consist of your
own words, or paraphrasing of the information. SOURCES and REFERENCES WILL BE VERIFIED.
Instructors know their students, and have a good understanding of their vocabulary and ability level.
Guess what?! Your teacher actually talks to your other teachers about your performance in other
classes. We’re going to notice if all of the sudden you communicate like a professor and throw out
vocabulary we have never heard coming from your mouth ;) Yes, I AM a stickler on this!
Your overall success as a student is important to me! I genuinely care about you and want to gently
nudge you along your journey to be a great student who graduates high school with an excellent ability
to effectively communicate in the world. Your marketability in the work force correlates with this. I will
help you in any way I can in order to prepare you for college and adult life (responsibility) such as
assistance filling out college applications, essays, letters of recommendation, FASFA, job references,
show you how to create a budget, etc. All you need to do is just ask 