Fitness For Life Vocab List *Is one of the five components of physical fitness 1. *Cardiorespiratory Endurance- (also known as cardiovascular endurance) The ability of the heart, blood, blood vessels and lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles during long periods of physical activity 2. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training- Activities which increase the heart rate to 66-85% of the maximum heart rate and remain there for periods exceeding 10 minutes for a total of 60 minutes a day 3. Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)- Highest number of times the heart can beat in one minute 4. Age-Adjusted Maximum Heart Rate- A method used to calculate MHR (220-Age) 5. Aerobic- Energy producing system within the muscle that requires oxygen (when oxygen levels in muscles increase, fat can then be used as energy source) 6. Anaerobic- Energy producing system within the muscle that is without oxygen (uses stored chemicals) 7. *Flexibility- The muscles’ ability to move a joint through a full range of motion 8. Static Stretches- Involves stretching a muscle to the point of mild discomfort for an extended period of time 9. Dynamic Stretches- Involves moving parts of the body continuously while gradually increasing reach, speed of movement or both gently through a full range of motion 10. Ligament- Attaches bone to bone 11. Tendon- Attaches muscle to bone 12. *Body Composition- The combination of fat mass and fat-free mass, including fat, bones, muscles, organs, and water 13. *Muscular Endurance- The ability of the muscles to repeat a movement many times or hold a position without stopping to rest (an example would be aiming for 15-20 repetitions for each 45 second TRX station) 14. *Muscular Strength- The ability of a muscle or muscles to push or pull with its total force (an example would be aiming for 8-12 repetitions for each 45 second TRX station) 15. Resistance Training- An activity that places an additional force against the muscle or muscle group 16. FITT Principle- An acronym for variables that can be adjusted for training: frequency, intensity, time and type 17. Frequency- The number of exercise sessions per week 18. Intensity- The training load expressed as resistance, speed or heart rate 19. Time- minutes or repetitions 20. Type- Activity performed