Castles and Fairytales
Science, History, Geography, Art, D&T and Computing
Our Learning Challenges this term are based upon questions the children have asked about Castles
and Fairy Tales.
What are the features of a castle?
Who would you find in castle and what are their jobs?
What imaginary characters would you find in a castle setting?
What equipment do people in castles use?
Read, Write Inc is taught daily in small groups.
There will be an opportunity for parents to take part in a Read,
Write Inc session alongside your child to see how can further support them at home.
We will be using a range of
Fairytales to help develop our story writing skills. We will also look at non-fiction texts to help develop our topic knowledge.
Indoor PE- Gymnastics – Linking balances
Dance – ‘Animals’
Outdoor PE – Throwing and catching
Exploring pulse and rhythm (un-tuned percussion)
Exploring pitch (tuned percussion)
This term we will continue to focus on number bonds to 10 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will also continue to double and halve numbers to 10.
In school each week children will have the opportunity to access a range of mathematical activities in each ‘Zone’ to further their learning and interests.
PSHCE - Going for goals
RE – Practice and beliefs (Easter
Home learning
Whole school projects
Home learning will be sent out every Friday. This will include a reading book and
Read, Write Inc sound to be returned the following Friday. Please remember to fill in your child’s purple reading diary.
Your child will also get the opportunity to choose a library book to share at home every Friday.
Please continue to practise number bonds to 10 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10.
To support our writing skills we will be visiting ‘Build a bear’ workshop.
To support learning within the topic ‘Castles and Fairy Tales’ we will be visiting
Newcastle Keep and Seven Stories.
Book week - 2 nd -6 th March 2015
National Science week – Animals including humans 16 th – 20 th March 2015